Documents Temporaires
�[�Source:�ITU-T Study Group 2�]��� |
[ 4192-PLEN ]
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LS/i/r on Consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4477 (ex Y.IoT-sd-arch) "Framework of service interworking with device discovery and management in heterogeneous Internet of things environments" (reply to SG2-LS241) [from ITU-T SG20]
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ITU-T Study Group 20
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2021-12-20 |
[ 4158-PLEN ]
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LS/i on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan [from ITU-T SG2]
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ITU-T Study Group 2
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Q6/17, Q4/17, Q2/17, Q1/17
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2021-11-23 |
[ 4157-PLEN ]
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LS/i on SCV activity in SG2 [from ITU-T SG2]
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ITU-T Study Group 2
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Q6/17, Q14/17, Q1/17
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2021-11-23 |
[ 4156-PLEN ]
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LS/i on consideration of a new work on ITU-T M.fcnhe: "Framework of communication network health evaluation" [from ITU-T SG2]
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ITU-T Study Group 2
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Q6/17, Q2/17, Q13/17
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2021-11-23 |
[ 4155-PLEN ]
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LS/i on new work item TR.SPN, "spoofing using national numbers" [from ITU-T SG2]
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ITU-T Study Group 2
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QALL/17, Q6/17, Q2/17
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2021-11-23 |
[ 4142-PLEN ]
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LS/i on Consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4477 (ex Y.IoT-sd-arch) "Framework of service interworking with device discovery and management in heterogeneous Internet of things environments" [from ITU-T SG20]
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ITU-T Study Group 20
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2021-11-01 |
[ 4141-PLEN ]
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LS/i/r on progress of Q14/17 activities on security aspects for Distributed Ledger Technologies (reply to SG17-LS318) [from ITU-T SG20]
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ITU-T Study Group 20
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2021-11-01 |
[ 4140-PLEN ]
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LS/i on establishment of a new ITU-T Focus Group on "Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) for Digital Agriculture" (FG-AI4A) [from ITU-T SG20]
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ITU-T Study Group 20
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QALL/17, Q6/17, Q4/17
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2021-11-01 |
[ 4124-PLEN ]
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LS/i/r on coordination for identity management (reply to SG17-LS286) [from ITU T SG2]
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ITU-T Study Group 2
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2021-09-24 |
Resultats:9 documents
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