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UIT-T�SG 17� C�



P�riode d'�tudes 2017

Resultats:324 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions �[�Source:�Korea (Rep. of)�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1161 ]
Proposal for new work item: Security guidelines of deterministic communication services for IMT-2020 networks and beyond � China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , Information Science Academy of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (ISA CETC) , ZTE Corporation (China) Q2/17 2021-08-11
[ 1155 ]
2nd revised baseline text for TR.sgfdcml: Technical Report: FHE-based data collaboration in machine learning � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q15/17 2021-08-11
[ 1153 ]
5th Revised baseline text X.iotsec-4: Security Requirements for Internet of Things (IoT) devices and gateway � Korea (Rep. of) Q6/17 2021-08-11
[ 1152 ]
Revised baseline text for X.sec_QKDN_CM: Security requirements and measures for quantum key distribution networks - control and management � Korea (Rep. of) Q15/17 2021-08-11
[ 1151 ]
Revised baseline text for X.ipscv: Methodologies of intrusion prevention systems for connected vehicles � Korea (Rep. of) Q13/17 2021-08-11
[ 1150 ]
Revised baseline text for X.evtol-sec : Security guidelines for an electric vertical take-off and landing vehicle (eVTOL) in an urban air mobility environment � Korea (Rep. of) Q13/17 2021-08-11
[ 1149 ]
Revised baseline text for X.websec-7: Reference Monitor for video and audio analysis services (clause 8) � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2021-08-11
[ 1148 ]
Proposed baseline text for X.vide: A guideline of visual feature protection and secure sharing mechanisms for de-identification � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2021-08-11
[ 1146 ]
Revised baseline text for TR.qs-dlt: Guidelines for quantum-safe DLT systems � Korea (Rep. of) Q14/17 2021-08-11
[ 1145 ]
Revised baseline text for X.rdda: Requirements for data de-identification assurance � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2021-08-11
[ 1143 ]
1st Revised baseline text for X.guide-cdd, Security guidelines for combining de-identified data using trusted third party � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2021-08-11
[ 1141 ]
Revised baseline text for X.5Gsec-t: Security framework based on trust relationship for 5G ecosystem � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/17 2021-08-11
[ 1140 ]
Proposal for a threat and capability regarding "Service disruption from manipulated RRC connection Request) � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/17 2021-08-11
[ 1139 ]
Revised baseline text for X.5Gsec-ecs: Security Guidelines for 5G Edge Computing Services � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/17 2021-08-11
[ 1138 ]
2nd Revised baseline text for TR.cta: Use cases for contact tracing technologies to prevent spread of infectious diseases (for agreement) � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2021-08-11
[ 1137 ]
Support for the way forward suggested by CG on SG17 preparation for WTSA20 � Korea (Rep. of) QALL/17 2021-08-11
[ 1136 ]
Proposal to update the current text for 5G security standardization roadmap � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/17 2021-08-11
[ 1135 ]
Proposal for new work item: Security assurance framework for digital financial services � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2021-08-11
[ 1134 ]
7th Revised baseline text for X.das-mgt: Security threats and requirements for data access and sharing based on the distributed ledger technology (for consent) � Korea (Rep. of) Q14/17 2021-08-11
[ 1133 ]
4th Revised baseline text for X.5Gsec-guide: Security guidelines for 5G communication system � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/17 2021-08-11
[ 1132 ]
Proposal for new work item: Framework for out-of-band server authentication using mobile devices � Korea (Rep. of) Q10/17 2021-08-11
[ 1131 ]
Revised baseline text for X.itssec-5: Security guidelines for vehicular edge computing � Korea (Rep. of) Q13/17 2021-08-11
[ 1130 ]
Revised baseline text for X.edrsec: Security guidelines for cloud-based data recorders in automotive environment � Korea (Rep. of) Q13/17 2021-08-11
[ 1129 ]
6th Revised baseline text for X.eivnsec: Security guidelines for the Ethernet-based in-vehicle networks � Korea (Rep. of) Q13/17 2021-08-11
[ 1128 ]
Proposal for new work item: Security requirements for decentralized identity management systems using distributed ledger technology � Korea (Rep. of) Q14/17 2021-08-11
[ 1127 ]
3rd Revised baseline text for X.5Gsec-vs: Security requirements for vertical services supporting ultra reliable and low latency communication (URLLC) in the 5G non-public networks � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/17 2021-08-11
[ 1126 ]
6th Revised baseline text for X.strvms: security threats and requirements for video management system (for determination) � Korea (Rep. of) Q6/17 2021-08-11
[ 1125 ]
3rd revised baseline text for X.pet_auth: Entity authentication service for pet animals using telebiometrics � Korea (Rep. of) Q10/17 2021-08-11
[ 1124 ]
Revised baseline text for TR.hybsec-qkdn: Technical Report on hybrid security approaches applicable to QKD networks � Korea (Rep. of) Q15/17 2021-08-11
[ 1123 ]
Revised baseline text for X.sg-rat: Security guidelines for use of remote access tools in Internet-connected control systems (for determination) � Korea (Rep. of) Q6/17 2021-08-11
[ 1086 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1712 (ex X.sec_QKDN_km): Security requirements and measures for QKD networks - key management (for consent) � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q15/17 2021-07-23
[ 1085 ]
Revised baseline text for TR.hybsec-qkdn: Technical Report on overview of hybrid security approaches applicable to QKD networks � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q15/17 2021-07-23
[ 1047 ]
Proposal for new work item: Security requirements of simulation platform in heterogeneous networks � China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , Information Science Academy of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (ISA CETC) , ZTE Corporation (China) Q7/17 2021-04-07
[ 1035 ]
Revised baseline text for XSTR-SEC-QKD: Security considerations for quantum key distribution network (Corrigendum) � CAS Quantum Network Co. Ltd. (China) , ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q15/17 2021-04-06
[ 1015 ]
Revised baseline text for X.sgos: Security Guidelines of Web-based Online Customer Service � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q7/17 2021-04-02
[ 1014 ]
Revised baseline text for X.str-dlt: Security threats and requirements of digital payment services Based on distributed ledger technology (for consent) � Korea (Rep. of) Q14/17 2021-04-02
[ 1013 ]
Revised baseline text for X.sec-grp-mov: Security guideline for group movement service platform � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2021-04-02
[ 1012 ]
Revised baseline text for X.edrsec: Security guidelines for cloud-based data recorders in automotive environments � Korea (Rep. of) Q13/17 2021-04-02
[ 1011 ]
Revised baseline text for X.evtol-sec : Security guidelines for an connected aerial vehicle in an urban air mobility environment � Korea (Rep. of) Q13/17 2021-04-02
[ 1010 ]
Revised baseline text for TR.qs-dlt: guidelines for quantum-safe DLT systems � Korea (Rep. of) Q14/17 2021-04-02
[ 1009 ]
6th Revised baseline text for X.das-mgt: Security threats and requirements for the data access and sharing management system based on the distributed ledger technology � Korea (Rep. of) Q14/17 2021-04-02
[ 1008 ]
Comments on Revised baseline text for X.1252-rev (R77, in Circular 289): Baseline identity management terms and definitions � Korea (Rep. of) Q10/17 2021-04-02
[ 1007 ]
Revised baseline text for X.rdda: Requirements for data de-identification assurance � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2021-04-02
[ 1006 ]
1st Revised baseline text for TR.cta: Use cases for contact tracing technologies to prevent spread of infectious diseases � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2021-04-02
[ 1005 ]
Proposal for new work item: Security guidelines for combining de-identified data using trusted third party � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2021-04-02
[ 1004 ]
Revised baseline text for X.5Gsec-ecs: Security Guidelines for 5G Edge Computing Services � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/17 2021-04-02
[ 1003 ]
Revised baseline text for X.5GSec-t: Security framework based on trust relationship for 5G ecosystem � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/17 2021-04-02
[ 1002 ]
3rd Revised baseline text for X.5Gsec-guide: Security guidelines for 5G communication system � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/17 2021-04-02
[ 1001 ]
1st Revised baseline for text X.5Gsec-vs: Security requirements for vertical services supporting URLLC in the 5G non-public networks � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/17 2021-04-02
[ 1000 ]
Proposal for new work item: Security requirements for quantum key distribution networks - control and management � Korea (Rep. of) Q15/17 2021-04-02
Resultats:324 documents
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