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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG15 : R�union�2025-03-17�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG15� TD-GEN�(2025-03-17)�


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P�riode d'�tudes 2025

R�union� du 2025-03-17 au 2025-03-28

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : [ 2025-03-17 ]�

Resultats:10 documents
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�Source:�TSAG�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 48-GEN ]
LS/i on the Second Submission of TSAG to the Council Working Group for strategic and financial plans 2028-2031 � TSAG QALL/15 2025-02-04
[ 28-GEN ]
LS/i on the Initial Submission of TSAG to the Council Working Group on Strategic and Financial Planning � TSAG QALL/15 2024-11-15
[ 17-GEN ]
LS/i on the agreement of new Supplement 6 to the ITU-T A-series Recommendations "Guidelines for the development of a standardization gap analysis" � TSAG QALL/15 2024-11-15
[ 16-GEN ]
LS/i on cooperation and coordination with ITU-R study groups � TSAG QALL/15 2024-11-15
[ 15-GEN ]
LS/i on A-Series Supplement 7 "WTSA preparation guideline on Resolutions" and latest WTSA Action Plan � TSAG QALL/15 2024-11-15
[ 14-GEN ]
LS/i on the use of tools to develop ITU-T Recommendations � TSAG QALL/15 2024-11-15
[ 13-GEN ]
LS/i on the use of specific editions (with a date of approval) for normative references in clause 2 of ITU-T Recommendations � TSAG QALL/15 2024-11-15
[ 12-GEN ]
LS/i on the publication process of revisions, amendments and corrigenda to ITU-T Recommendations | ISO/IEC international standards published as common texts � TSAG QALL/15 2024-11-15
[ 11-GEN ]
LS/i on FG-MV deliverables: allocation and guidance for future work � TSAG QALL/15 2024-11-15
[ 10-GEN ]
LS/i on the resolution of AAP comments � TSAG QALL/15 2024-11-14
Resultats:10 documents
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