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  Home : ITU-R : Information : Rec. ITU-R BT.709 HDTV 25th Anniversary of the introduction of HDTV in Europe (1982-2007)
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Rec. ITU-R BT.709 HDTV 25th Anniversary of the introduction of HDTV in Europe (1982-2007)

ITU journey to Worldwide �3D Television� System begins

See Article ITU NEWS 2007/10

High definition television comes of age thanks to ITU
High Definition Television (HDTV) is the most powerful and influential media in human experience. HDTV brings sharper pictures to television audiences, and provides a stunning viewing experience on today�s large screen HDTV television sets. It will shape the way we experience and see the world.
HDTV is now replacing conventional television as all media channels make the transition to HDTV. Eventually all the world�s television viewers, current 4.5 billion, will be watching HDTV, thanks to the work of the ITU.
The idea of HDTV came from Japan, and from the fundamental work of the research laboratories of Japan�s national broadcaster, NHK.
2006 and 2007 marked the 25th anniversaries of the first demonstrations of HDTV, respectively in North America and in Europe.

Since 1972, the former CCIR Study Group 11 began to focus its activities on High-Definition Television recommending some of the characteristics of the first analogue systems, which, incidentally, produced base-band signals which could not fit in any of the broadcasting bands available at that time.
Only after the introduction of digital techniques and over twenty years of continuous studies, in 1998, it was possible to unanimously approve Recommendation ITU-R BT.709 in its current version. It represents what is recognized today as an outstanding achievement of the ITU: the specifications for a single worldwide standard for HDTV production and program exchange, based on an image sampling structure of 1920x1080 pixels in what has become known as the Common Image Format (CIF).

The approval of Recommendation ITU-R BT.709 triggered a high level of activity on the part of manufacturers and broadcasters to develop the tools and the know-how to implement extensive HDTV program production. Since then Recommendation ITU-R BT.709 has remained unchanged, thus allowing manufacturers to produce equipment at an ever-lower cost. Not surprisingly such equipment today costs even less than any other comparable equipment for television systems of inferior quality, thus demonstrating the benefits offered by international broadcasting standards, and the success of the ITU in its role as an international standard-setting body.

Dr Timofeev, Director of the ITU-R, states "The world owes the pioneers and all those who worked in the ITU on HDTV a great debt of gratitude. We can only hope to emulate their success in the coming age of Super High Definition Television, and for future technologies of the media".


Honorary plaque presented by BBC, CBS, NHK, EBU, IAB, DTV, Rebe Globo and Sony to the Radiocommunications Sector of the International Telecommunication Union, ITU-R, (formerly CCIR), on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the introduction of High-Definition Television in Europe

25th Anniversary of the introduction of HDTV in Europe (1982-2007): Honorary plaque
Source: ITU / J.M. Ferr� (Compulsory)

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