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UIT-T�SG 17� C�



P�riode d'�tudes 2017

Resultats:18 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�ID Quantique (Switzerland)�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1086 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1712 (ex X.sec_QKDN_km): Security requirements and measures for QKD networks - key management (for consent) � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q15/17 2021-07-23
[ 1085 ]
Revised baseline text for TR.hybsec-qkdn: Technical Report on overview of hybrid security approaches applicable to QKD networks � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q15/17 2021-07-23
[ 1035 ]
Revised baseline text for XSTR-SEC-QKD: Security considerations for quantum key distribution network (Corrigendum) � CAS Quantum Network Co. Ltd. (China) , ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q15/17 2021-04-06
[ 965 ]
Revised baseline text for X.cf-QKDN: Key combination and confidential key supply for quantum key distribution networks (for consent) � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/17 2020-08-11
[ 960 ]
Revised baseline text for X.sec_QKDN_ov: Security framework for quantum key distribution networks (for consent) � CAS Quantum Network Co. Ltd. (China) , ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/17 2020-08-11
[ 935 ]
Support consent of the draft X.cf_QKDN: Key combination and confidential key supply for quantum key distribution networks � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) (Japan) , NEC Corporation (Japan) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) , Toshiba Corporation (Japan) Q4/17 2020-08-11
[ 868 ]
Proposed improvement to TP.inno: Description of the incubation mechanism and ways to improve it � Broadcom Corporation (United States) , ID Quantique (Switzerland) Q4/17 2020-07-30
[ 858 ]
Revised baseline text for X.sec_QKDN_ov: Security framework for quantum key distribution networks � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/17 2020-03-04
[ 857 ]
Revised baseline text for X-cf_QKDN: the use of cryptographic functions on a key generated in Quantum Key Distribution networks � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/17 2020-03-04
[ 830 ]
Revised baseline text for X.5Gsec-q: Security guidelines for applying quantum-safe algorithms in 5G systems � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/17 2020-03-04
[ 611 ]
Proposal for revised text for X.cf_QKDN: the use of cryptographic functions on a key generated in Quantum Key Distribution networks � Hudson Institute (United States) , ID Quantique (Switzerland) Q4/17 2019-08-08
[ 610 ]
Proposal for revised text for X.qrng-a: Quantum Noise Random Number Generator Architecture (for consent) � Hudson Institute (United States) , ID Quantique (Switzerland) Q4/17 2019-08-08
[ 609 ]
Proposal for revised text for X.sec_QKDN_ov: Security requirements for Quantum Key Distribution Networks - Overview � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/17 2019-08-08
[ 608 ]
Proposal for revised text for TR.sec-qkd: Security framework for Quantum Key Distribution in Telecom network � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/17 2019-08-08
[ 551 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Security requirements for quantum key distribution in telecom network � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/17 2019-01-09
[ 550 ]
Update of TR.sec-qkd based on the gap analysis between ETSI/ISO standardization activities and the proposed work at ITU-T SG17 on QKD � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/17 2019-01-09
[ 536 ]
Proposed texts for draft X.qrng-a: Quantum Noise Random Number Generator Architecture � Hudson Institute (United States) , ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/17 2019-01-08
[ 535 ]
Proposed text for draft TR.sec-qkd: Technical Report on Security framework for Quantum Key Distribution in Telecom network � Hudson Institute (United States) , ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/17 2019-01-08
Resultats:18 documents
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