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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG15 : R�union�2022-09-19�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG15� TD-WP1�(2022-09-19)�


Transport, access and home

P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2022-09-19 au 2022-09-30

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2024-07-012023-11-202023-04-17� [ 2022-09-19 ]�

Resultats:30 documents
Documents Temporaires �(WP1) �[�Source:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 81-WP1 ]
Draft for requirements of E2E deploying Fibre-to-The-Room (FTTR) technology � Editor FTTR requirement TD Q3/15 2022-09-13
[ 73-WP1 ]
Draft text for G.hetNet ("Terminology and overview of the architecture of Heterogeneous Home Networks") � Editor of G.HetNet Q3/15 2022-09-09
[ 72-WP1 ]
Draft text for "Technical Paper on the use of ITU-T G.9991 technology for Light Communication (LC)" � Editor of the Technical Paper Q3/15 2022-09-07
[ 71-WP1 ]
Draft list of parameters to be included in the G.hn data model � Editor of the draft list Q3/15 2022-09-07
[ 70-WP1 ]
Draft Technical Paper on "Technical paper on the use of ITU-T G.hn technology for in-home networking" � Editor to the technical paper Q3/15 2022-09-07
[ 67-WP1 ]
G.9804.3Amendment 1: Living list � Editors G.9804.3Amd 1 Q2/15 2022-09-07
[ 64-WP1 ]
G.uvs-XR: Technical requirements of extended reality service over in-premises networks � Editor of G.uvs-XR Q3/15 2022-09-06
[ 62-WP1 ]
G.988 (2022) Living List � G.988 Editors Q2/15 2022-09-06
[ 61-WP1 ]
Use cases and requirements for channel adaptive OWC � Editor, Technical Paper on Channel adaptive OWC Q3/15 2022-09-05
[ 59-WP1 ]
G.HSP.TWMpmd: Living List � Editors G.HSP.TWMpmd Q2/15 2022-09-05
[ 58-WP1 ]
G.HSP.TWDMpmd Draft � Editors G.HSP.TWDMpmd Q2/15 2022-09-05
[ 57-WP1 ]
G.9807.1 Revised 2022: living list � Editor G.9807.1 Q2/15 2022-09-04
[ 56-WP1 ]
G.987.2 Revised 2022: living list � Editor G.987.2 Q2/15 2022-09-04
[ 55-WP1 ]
G.9802.2 Latest Draft � Editor Q2/15 2022-09-04
[ 54-WP1 ]
G.9802.2 Living List � Editor Q2/15 2022-09-04
[ 53-WP1 ]
G.hn2 Specification framework � Editor of G.hn2 Q3/15 2022-09-02
[ 52-WP1 ]
Draft text for G.fin-SA (High speed fibre-based in-premises transceivers - system architecture) � Editors G.fin-SA Q3/15 2022-09-01
[ 51-WP1 ]
Living List of ITU-T Recommendation G.9802 Amendmend 2 � Editors G.9802 Q2/15 2022-09-01
[ 50-WP1 ]
ITU-T Recommendation G.9802 Amendmend2 Multiple-wavelength passive optical networks (MW-PONs) � Editors G.9802 Q2/15 2022-09-01
[ 49-WP1 ]
G.9804.2 Amendment 1 Living List � Editors G.9804.2 Q2/15 2022-09-01
[ 48-WP1 ]
Draft for G.iot specification � Editors Q3/15 2022-09-01
[ 47-WP1 ]
G.9805 Amd1: Living list � G.9805 Amd1 Editors Q2/15 2022-08-31
[ 46-WP1 ]
G.9805 Amd1: Draft � G.9805 Amd1 Editors Q2/15 2022-08-31
[ 45-WP1 ]
G.hs issues list � Editor G.hs Q4/15 2022-08-26
[ 18-WP1 ]
Living List for G.Sup.PONLatency � Editors Q2/15 2022-08-09
[ 17-WP1 ]
Draft for G.Sup.PONLatency � Editors 2/15 2022-08-09
[ 15-WP1 ]
G.Sup45 Rev: Living list � Editor G.Sup45 Rev Q2/15 2022-08-03
[ 14-WP1 ]
Draft G.9806 Amd.3 � G.9806 Editors Q2/15 2022-08-03
[ 13-WP1 ]
G.9806 Amd.3: Living list � Editors G.9806 Q2/15 2022-08-03
[ 12-WP1 ]
Living List for draft G.9802.1 Amd1 � Editors Q2/15 2022-08-03
Resultats:30 documents
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