Cc: Terry deCourcelle <t.decourcelle@xxx>, Bob LaBelle <r.labelle@xxx>, Karen McCabe <k.mccabe@xxx>
Subject: IEEE Statement on the World Conference on International Telecommunications
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 12:13:12 -0400
IEEE Statement on the World Conference on International Telecommunications
In December, 2012, the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) will meet to renegotiate the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs), a treaty last revised in 1988.
IEEE has reviewed proposed changes to the ITRs and has concerns about proposed modifications that would change ITU-T Recommendations from voluntary to mandatory. These proposed changes have the potential to negatively impact both the voluntary consensus standards system and the market economies that depend on them.
As an example of a proposed change of concern to IEEE, we note option CWG/54/1.13 in CWG-WCIT TD64. Instead, we support the alternative CWG/54/1.13A in CWG-WCIT TD64.
The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector is characterized by global markets and a rapid pace of innovation. New technologies displace older ones and markets select which technologies become popular. The voluntary nature of standards developed by a variety of global standards setting organizations is essential to supporting this important sector. Further, the global voluntary standards system has enabled worldwide interoperability of ICT products and services while providing needed flexibility to countries, companies and individuals. Making ITU-T recommendations mandatory would hinder innovation in the ICT sector and risk a slowdown in global economic growth.
IEEE calls on participants in the WCIT to affirm their commitment to maintaining the voluntary nature, without exception, of ITU-T recommendations.
Jodi Haasz
Standards Strategist International Programs IEEE Standards Activities 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854-4141 USA Phone +1 732 562 6367 Mobile +1 732 439 9144 FAX +1 732 562 1571 Email: j.haasz@xxx
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IEEE Statement on the World Conference on International Telecommunications, Jodi Haasz, 10/29/2012