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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG15 : R�union�2023-04-17�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG15� TD-GEN�(2023-04-17)�


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P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2023-04-17 au 2023-04-28

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2024-07-012023-11-20� [ 2023-04-17 ]� 2022-09-19

Resultats:72 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�AI/Question:�QALL/15�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 170-GEN ]
Liaison report from IEC SC86C � Liaison Rapporteur IEC SC86C QALL/15 2023-04-25
[ 166-GEN ]
Liaison report for JCA-ML � Liaison Rapporteur JCA-ML QALL/15 2023-04-24
[ 165-GEN ]
Liaison Report for Broadband Forum Related to WP1/15 and WP2/15 � Broadband Forum Liaison Rapporteur for WP1/15 and WP2/15 QALL/15 2023-04-19
[ 164-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to update the information in the IMT-2020 and beyond roadmap [from JCA-IMT2020] � JCA-IMT2020 QALL/15 2023-04-19
[ 163-GEN ]
Liaison report for JCA-IMT2020 � Liaison Rapporteur to JCA-IMT2020 QALL/15 2023-04-18
[ 162-GEN ]
Liaison Report for Broadband Forum Related to WP3/15 � Broadband Forum Liaison Rapporteur for WP3/15 QALL/15 2023-04-17
[ 161-GEN ]
Report for CASC meeting (Geneva, 8 July 2022) � Liaison Rapporteur to CASC QALL/15 2023-04-17
[ 160-GEN ]
Report from Liaison to OIF for Control Plane topics � SG15 representative to OIF Network Working Groups QALL/15 2023-04-17
[ 159-GEN ]
Liaison report on JCA-AHF (Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors) � Liaison Rapporteur QALL/15 2023-04-16
[ 158-GEN ]
Report of IEC SC86B meeting in Putrajaya (20 - 24 March 2023) � Liaison Rapporteur to IEC TC86, SC86B QALL/15 2023-04-16
[ 157-GEN ]
Report on ONF Open Information & Data Modelling and Tooling � Liaison Rapporteur to ONF on Modelling and Tooling QALL/15 2023-04-16
[ 156-GEN ]
LS/i on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG13 (as of March 2023) � ITU-T Study Group 13 QALL/15 2023-04-16
[ 155-GEN ]
Provisional list of participants (Geneva, 17-28 April 2023) � TSB QALL/15 2023-04-14
[ 154-GEN ]
Liaison report for IETF � Liaison Rapporteur to IETF QALL/15 2023-04-12
[ 153-GEN ]
Mapping of ITU-T SG15 Questions to ITU-D Questions/ITU-R Working Parties � TSB QALL/15 2023-04-12
[ 151-GEN ]
Liaison report on SCV activities � SCV Liaison Rapporteur QALL/15 2023-04-12
[ 150-GEN ]
LS/i on invitation to review "Big data and data handling standardization roadmap" and provide missing or updated information � ITU-T Study Group 13 QALL/15 2023-04-11
[ 149-GEN ]
LS/i on initiation of new work item Y.cdp-reqts: "Data handling - Functional requirements of collaborative data processing in data platform" � ITU-T Study Group 13 QALL/15 2023-04-11
[ 148-GEN ]
LS/i on new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3532: "Cloud computing - Functional requirements of Platform as a Service for cloud native applications" � ITU-T Study Group 13 QALL/15 2023-04-11
[ 147-GEN ]
LS/i about continuation of the FG-AN operation � ITU-T Study Group 13 QALL/15 2023-04-11
[ 146-GEN ]
LS/i on revision of JCA-IMT2020 terms of reference � ITU-T Study Group 13 QALL/15 2023-04-11
[ 143-GEN ]
Liaison report from IEEE P1588 WG � IEEE 1588 Liaison Rapporteur QALL/15 2023-04-05
[ 142-GEN ]
Liaison report from IEEE 802.1 � Liaison Rapporteur IEEE 802.1 QALL/15 2023-04-04
[ 141-GEN ]
Liaison report from MEF Forum � Liaison Rapporteur MEF QALL/15 2023-04-04
[ 140-GEN ]
Liaison report from IEC SC86A � IEC SC86A Liaison Rapporteur QALL/15 2023-04-04
[ 139-GEN ]
Liaison report for IEEE 802.3 � IEEE 802.3 Liaison Rapporteur QALL/15 2023-04-04
[ 136-GEN ]
Liaison report from CENELEC TC86BXA (Fibre optic interconnect, passive and connectorised components) � Liaison Rapporteur CENELEC TC86BXA QALL/15 2023-03-30
[ 135-GEN ]
Liaison report from CENELEC TC86A (Optical fibres and optical fibre cables) � Liaison Rapporteur CENELEC TC86A QALL/15 2023-03-30
[ 134-GEN ]
LS/i on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG13 (as of November 2022) � ITU-T Study Group 13 QALL/15 2023-03-29
[ 133-GEN ]
LS/i on Coordination for Identity Management � ITU-T Study Group 17 QALL/15 2023-03-29
[ 131-GEN ]
LS/i on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan � ITU-T Study Group 2 QALL/15 2023-03-29
[ 130-GEN ]
LS/i on SCV activity in SG2 � ITU-T Study Group 2 QALL/15 2023-03-28
[ 129-GEN ]
LS/i on requesting collaboration on metaverse standardization work � FG-MV QALL/15 2023-03-28
[ 128-GEN ]
Liaison report for OIF Physical and Link Layer (PLL) Working Group � Liaison Rapporteur QALL/15 2023-03-27
[ 127-GEN ]
Agenda of the Joint Coordination Activity on IMT2020 (JCA-IMT2020) � Chairman JCA-IMT2020 QALL/15 2023-03-24
[ 124-GEN ]
Agenda of the Promotion and Coordination meeting, including QALL TDs and BSG issues � Chairman Promotion and coordination group QALL/15 2023-03-24
[ 123-GEN ]
Current and potential stale work items � TSB QALL/15 2023-03-24
[ 122-GEN ]
Newcomer welcome pack � TSB QALL/15 2023-03-24
[ 121-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to nominate the representative to the ITU-T JCA-ML � JCA-ML QALL/15 2023-03-23
[ 120-GEN ]
LS/i on new ITU-T Focus Group on costing models for affordable data services (FG-CostingData) � ITU-T Study Group 3 QALL/15 2023-03-21
[ 119-GEN ]
LS/i on J-SCTF Task & Finish Group 2 on "Mapping exercise on the existing SDOs work in smart and sustainable cities" � ITU-T Study Group 20 QALL/15 2023-02-27
[ 118-GEN ]
LS/i on new work item proposal ITU-T Y.IoT-MVS "Requirements and functional architecture of IoT based metaverse service" � ITU-T Study Group 20 QALL/15 2023-02-24
[ 117-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to join the activities and nominate the representative to the ITU-T JCA-ML � JCA-ML QALL/15 2023-02-09
[ 116-GEN ]
LS/i on the choice and procurement of network access equipment for last mile connectivity � ITU-D Study Group 1 QALL/15 2023-02-07
[ 115-GEN ]
LS/i on contributions received from developing countries � ITU-D Study Group 1 QALL/15 2023-02-07
[ 114-GEN ]
LS/i on SG5 Recommendations appearing in the AAP 2022 processing list � SCV QALL/15 2023-02-07
[ 113-GEN ]
LS/i on Definitions being developed by ITU-T SG11, SG12, SG16, SG17 and SG20 � SCV QALL/15 2023-02-07
[ 112-GEN ]
LS on new question 1/2 and collaboration � ITU-D Study Group 2 QALL/15 2023-01-26
[ 111-GEN ]
LS/i on disaster risk reduction and management � ITU-D Study Group 1 QALL/15 2023-01-26
[ 110-GEN ]
LS/i on new ITU-T Focus Group on metaverse (FG-MV) � TSAG QALL/15 2023-01-24
Resultats:72 documents
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