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UIT-T�SG15� C�


Transport, access and home

P�riode d'�tudes 2022

Resultats:13 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�Ministry of Communications (India)�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1065 ]
Proposal for modification of texts of new draft Supplement of G Suppl.G.65x � Indian Institute of Technology Madras , Ministry of Communications (India) , Sterlite Technologies Limited (India) Q5/15 2024-06-17
[ 1052 ]
Proposal to include Addendum for Network Monitoring Expert (NME) to Appendix II of SG15-WD/WP2 on the Draft revised Recommendation L.360: "Operations support system requirements for infrastructure and network elements management using ID technology" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q7/15 2024-06-17
[ 1051 ]
Proposal for revision of Baseline draft of G.fso � Ministry of Communications (India) Q6/15 2024-06-17
[ 1050 ]
Discussions on Characteristics of Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) technology to support IMT-2030/6G and future networks by fronthauling in NG-PON2. � Ministry of Communications (India) Q2/15, Q13/15, Q11/15 2024-06-17
[ 1049 ]
Proposal to include new Appendix to the ITU-T Rec. L.341 (ex.L.88) on "Management of poles carrying overhead telecommunication lines". � Ministry of Communications (India) Q7/15 2024-06-17
[ 1046 ]
Proposal to include new Appendix to the ITU-T Rec. L.104(ex. L.67) on "Small count optical fibre cables for indoor applications" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q5/15 2024-06-17
[ 1037 ]
Contribution on draft revised ITU-T Rec.L.102 "Optical fibre cables for aerial application" � Ministry of Communications (India) , Sterlite Technologies Limited (India) Q5/15 2024-06-17
[ 986 ]
Considerations for out-of-band and in-band sensing wavelength options for new draft ITU-T Rec. G.dfos � Ministry of Communications (India) , Sterlite Technologies Limited (India) Q6/15 2024-06-17
[ 985 ]
Baseline draft on new Recommendation L.nis "Technical and functional requirements for network infrastructures sharing" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q7/15 2024-06-17
[ 648 ]
Proposal for amendment in Rec.L.100 "Optical fibre cables for duct and tunnel application". � Ministry of Communications (India) , Sterlite Technologies Limited (India) Q5/15 2023-11-01
[ 647 ]
New work item for digitalization of operation and maintenance of optical fibre networks using distributed fibre optic sensing (DFOS) � Ministry of Communications (India) , Sterlite Technologies Limited (India) Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 2023-11-01
[ 137 ]
Proposal to include new Appendix V to the Draft new Rec. L.ncip "Requirements for passive optical nodes: nodes for customer indoor premises" (May, 2022) � Ministry of Communications (India) , Sterlite Technologies Limited (India) Q7/15 2022-09-05
[ 128 ]
Proposal for new draft Recommendation L.oehc � Ministry of Communications (India) , Sterlite Technologies Limited (India) Q5/15 2022-09-05
Resultats:13 documents
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