ITU Service Publications (maritime related)

The following table shows, for each Administration, the date of treatment of the most recent notification (operational information) submitted to the Radiocommunication Bureau.

An asterisk (*) in the column Status indicates those Administrations which have not yet notified the Bureau or have failed to notify, during the past two years, changes in the operational information.

Titles of ITU Service Publications mentioned in the headers:

List V = List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments

List IV = List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations

Note: Provision 20.16 of the Radio Regulations states:
20.16 § 12 1) Administrations shall take all appropriate measures to notify the Radiocommunication Bureau immediately of any changes in the operational information contained in Lists IV and V, in view of the importance of this information, particularly with regard to safety. In the case of the data published in List V, which is also made available online through MARS, administrations shall communicate those changes at least once a month. In the case of other publications, administrations shall communicate the changes in the information contained in them as soon as possible. (WRC-07)
20.16A 2) The names of the administrations which have failed to notify the Radiocommunication Bureau of the changes in the operational information contained in Lists IV and V shall be published in these Lists.
20.16B 3) The Radiocommunication Bureau will periodically request administrations to reconfirm the information published in Lists IV and V. If no information has been received by the Radiocommunication Bureau for two consecutive editions of Lists IV and V, unvalidated information shall be deleted. The Radiocommunication Bureau shall however inform the administration concerned before taking such action. (WRC-07)

Date of receipt of the most recent submission of operational information 197 record(s)
List V date Status List IV date Status
Alaska (State of) ALS 04/05/2000 * 14/03/2011 *
Albania (Republic of) ALB 10/01/2024 28/04/2022 *
Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) ALG 25/10/2024 01/06/2023
American Samoa SMA * 14/03/2011 *
Andorra (Principality of) AND 09/10/2024 *
Angola (Republic of) AGL 17/02/2022 * *
Antigua and Barbuda ATG 12/04/2018 * *
Argentine Republic ARG 28/11/2024 29/10/2012 *
Armenia (Republic of) ARM 13/10/2023 *
Ascension Island ASC * 09/11/2000 *
Australia AUS 02/01/2025 24/05/2021 *
Austria AUT 16/12/2024 15/02/2011 *
Azerbaijan (Republic of) AZE 06/02/2023 16/06/2023
Azores AZR 11/01/2022 * 03/08/2017 *
Bahamas (Commonwealth of the) BAH 07/01/2025 *
Bahrain (Kingdom of) BHR 07/01/2025 14/07/2015 *
Bangladesh (People's Republic of) BGD * *
Barbados BRB 08/08/2024 *
Belarus (Republic of) BLR 11/01/2024 *
Belgium BEL 12/07/2024 02/09/2024
Belize BLZ 06/11/2020 * *
Benin (Republic of) BEN 16/07/2015 * 16/07/2015 *
Bermuda BER 23/08/2024 03/03/2011 *
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) BOL 08/10/2024 *
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BES 30/07/2024 *
Brazil (Federative Republic of) B 07/10/2024 02/06/2017 *
British Virgin Islands VRG 20/04/2023 *
Brunei Darussalam BRU 06/03/2024 *
Bulgaria (Republic of) BUL 02/02/2023 15/08/2013 *
Cabo Verde (Republic of) CPV 28/10/2024 *
Cambodia (Kingdom of) CBG 12/10/2009 * *
Cameroon (Republic of) CME 13/10/2006 * 17/08/2015 *
Canada CAN 09/12/2024 14/05/2019 *
Cayman Islands CYM 02/01/2025 *
Chile CHL 10/10/2024 28/07/2015 *
China (People's Republic of) CHN 15/07/2024 14/06/2023
Colombia (Republic of) CLM 15/05/2023 11/03/2016 *
Comoros (Union of the) COM 13/09/2022 * *
Congo (Republic of the) COG 25/09/2020 * *
Cook Islands CKH 25/05/2020 * *
Costa Rica CTR 25/01/2023 *
Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of) CTI 20/12/2022 * 24/11/2017 *
Croatia (Republic of) HRV 02/01/2025 14/12/2017 *
Cuba CUB 11/09/2023 *
Curaçao CUW 10/12/2024 27/06/2016 *
Cyprus (Republic of) CYP 02/12/2024 12/05/2017 *
Democratic People's Republic of Korea KRE 01/08/2017 * *
Democratic Republic of the Congo COD 19/04/2015 * *
Denmark DNK 06/01/2025 09/11/2021 *
Djibouti (Republic of) DJI 16/10/2012 * 08/07/2015 *
Dominica (Commonwealth of) DMA 29/03/2023 *
Easter Island PAQ * 08/08/2011 *
Ecuador EQA 27/05/2022 * 07/09/2015 *
Egypt (Arab Republic of) EGY 17/09/2024 04/09/2024
El Salvador (Republic of) SLV * *
Equatorial Guinea (Republic of) GNE 06/07/2005 * *
Eritrea ERI 20/09/2000 * *
Estonia (Republic of) EST 13/08/2024 13/09/2023
Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of) ETH 17/09/2010 * *
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FLK 09/02/2021 * *
Faroe Islands FRO 04/10/2024 16/07/2015 *
Fiji (Republic of) FJI 18/01/2006 * *
Finland FIN 03/01/2025 20/12/2024
France F 25/04/2024 24/07/2023
French Polynesia OCE * 13/09/2011 *
Gabonese Republic GAB 07/08/2023 *
Gambia (Republic of the) GMB 23/09/2013 * *
Georgia GEO 02/01/2025 26/06/2017 *
Germany (Federal Republic of) D 30/09/2024 23/06/2017 *
Ghana GHA 21/09/2023 *
Gibraltar GIB 07/01/2025 03/06/2015 *
Greece GRC 24/10/2024 21/07/2023
Greenland GRL 03/01/2025 24/05/2023
Grenada GRD 24/09/1999 * *
Guadeloupe (French Department of) GLP 01/06/2010 * 15/02/2011 *
Guiana (French Department of) GUF * 13/09/2011 *
Guinea (Republic of) GUI 06/06/2019 * *
Guinea-Bissau (Republic of) GNB 21/03/2023 *
Guyana GUY 05/12/2024 *
Haiti (Republic of) HTI * *
Hawaii (State of) HWA * 15/02/2011 *
Honduras (Republic of) HND 16/05/2024 *
Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China) HKG 02/01/2025 14/06/2023
Hungary HNG 20/12/2024 *
Iceland ISL 06/09/2024 21/07/2015 *
India (Republic of) IND 03/01/2025 *
Indonesia (Republic of) INS 22/06/2023 11/07/2023
Iran (Islamic Republic of) IRN 02/12/2024 19/02/2022 *
Iraq (Republic of) IRQ 06/02/2017 * *
Ireland IRL 03/01/2025 04/05/2021 *
Israel (State of) ISR 09/12/1999 * *
Italy I 23/09/2024 19/02/2024
Jamaica JMC 06/12/2024 28/12/2022 *
Japan J 02/06/2023 02/06/2023
Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) JOR * 10/05/2017 *
Kenya (Republic of) KEN 19/09/2023 *
Kerguelen Islands KER * *
Kiribati (Republic of) KIR 02/01/2025 *
Korea (Republic of) KOR 05/01/2015 * 01/07/2015 *
Kuwait (State of) KWT 13/12/2017 * *
Latvia (Republic of) LVA 25/09/2024 30/08/2013 *
Lebanon LBN 16/03/2005 * *
Liberia (Republic of) LBR 08/01/2025 *
Libya (State of) LBY 05/06/2024 *
Lithuania (Republic of) LTU 20/11/2024 15/06/2023
Luxembourg LUX 26/11/2024 *
Macao (Special Administrative Region of China) MAC 09/04/2024 01/02/2020 *
Madagascar (Republic of) MDG 03/10/2024 *
Madeira MDR 11/01/2022 * 19/06/2017 *
Malawi MWI * *
Malaysia MLA 04/12/2024 06/09/2024
Maldives (Republic of) MLD 16/03/2005 * 03/08/2015 *
Malta MLT 03/01/2025 07/07/2023
Marshall Islands (Republic of the) MHL 09/12/2024 *
Martinique (French Department of) MRT * 13/09/2011 *
Mauritania (Islamic Republic of) MTN 18/12/2024 *
Mauritius (Republic of) MAU 02/02/2023 14/10/2013 *
Mexico MEX 25/01/2023 18/08/2020 *
Moldova (Republic of) MDA 30/01/2024 *
Monaco (Principality of) MCO 06/11/2024 30/06/2015 *
Mongolia MNG 07/02/2023 *
Montenegro MNE 25/10/2019 * 25/10/2019 *
Morocco (Kingdom of) MRC 06/01/2025 21/09/2015 *
Mozambique (Republic of) MOZ 03/07/2024 *
Myanmar (Union of) BRM 14/05/2020 * 01/06/2017 *
Namibia (Republic of) NMB 17/08/2015 * 02/09/2015 *
Nauru (Republic of) NRU 16/12/2024 *
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) HOL 03/01/2025 12/07/2023
New Caledonia NCL * 13/09/2011 *
New Zealand NZL 18/10/2024 24/05/2019 *
Nicaragua NCG * *
Nigeria (Federal Republic of) NIG 16/03/2005 * *
Niue NIU 08/01/2025 22/11/2000 *
North Macedonia (Republic of) MKD 22/12/2022 * *
Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of the) MRA * 15/02/2011 *
Norway NOR 03/01/2025 08/03/2018 *
Oman (Sultanate of) OMA 19/04/2023 20/03/2016 *
Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) PAK 12/04/2005 * *
Palau (Republic of) PLW 03/12/2013 * *
Panama (Republic of) PNR 03/07/2024 *
Papua New Guinea PNG 19/01/2011 * *
Paraguay (Republic of) PRG * *
Peru PRU 27/04/2000 * 04/09/2015 *
Philippines (Republic of the) PHL 20/10/2023 *
Pitcairn Island PTC * 09/11/2000 *
Poland (Republic of) POL 16/07/2024 12/02/2020 *
Portugal POR 06/01/2023 * 03/08/2017 *
Puerto Rico PTR * 15/06/2012 *
Qatar (State of) QAT 03/05/2011 * 01/09/2015 *
Republic of Türkiye TUR 06/12/2024 24/05/2023
Reunion (French Department of) REU * 13/09/2011 *
Romania ROU 19/01/2023 06/11/2019 *
Russian Federation RUS 02/01/2025 20/12/2024
Saint Helena SHN * 15/02/2011 *
Saint Kitts and Nevis (Federation of) KNA 04/07/2024 *
Saint Lucia LCA 18/09/2024 *
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Territorial Collectivity of) SPM * *
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT 06/01/2025 *
San Marino (Republic of) SMR 18/12/2024 *
Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of) STP 04/11/2024 *
Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) ARS 18/09/2023 31/01/2024
Senegal (Republic of) SEN 31/10/2024 27/08/2019 *
Seychelles (Republic of) SEY 15/05/2015 * 21/05/2015 *
Sierra Leone SRL 06/08/2012 * *
Singapore (Republic of) SNG 16/12/2024 08/06/2023
Slovak Republic SVK 02/01/2025 *
Slovenia (Republic of) SVN 26/04/2024 *
Somalia (Federal Republic of) SOM 17/09/2024 *
South Africa (Republic of) AFS 26/02/2024 16/08/2011 *
Spain E 05/12/2024 03/06/2022 *
Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) CLN 07/01/2011 * *
Sudan (Republic of the) SDN * *
Suriname (Republic of) SUR * 30/07/2015 *
Sweden S 06/09/2023 01/09/2020 *
Switzerland (Confederation of) SUI 07/01/2025 *
Syrian Arab Republic SYR 16/01/2012 * 11/08/2015 *
Tanzania (United Republic of) TZA 05/06/2024 *
Thailand THA 21/06/2022 * 08/07/2015 *
Timor-Leste (Democratic Republic of) TLS 13/10/2021 * *
Togolese Republic TGO 02/01/2025 *
Tonga (Kingdom of) TON * *
Trinidad and Tobago TRD 10/10/2024 *
Tunisia TUN 25/09/2024 24/05/2019 *
Turkmenistan TKM 30/07/1999 * *
Tuvalu TUV 07/01/2025 *
Uganda (Republic of) UGA * *
Ukraine UKR 08/01/2025 31/03/2021 *
United Arab Emirates UAE 18/11/2022 * 12/07/2023
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland G 11/12/2024 04/05/2021 *
United States of America USA 06/01/2025 31/05/2023
United States Virgin Islands VIR * *
Uruguay (Eastern Republic of) URG 17/01/2021 * 30/08/2013 *
Vanuatu (Republic of) VUT 08/01/2025 *
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) VEN * *
Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) VTN 28/11/2024 01/06/2023
Wallis and Futuna Islands WAL * 16/12/2010 *
Yemen (Republic of) YEM 16/03/2005 * *