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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG15 : R�union�2024-07-01�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG15� TD-PLEN�(2024-07-01)�


Transport, access and home

P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2024-07-01 au 2024-07-12

Lieu : Canada [Montr�al]

Autres r�unions : [ 2024-07-01 ]� 2023-11-202023-04-172022-09-19

Resultats:19 documents
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) �[�Source:�Editors�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 402-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft G.7721.1 (2022) Amd.1 "Data model of synchronization management - Amendment 1" � Editors of G.7721.1 (2022) Amd.1 Q14/15 2024-07-10
[ 397-PLEN ]
Draft of G. G.Sup.eOLT (for agreement) �
Received by TSB on 21 June 2024
Editors G.sup.eOLT Q2/15 2024-06-21
[ 392-PLEN ]
Working Draft of Supplement G.SupOANops (for agreement) � Editors G.SupOANops Q2/15 2024-06-19
[ 391-PLEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T G.875 "OTN: Protocol-neutral management information model for the network element view" (for consent) � Editors G.875 Q14/15 2024-06-19
[ 389-PLEN ]
Editor draft of Amendment 1to G.7721.1 "Data model of synchronization management" (for consent) � Editors G.7721.1 Q14/15 2024-06-19
[ 388-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation ITU-T G.7721 "Management requirement and information model for synchronization" (for consent) � Editors G.7721 Q14/15 2024-06-19
[ 387-PLEN ]
Draft 1.3 of G.Sup.PONsec (for agreement) � G.sup.PONsec Editors Q2/15 2024-06-19
[ 377-PLEN ]
G.Suppl.FIP4H Draft (for agreement) � Editors G.Suppl.FTTR4H Q3/15 2024-06-17
[ 376-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to G.8321 (2022) "Characteristics of metro transport network equipment functional blocks" (for consent) � Editors G.8321 Q11/15 2024-06-17
[ 371-PLEN ]
G.9802 Amendment 2 Draft (for consent) � Editors G.9802 Q2/15 2024-06-14
[ 370-PLEN ]
G.9804.2 Amendment 2 Draft (for consent) � Editors G.9804.2 Q2/15 2024-06-14
[ 367-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 2 to G.8275.2 (for consent) � Editors G.8275.2/Y.1369.2 Q13/15 2024-06-13
[ 365-PLEN ]
G.988 ONU management and control interface (OMCI) specification (for consent) � Editors G.988 Q2/15 2024-06-13
[ 355-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.8152.2 "Resilience information/data models for the MPLS TP network element" (for consent) � Editors G.8152.2 Q14/15 2024-06-12
[ 354-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.8152.1 "Operation, administration, maintenance (OAM) management information and data models for the MPLS-TP network element" (for consent) � Editors G.8152.1 Q14/15 2024-06-12
[ 350-PLEN ]
Draft revised G.8151 "Management aspects of the MPLS-TP network element " (for consent) � Editors G.8151 Q14/15 2024-06-07
[ 349-PLEN ]
Draft revised G.8051 "Management aspects of the Ethernet transport (ET) capable network element" (for consent) � Editors G.8051 Q14/15 2024-06-07
[ 345-PLEN ]
Draft G.9941 (for approval) � Editors G.9941 Q3/15 2024-06-06
[ 339-PLEN ]
Draft new ITU-T G.709.5 Ed. 1.1 (Amd 1) (for consent) � Editors G.709.5 Q11/15 2024-06-04
Resultats:19 documents
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