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UIT-T�SG02� C�


Operational aspects

P�riode d'�tudes 2022

Resultats:12 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�United Kingdom�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 232 ]
Global Numbering for IoT - Further issues for discussion � United Kingdom Q1/2 2024-06-06
[ 145 ]
Further questions arising from C102 � Office of Communications - Ofcom (United Kingdom) Q1/2 2023-10-26
[ 64 ]
Proposed revised baseline text for E.ACP: Alternative calling procedures � United Kingdom Q3/2 2023-02-26
[ 63 ]
Proposed new work item on: Audit of global resources assignment criteria � United Kingdom Q1/2 2023-02-26
[ 62 ]
Proposed amendment to E.164.1: Criteria and procedures for the reservation, assignment and reclamation of E.164 country codes and associated identification codes (ICs) � United Kingdom Q1/2 2023-02-26
[ 56 ]
Suppression of UPT Recommendations � Canada , United Kingdom Q3/2, Q2/2, Q1/2 2022-05-03
[ 48 ]
Proposed new work item on: "Carrier Switching" � United Kingdom , Voxbone SA (Belgium) Q2/2, Q1/2 2022-04-28
[ 42 ]
Proposed amendments to Recommendations ITU-T E.164.1, E.212, and E.218 and E.190 � Canada , Orange (France) , United Kingdom Q1/2 2022-04-27
[ 41 ]
Proposed revised baseline text for E. gain: ITU-T Management of the allocation of globally assigned Issuer Identifier Numbers (IINs) � United Kingdom Q1/2 2022-04-26
[ 14 ]
Proposed revised baseline text for e.GAP: ITU-T global NNAI assignment processes � United Kingdom Q1/2 2022-04-25
[ 13 ]
Draft E.NNAI Section 9 (Naming for IoT) � United Kingdom Q1/2 2022-04-25
[ 10 ]
Proposed revised baseline text for E.ACP: "Alternative calling procedures" � United Kingdom Q3/2 2022-04-24
Resultats:12 documents
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