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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG20RG.AP : R�union�2024-04-23�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG20RG.AP� TD�(2024-04-23)�


ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for the Asia Pacific Region

P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2024-04-23 au 2024-04-24

Lieu : E-Meeting

Autres r�unions : [ 2024-04-23 ]� 2023-07-25

Resultats:20 documents
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) �[�AI/Question:�QALL/20�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 55-PLEN ]
List of participants � TSB QALL/20 2024-04-25
[ 49-PLEN ]
Information on Contributions of SG20RG-AP to ITU-T SG20 � SG20RG-AP Chair QALL/20 2024-04-24
[ 48-PLEN ]
ToR of Sub-group: Blockchain in the IoT and smart cities and communities � SG20RG-AP Chair QALL/20 2024-04-24
[ 47-PLEN ]
Highlights of ITU Focus Group on metaverse � TSB QALL/20 2024-04-22
[ 46-PLEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 20 Work programme � TSB QALL/20 2024-04-22
[ 45-PLEN ]
LS/i on WTSA-24 preparations � Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) QALL/20 2024-04-19
[ 44-PLEN ]
Report of the meeting of ITU-T Study Group 20 (Arusha, 13-22 September 2023) � ITU-T Study Group 20 QALL/20 2024-04-19
[ 43-PLEN ]
Overview of ITU-T activities on Digital transformation for people-centred cities � TSB QALL/20 2024-04-19
[ 42-PLEN ]
Bridging the standardization gap and Regional Groups � TSB QALL/20 2024-04-19
[ 41-PLEN ]
Recommendation ITU-T A.8 "Alternative approval process for new and revised ITU-T Recommendations" � TSB QALL/20 2024-04-19
[ 40-PLEN ]
Template for ITU-T A.25 justification information: Format for documenting a study group or working party decision � TSB QALL/20 2024-04-19
[ 39-PLEN ]
Template for ITU-T A.13 justification information: Format for describing a proposed new non-normative document in the work programme � TSB QALL/20 2024-04-19
[ 38-PLEN ]
Template for ITU-T A.1 justification information: Format for describing a proposed new Recommendation in the work programme � TSB QALL/20 2024-04-19
[ 37-PLEN ]
Recommendation ITU-T A.2: Presentation of contributions to the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector � TSB QALL/20 2024-04-19
[ 36-PLEN ]
ITU-T SG20RG-AP: Newcomers' Pack � SG20 Mentor QALL/20 2024-04-19
[ 35-PLEN ]
Management team of ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for Asia and the Pacific (SG20RG-AP) � TSB QALL/20 2024-04-19
[ 34-PLEN ]
Terms of reference for ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for Asia and the Pacific (SG20RG-AP) � TSB QALL/20 2024-04-19
[ 33-PLEN ]
List of SG20RG-AP Member States � TSB QALL/20 2024-04-19
[ 32-PLEN ]
List of Study Group 20 Management team, Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs � TSB QALL/20 2024-04-19
[ 31-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for the meeting of ITU-T SG20RG-AP (Virtual, 23-24 April 2024) � SG20RG-AP Chair QALL/20 2024-04-08
Resultats:20 documents
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