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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG05 RG-AFR : R�union�2023-05-15�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG05 RG-AFR� TD�(2023-05-15)�


SG5 Regional Group for Africa

P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2023-05-15 au 2023-05-17

Lieu : Ouganda [Kampala]

Autres r�unions : 2024-05-07� [ 2023-05-15 ]�

Resultats:22 documents
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) �[�Source:�TSB�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 23-PLEN ]
Presentation on "Best practices for climate change mitigation and Smart energy solutions" � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-13
[ 22-PLEN ]
Presentation and latest drafts of the work items related to the Digital Product Passport for ICT � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-13
[ 21-PLEN ]
Presentation on Recommendation ITU-T L.1480: Enabling the Net Zero transition - Assessing how the use of information and communication technology solutions impact greenhouse gas emissions of other sectors � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-13
[ 20-PLEN ]
SG5RG-AFR Working Groups ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 19-PLEN ]
Introductory presentation of ITU-T Study Group 5: Environment, EMF and circular economy ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 18-PLEN ]
Information on ITU-T SG5 and ITU-T SG5RG-AFR mailing lists ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 17-PLEN ]
List of SG5RG-AFR Member States ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 15-PLEN ]
Management team of SG5RG-AFR ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 14-PLEN ]
List of Study Group 5 Management team, Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 13-PLEN ]
WTSA Resolutions of interest to ITU-T Study Group 5 � � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 12-PLEN ]
Plenipotentiary Resolutions of interest to ITU-T Study Group 5 ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 11-PLEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 5 Work programme ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 10-PLEN ]
Report of the meeting of Study Group 5 (Virtual, WP2/5 meeting, 9 February 2023) ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 9-PLEN ]
Report of the meeting of Study Group 5 (Virtual 5 December 2022) ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 8-PLEN ]
Report of the meeting of Study Group 5 (Rome, 17-27 October 2022) ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 7-PLEN ]
Report of the meeting of Study Group 5 (Geneva, 21 June - 1 July 2022) ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 6-PLEN ]
United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 5-PLEN ]
Bridging the standardization gap and Regional Groups ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 4-PLEN ]
Guidelines for the preparation of Contributions to ITU-T: Relevant ITU A-series Recommendation ��� � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 3-PLEN ]
Terms of Reference for the ITU-T Study Group 5 Regional Group for Africa � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 2-PLEN ]
List of Participants � TSB QALL/5 2023-05-01
[ 1-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for the meeting of ITU-T SG5RG-AFR (Kampala, Uganda, 15-17 May 2023) � TSB QALL/5 2023-03-21
Resultats:22 documents
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