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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG12 : R�union�2024-04-16�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG12� TD-GEN�(2024-04-16)�


Performance, QoS and QoE

P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2024-04-16 au 2024-04-25

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2024-08-29� [ 2024-04-16 ]� 2023-09-192023-01-182022-06-07

Resultats:53 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�AI/Question:�Q1/12�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 648-GEN ]
LS/o/r on WTSA-24 preparations � ITU-T Study Group 12 Q1/12 2024-04-24
[ 647-GEN ]
Operational plan for implementation of the WTSA Resolution 95 (Geneva, 2022) � SG12 Representative for Service Quality (Res.95) Q1/12 2024-04-24
[ 646-GEN ]
A.13 justification for proposed draft new ITU-T GSTR-MVQ "QoS and QoE standards related to the metaverse" � Editors GSTR-MVQ Q1/12 2024-04-24
[ 621-GEN ]
LS/o/r on progress of draft Recommendation M.cefno "Cost-effectiveness evaluation framework for network operation" (reply to TD507) � ITU-T Study Group 12 Q1/12 2024-04-22
[ 612-GEN ]
Report of SG12RG-AFR ad hoc meeting (17 April 2024, 0900 - 1030) � Vice-Chair SG12RG-AFR Q1/12 2024-04-17
[ 607-GEN ]
Draft agenda SG12RG-AFR ad hoc meeting (17 April 2024, 0900 - 1030) � Vice-Chair SG12RG-AFR Q1/12 2024-04-17
[ 603-GEN ]
LS/i on deliverables of FG-TBFxG � FG-TBFxG Q1/12 2024-04-15
[ 600-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to update the information in the IMT-2020 and beyond roadmap � JCA-IMT2020 Q1/12 2024-04-12
[ 590-GEN ]
LS/i on Results of the fifth meeting of the FG-MV � FG-MV Q1/12 2024-04-05
[ 588-GEN ]
LS/i on vocabulary for metaverse � FG-MV Q1/12 2024-03-27
[ 587-GEN ]
LS/i on the use of the term "IMT-2030" within ITU-T � ITU-T Study Group 13 Q1/12 2024-03-27
[ 586-GEN ]
LS/i on review of draft new A-series Supplement "Guidelines for the development of a standards gap analysis" � TSAG Q1/12 2024-03-21
[ 565-GEN ]
Status report of Question 1/12: SG12 work programme and QoS/QoE coordination in ITU-T � Co-rapporteurs Q1/12 Q1/12 2024-04-15
[ 557-GEN ]
Work programme of Question 1/12 � TSB Q1/12 2024-03-14
[ 544-GEN ]
LS/i on Coordination for Identity Management � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q1/12 2024-03-11
[ 543-GEN ]
LS/i on sharing the results of the ITU workshop on "Generative AI: Challenges and Opportunities for security and privacy" and the establishment of the Correspondence Group on AI security (CG-AISEC) � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q1/12 2024-03-11
[ 539-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to provide inputs to the "Glossary of terms and definitions for machine learning" � JCA-ML Q1/12 2024-03-06
[ 538-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to provide inputs to the "Machine learning standardization roadmap" � JCA-ML Q1/12 2024-03-06
[ 537-GEN ]
LS/i on Mapping Table 3 - Mapping of ITU-D SG1 and SG2 Questions to ITU-T Questions � ISCG Q1/12 2024-03-06
[ 533-GEN ]
LS/i on initiation of new work item ITU-T Supplement to Q.3700-series - Q.sup.netsoft-roadmap "Network softwarization standardization roadmap" � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q1/12 2024-03-01
[ 532-GEN ]
LS/i on Autonomous Networks deliverables from ITU-T FG-AN � FG-AN Q1/12 2024-02-29
[ 530-GEN ]
LS/i on action item 73-17 (Resolution 73 on environment and climate change) � TSAG Q1/12 2024-02-09
[ 529-GEN ]
LS/i on metaverse � TSAG Q1/12 2024-02-09
[ 528-GEN ]
LS/i on WTSA-24 preparations � TSAG Q1/12 2024-02-09
[ 527-GEN ]
LS/i on consolidation of ITU-T SG9 and SG16 � TSAG Q1/12 2024-02-08
[ 526-GEN ]
LS/i on latest WTSA Action Plan and draft "WTSA preparation guideline on Resolutions" � TSAG Q1/12 2024-02-06
[ 525-GEN ]
LS/i on guidelines for the preparation of contributions and the role of study group mentors � TSAG Q1/12 2024-02-06
[ 518-GEN ]
LS/i on the activities and studies on sustainable digital transformation � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q1/12 2024-01-03
[ 515-GEN ]
LS/i on OTNT Standardization Work Plan Issue 33 � ITU-T Study Group 15 Q1/12 2024-01-03
[ 514-GEN ]
LS/i on the new version of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standards Overview and Work Plan � ITU-T Study Group 15 Q1/12 2024-01-03
[ 513-GEN ]
LS/i on results of the fourth meeting of the FG-MV � FG-MV Q1/12 2024-01-02
[ 512-GEN ]
LS/i on status of IMT-2020 QoS assurance related work in Q6 of ITU-T SG13 � ITU-T Study Group 13 Q1/12 2024-01-02
[ 509-GEN ]
LS/i on highlights from the fifth meeting of the Joint Coordination Activity on Digital COVID-19 Certificates (JCA-DCC) � JCA-DCC Q1/12 2023-12-04
[ 508-GEN ]
LS/i on metaverse definition � ITU-T Study Group 2 Q1/12 2023-12-01
[ 507-GEN ]
LS/i on progress of draft Recommendation M.cefno "Cost-effectiveness evaluation framework for network operation" � ITU-T Study Group 2 Q1/12 2023-12-01
[ 506-GEN ]
LS/i on the progress on M.rcem-AI: "Requirements for AI-based customer experience management of telecom services" � ITU-T Study Group 2 Q1/12 2023-12-01
[ 505-GEN ]
LS/i/r on progress of draft Recommendation ITU-T M.fcnhe "Framework of communication network health evaluation" (reply to SG12-LS48) � ITU-T Study Group 2 Q1/12 2023-12-01
[ 503-GEN ]
LS/i on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan � ITU-T Study Group 2 Q1/12 2023-12-01
[ 502-GEN ]
LS/i on Coordination for Identity Management � ITU-T Study Group 2 Q1/12 2023-11-30
[ 501-GEN ]
LS/i on request of the appointment of an electronic working methods (EWM) liaison � ITU-T Study Group 2 Q1/12 2023-11-30
[ 500-GEN ]
LS/i on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.3059 (ex Y.Trust-Registry) "Trust Registry for Devices: requirements, architectural framework" � ITU-T Study Group 13 Q1/12 2023-11-27
[ 499-GEN ]
LS/i on initiation of new work item ITU-T Y.NGNe-CCAE-arch: "Functional architecture enhancement of content and context awareness in NGN evolution" � ITU-T Study Group 13 Q1/12 2023-11-27
[ 498-GEN ]
LS/i on the consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3061 (ex Y.AN-Arch-fw) "Autonomous Networks - Architecture Framework" � ITU-T Study Group 13 Q1/12
[ 497-GEN ]
LS/i on SG13 activity ad-hoc on "Future ICT Evolution for emerging Web Era" � ITU-T Study Group 13 Q1/12 2023-11-27
[ 496-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to update the information in the IMT-2020 and beyond roadmap � JCA-IMT2020 Q1/12 2023-11-27
[ 494-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to provide inputs to the " Machine learning standardization roadmap " � JCA-ML Q1/12 2023-11-24
[ 492-GEN ]
LS/i on ITU Tutorial on Testing Laboratories Recognition Procedure � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q1/12 2023-11-24
[ 491-GEN ]
LS/i on SG11 preparation for WTSA-24 � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q1/12 2023-11-24
[ 490-GEN ]
LS/i on definition of metaverse � FG-MV Q1/12 2023-11-23
[ 489-GEN ]
LS/i on Results of the third meeting of the FG-MV � FG-MV Q1/12 2023-11-23
Resultats:53 documents
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