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UIT-T�SG20� C�(2024-07-01)�


IoT and smart cities

P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2024-07-01 au 2024-07-12

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2023-09-132023-01-302022-07-18

Resultats:29 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q4/20�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 508 ]
Proposed a new work item - Y.AIoT-FRA "Functional requirements and architecture for Artificial Intelligence of Things" as the outcome of CG-AIoT activities � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , ZTE Corporation (China) Q4/20 2024-06-18
[ 506 ]
Proposed a new work item - Y.AIoT-fr "Framework of Artificial Intelligence of Things" as the outcome of CG-AIoT activities � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , ZTE Corporation (China) Q4/20 2024-06-18
[ 504 ]
Proposed a new work item - Y.Sup.AI4A-roadmap "Standardization gaps and roadmap for AI and IoT in digital agriculture" as the outcome of FG-AI4A WG-Roadmap activities � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , Egypt , Fraunhofer HHI & IIS (Germany) Q4/20 2024-06-18
[ 502 ]
Proposed text updates for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-CRE-fr "Framework of common rule enablement for intelligent IoT services in heterogeneous IoT platform environments" on July 2024 � Daejeon University (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/20 2024-06-18
[ 501 ]
Proposed text updates for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SF-prediction "Service framework of prediction for intelligent IoT" on July 2024 � Daejeon University (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/20 2024-06-18
[ 498 ]
Y.DM-SLF: Proposed modifications on clause 8, "Relationship between data entities" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/20 2024-06-18
[ 497 ]
Y.DM-SLF: Proposed modifications on clause 7, "Data entities for smart livestock farming service" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/20 2024-06-18
[ 494 ]
Proposed revision of the TD 918 of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.CL-EDM "Energy data model for city-level energy management platform" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q4/20 2024-06-18
[ 490 ]
Proposal of a new work item on "Requirements and a reference model of data for Smart Pest and Disease Management (SPDM) service" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/20 2024-06-18
[ 488 ]
Proposed new work item draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.DigitalAgri_usecases - "Use Cases for AI and IoT for Digital Agriculture" based on outcomes of FG-AI4AWorking Group on Digital Agriculture Use Cases and Solutions (WG-AS) � Egypt , Fraunhofer HHI & IIS (Germany) Q4/20 2024-06-18
[ 482 ]
Proposal of new work item of Reference architecture of data sharing and exchange based on lightweight intelligent software framework for Internet of things devices � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/20 2024-06-18
[ 474 ]
Proposal to update ITU-T Y.dem-IoT "Data exchange model for IoT devices in power transmission and transformation equipment"(for determination) � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Research Institute (China) Q4/20 2024-06-18
[ 461 ]
Proposed new work item draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.MIM-arch on "Architectural framework for minimal interoperability in support of data sharing ecosystems" � Denmark , Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC) (Belgium) Q4/20 2024-06-18
[ 458 ]
Proposed new work item YSTR.GenAI-Sem-Interop on "Implications of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Semantic Interoperability for Data Use" � Denmark , Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC) (Belgium) Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 457 ]
Proposed new work item draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.Interop-DPM on "Integrated Interoperability framework for Data Processing and Management" � Denmark , Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC) (Belgium) Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 452 ]
Proposal of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.metadata-EPI "Metadata for IoT-based electric power infrastructure monitoring system" � China Information Communication Technologies Group , China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) , State Grid Corporation of China Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 449 ]
Proposed new work item on "Requirements and framework for knowledge-based IoT management system" � China Information Communication Technologies Group , China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 444 ]
A.1 justification for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.metadata-EPI "Metadata for IoT-based electric power infrastructure monitoring system" � State Grid Corporation of China , China Information Communication Technologies Group , China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Q4/20 2024-06-18
[ 440 ]
Y.DPM-alm-fra on "Functional requirements and architecture of blockchain-based activity logs management for IoT data processing and management", proposed modification of clauses 6-10 and appendixes � China Information Communication Technologies Group , China Unicom , ZTE Corporation (China) Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 439 ]
Proposed new work item on Reference architecture of data fusion service for data processing and management in artificial intelligence of things � China Information Communication Technologies Group , China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , ZTE Corporation (China) Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 434 ]
New: F.DSS-PPC: Proposed a new work item on "Framework of Trusted Sharing System for Electricity Measurement Data" � Beihang University (China) , China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , State Grid Corporation of China Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 427 ]
Proposed new work item on Y.IoT-SWVT - "Framework of integrating SW based virtual things in the transportation with intelligent IoT services" � Korea (Rep. of) Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 426 ]
Proposed new work item on Y.IoT- IIEC - "Framework of the integrated intelligent IoT service based on multi edge computing in smart city" � Korea (Rep. of) Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 421 ]
Y.CL-EDM on "Energy data model for city-level energy management platform", proposed updates for draft Recommendation � Korea (Rep. of) Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 419 ]
Y.4463-rev on "Framework of delegation service for Internet of things devices", proposed editorial modifications for Consent � Korea (Rep. of) Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 409 ]
New: Proposal for a new work item Y.DPSM "Requirements and framework of data processing for smart manufacturing with Artificial Intelligence of Things" � China Information Communication Technologies Group , China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom , Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 393 ]
ITU-T Y.cii (ex Y.rrm-data)"Requirements and reference model of IoT related data from city infrastructure", proposal of clause 8 � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 378 ]
Proposed new work item draft Technical Report ITU-T Y.DataModelling-Agri - "Data Modelling for digital agriculture" based on outcomes of FG- Working Group on Data Acquisition and Modelling for digital agriculture (WG-DAM) � Egypt , Fraunhofer HHI & IIS (Germany) Q4/20 2024-06-10
[ 376 ]
Y.IoT-3DMS on "Requirement and functional capabilities for three-dimensional model based monitoring service" , proposed modification of section 8 � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/20 2024-05-31
Resultats:29 documents
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