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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG17 : R�union�2023-08-29�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG17� TD-PLEN�(2023-08-29)�



P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2023-08-29 au 2023-09-08

Lieu : Cor�e (R�p.de) [Goyang]

Autres r�unions : 2024-09-022024-07-112024-02-20� [ 2023-08-29 ]� 2023-05-082023-02-212022-08-232022-05-10

Resultats:115 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) �[�Source:�Edito�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1491-PLEN ]
Ballot resolution of Tech. Corrigendum 1 to ISO/IEC 9594-11 � Editor Q11/17 2023-09-07
[ 1489-PLEN ]
Resolution of comments on technical corrigendum 2 to Rec. ITU-T X.509 (2019) | ISO/IEC 9594-8:2020 � Editor Q11/17 2023-09-06
[ 1487-PLEN ]
3rd Revised baseline text for X.sup-cdc: Supplement to ITU-T X.1060 - Framework for the creation and operation of a cyber defence centre � Editor Q3/17 2023-09-06
[ 1476-PLEN ]
1st Revised text for Supplement to X.1352 (X.suppl.tig-iotsec): Technical implementation guidelines for IoT devices and gateway � Editor Q6/17 2023-09-06
[ 1475-PLEN ]
3rd Revised baseline text for TR.5Gsec-bsf: Guidelines of Built-in Security Framework for the Telecommunications Network � Editor Q2/17 2023-09-05
[ 1472-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for TR.zt-acp: Guidelines for zero trust based access control platform in telecommunication network � Editor Q2/17 2023-09-05
[ 1471-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.ra-iot: Security risk analysis framework for IoT devices � Editor Q6/17 2023-09-05
[ 1469-PLEN ]
DPKI presentation � Editor Q11/17 2023-09-05
[ 1468-PLEN ]
2nd Revised baseline text for X.mt-feature: Security features for assessment of mobile terminal security � Editor Q6/17 2023-09-05
[ 1467-PLEN ]
2nd Revised baseline text for X.mt-integrity: Security guidelines for mobile terminal integrity protection � Editor Q6/17 2023-09-05
[ 1464-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sc-iot: Security Controls for Internet of Things (IoT) systems � Editor Q6/17 2023-09-05
[ 1461-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sec_QKD_profr: Framework of quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols in QKD network � Editor Q15/17 2023-09-05
[ 1460-PLEN ]
A.1 justification information for X.1053-rev: Information security controls based on ITU-T X.1051 for small and medium-sized telecommunication organizations � Editor Q3/17 2023-09-05
[ 1458-PLEN ]
1st Revised baseline text for TP.inno-2.0: Description of the incubation mechanism and ways to improve it ( for approval) � Editor Q15/17 2023-09-05
[ 1456-PLEN ]
Draft Supplement X.Sup.39(X.rdda) to Recommendation ITU- T X.1148 "Requirements for data de-identification assurance" (for agreement) � Editor Q7/17 2023-09-05
[ 1455-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for TR.ba-iot: Broadcast authentication scheme for IoT system (for agreement) � Editor Q6/17 2023-09-05
[ 1454-PLEN ]
A.25 justification for X.osia: APIs for interoperability of identity management systems � Editor Q10/17 2023-09-05
[ 1451-PLEN ]
Amendment of X.1352: Security requirements for Internet of things devices and gateways (for determination) � Editor Q6/17 2023-09-05
[ 1450-PLEN ]
3rd Revised baseline text for X.suppl.uc-dcc: Use cases for digital COVID-19 certificates � Editor Q7/17 2023-09-05
[ 1449-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.gcspcc: Guidelines of developing of cybersecurity simulation platform based on cloud computing � Editor Q15/17 2023-09-05
[ 1447-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.smdtsc: Security measures for digital twin system of smart cities � Editor Q7/17 2023-09-04
[ 1442-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.srgsc: Security requirements and guidelines of application and service for smart city platform � Editor Q7/17 2023-09-04
[ 1441-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.smdtf: Security measures for digital twin federation in smart cities and communities � Editor Q7/17 2023-09-04
[ 1440-PLEN ]
5th Revised baseline text for X.sa-ec: Security architecture of edge cloud � Editor Q8/17 2023-09-04
[ 1439-PLEN ]
Revised baseline texts for TR.hyb-qsafe: Overview of key management of hybrid approaches for quantum-safe communications � Editor Q15/17 2023-09-04
[ 1438-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for the draft Recommendation X.sec_QKDN_tn: Security requirements and designs for the protection of quantum key distribution node (for consent) � Editor Q15/17 2023-09-04
[ 1436-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sec_QKDN_CM: Security requirements and measures for quantum key distribution networks - control and management � Editor Q15/17 2023-09-04
[ 1435-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sec_QKDN_AA: Authentication and authorization in QKDN � Editor Q15/17 2023-09-04
[ 1434-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.1715: Security requirements and measures for integration of quantum key distribution network and secure storage network � Editor Q15/17 2023-09-04
[ 1433-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.1053: Information security controls based on ITU-T X.1051 for small and medium-sized telecommunication organizations � Editor Q3/17 2023-09-04
[ 1426-PLEN ]
1st Revised baseline text for X.SecaaS: Security threats to be identified in the domain of security as a service � Editor Q15/17 2023-09-04
[ 1425-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for TR.sgfdm: Technical Report: Security guidelines for FHE-based data aggregation in machine learning (for agreement) � Editor Q7/17 2023-09-04
[ 1424-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.oob-sa: Framework for out-of-band server authentication using mobile devices (for determination) � Editor Q10/17 2023-09-04
[ 1419-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.smsrc: Security Measures for Smart Residential Community � Editor Q7/17 2023-09-04
[ 1416-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.gecds: Guidelines on edge computing data security � Editor Q8/17 2023-09-04
[ 1415-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sgcnp: Security guidelines for Cloud Native PaaS � Editor Q8/17 2023-09-04
[ 1414-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sgmc: Security guidelines for multi-cloud � Editor Q8/17 2023-09-04
[ 1413-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.ota-sec: Implementation and evaluation of security functions to support over-the-air (OTA) update capability in connected vehicles � Editor Q13/17 2023-09-04
[ 1412-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sup-cv2x-sec: Security deployment scenarios for cellular vehicle-to-everything(C-V2X) services supporting ultra-reliable and low-latency communication (URLLC) � Editor Q13/17 2023-09-04
[ 1410-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for combined X.1250rev and X.1251rev: Baseline capabilities for enhanced identity management and interoperability � Editor Q10/17 2023-09-04
[ 1409-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.gpwd: Threat Analysis and guidelines for securing password and passwordless authentication solutions � Editor Q10/17 2023-09-04
[ 1407-PLEN ]
5th Revised baseline text for X.guide-cdd: Security guidelines for combining de-identified data using trusted third party � Editor Q7/17 2023-09-04
[ 1406-PLEN ]
8th Revised baseline text for X.dpki: Decentralized Public-key infrastructure � Editor Q11/17 2023-09-04
[ 1405-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.secadef: Security Capabilities Definitions � Editor Q15/17 2023-09-04
[ 1398-PLEN ]
4th Revised baseline text for X.arch-design: Design principles and best practices for security architectures � Editor Q1/17 2023-09-04
[ 1397-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for TR.srsec: Security aspects of segment routing IPv6 for the convergence of computing and network for telecommunication operators � Editor Q15/17 2023-09-04
[ 1396-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.5Gsec-netec: Security Capabilities of Network Layer for 5G Edge Computing � Editor Q2/17 2023-09-04
[ 1393-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.soar-cc: Framework of Security Orchestration, Automation and Response for cloud computing � Editor Q8/17 2023-09-04
[ 1392-PLEN ]
1st Revised baseline text for X.st-ssc: Security threats of software supply chain � Editor Q4/17 2023-09-03
[ 1391-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.asm-cc: Requirements of Attack Surface Management for cloud computing � Editor Q8/17 2023-09-03
Resultats:115 documents
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