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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 16 : R�union�2022-01-17�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 16� C�(2022-01-17)�



P�riode d'�tudes 2017

R�union� du 2022-01-17 au 2022-01-28

Lieu : E-Meeting

Autres r�unions : 2021-09-272021-04-192020-06-222019-10-072019-06-142019-03-192018-10-262018-07-092018-02-162017-10-162017-01-16

Resultats:12 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�Japan�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 922 ]
F.ACC-TH: Proposal to update baseline and submit for Consent � Keio University (Japan) , WHO Q28/16 2022-01-04
[ 877 ]
FSTP-CONF-F780.1: Updating definitions and adding a new Annex with a checklist � Keio University (Japan) Q28/16 2022-01-03
[ 876 ]
F.780.1 v2: Proposal to update definitions and abbreviations and to move to Consent � Keio University (Japan) Q28/16 2022-01-03
[ 875 ]
F.ACC-TH: Proposal to update definitions, abbreviations, requirements, and Bibliography clauses and Annex B on EMC � Keio University (Japan) Q28/16 2022-01-03
[ 874 ]
FSTP-Online-Med: Proposal to update references, definition, abbreviations, clause 6, Appendix II and Bibliography � Keio University (Japan) Q28/16 2022-01-03
[ 873 ]
FSTP.UHD-Colour: Proposal to update references, definitions and abbreviations � Keio University (Japan) Q28/16 2022-01-03
[ 872 ]
New: FSTP.ACC-WebVRI: Proposal to start a revision of technical paper on Guideline on web-based remote sign language interpretation or video remote interpretation � Keio University (Japan) Q26/16 2022-01-03
[ 858 ]
H.721 (V3): Proposed updates for Consent � Keio University (Japan) , Oki Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) (Japan) , Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. (Japan) Q13/16 2022-01-03
[ 814 ]
F.AI-MVSLWS: Proposed modification for sub clause 8.4 � Oki Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) (Japan) Q5/16 2021-12-28
[ 809 ]
H.IIS-Reqts: Proposed updates of haptic requirements in sub-clause 7.1 � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q8/16 2021-12-20
[ 808 ]
H.430.3: Proposal of modifications use case on remote ensemble concert in Appendix of H.430.3 � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q8/16 2021-12-20
[ 807 ]
New: H.ILE-Haptic: Proposal for establishment new Work Item on Media transport protocols, signalling information of haptic transmission for Immersive Live Experience (ILE) systems � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q8/16 2021-12-20
Resultats:12 documents
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