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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 15 : R�union�2021-04-12�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 15� TD-PLEN�(2021-04-12)�


Transport, access and home

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

R�union� du 2021-04-12 au 2021-04-23

Lieu : E-Meeting

Autres r�unions : 2021-12-06� [ 2021-04-12 ]� 2020-09-072020-01-272019-07-012018-10-082018-01-292017-06-19

Resultats:48 documents
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) �[�Source:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 743-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft G.hsp.comTC � Editors of G.hsp.comTC Q2/15 2021-04-22
[ 742-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new G.WDMPON.req � Editors of G.9802.1 Q2/15 2021-04-22
[ 741-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft G.9804.3 (ex G.hsp.50Gpmd) � Editors G.hsp.50Gpmd Q2/15 2021-04-22
[ 740-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new G.8052.2/Y.1346.2 � Editors G.8052.2 Q14/15 2021-04-21
[ 739-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new G.8271.2/Y.1366 � Editor G.8271.2 Q13/15 2021-04-21
[ 738-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised G.8010 Amd.3 � Editor G.8010 Q12/15 2021-04-20
[ 737-PLEN ]
Draft Implementers' Guide for G.8001/Y.1354 (for agreement) � Editor G.8001 Q10/15 2021-04-20
[ 736-PLEN ]
Corrigendum 1 to G.709 (for consent) � Editor G.709 Q11/15 2021-04-20
[ 732-PLEN ]
Corrigendum 1 to G.709.4 (for consent) � Editors G.709.4 Q11/15 2021-04-20
[ 729-PLEN ]
G.989.3 Rev 2021 (for consent) � Editors G.989.3 Q2/15 2021-04-16
[ 728-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new G.8275/Y.1369 Amd.1 � Editor G.8275 Q13/15 2021-04-15
[ 727-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised G.8265.1 � Editor G.8265.1 Q13/15 2021-04-15
[ 726-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new G.8275.2/Y.1369.2 (2016) Amd.2 � Editor G.8275.2 Q13/15 2021-04-15
[ 725-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new G.8275.1/Y.1369.1 Amd.2 � Editor G.8275.1 Q13/15 2021-04-15
[ 724-PLEN ]
Draft Corrigendum 2 to Recommendation G.798 (12/2017) (for consent) � Editor G.798 Q11/15 2021-04-15
[ 720-PLEN ]
G.9963 Amd.1 LC comment resolution � Editor G.9963 Amd1 Q18/15 2021-03-30
[ 719-PLEN ]
Draft text for Recommendation ITU-T G.9963 (2018) Amendment 1 (for approval) � Editor G.9963 Amd1 Q18/15 2021-03-30
[ 718-PLEN ]
G.hsp.50Gpmd: Latest draft (for consent) � Editors G.hsp.50Gpmd Q2/15 2021-03-30
[ 717-PLEN ]
ITU-T Rec. Series G Supplement CO DBA: OLT Capabilities for supporting CO DBA (for Agreement) � Editor G.sup CoDBA Q2/15 2021-03-30
[ 716-PLEN ]
Draft of G.uvs: Support UHD video service over G.hn (for consent) � Editors G.uvs Q18/15 2021-03-30
[ 715-PLEN ]
Draft of Technical Paper: Use Case & Requirements of Fibre-to-The-Room (FTTR) (for Agreement) � Editor of the technical paper Q18/15 2021-03-30
[ 714-PLEN ]
Draft for technical paper of Overview of the G.hn technology (for Agreement) � Editor of the technical paper Q18/15 2021-03-30
[ 713-PLEN ]
Draft for technical paper of architecture, function and service of home network (for Agreement) � Editor of the technical paper Q18/15 2021-03-30
[ 712-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 2 to G.8275.2 (for consent) � Editors G.8275.2/Y.1369.2 Q13/15 2021-03-30
[ 711-PLEN ]
G.9802.1 for consent � Editors G.9802.1 Q2/15 2021-03-30
[ 709-PLEN ]
Higher Speed Passive Optical Networks: Common Transmission Convergence Layer Specification (for consent) � Editors G.hsp.comTC Q2/15 2021-03-30
[ 708-PLEN ]
Draft new Rec G.9711 (ex. G.mgfast-PHY) (for approval) � Editor G.mgfast Q4/15 2021-03-30
[ 705-PLEN ]
G.8275 Amendment 1 (for consent) � Editor/Co-editor G.8275 Q13/15 2021-03-29
[ 704-PLEN ]
Draft Revised Recommendation L.100/L.10 (for consent) � Editor L.100/L.10 Q5/15 2021-03-29
[ 703-PLEN ]
G.988 Amd.4 (for consent) � Editors G.988 Q2/15 2021-03-29
[ 702-PLEN ]
Draft G.9804.1 Amd.1 (for consent) � Editors G.9804.1 Amd.1 Q2/15 2021-03-26
[ 701-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T G.997.3 (for approval) � Editor G.997.3 Q4/15 2021-03-26
[ 700-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 2 to G.8275.1 (for consent) � Editor G.8275.1/Y.1369.1 Q13/15 2021-03-26
[ 699-PLEN ]
Latest draft of G.8265.1 Revision (for consent) � Editor/Co-editor G.8265.1 Q13/15 2021-03-26
[ 698-PLEN ]
Draft revised ITU-T Technical Report "Guide on the use of ITU-T L-series Recommendations related to optical technologies for outside plant" for agreement � Editor L-series Guide Q8/15, Q5/15, Q16/15 2021-03-24
[ 697-PLEN ]
G.9806 Amd.2 (for consent) � Editors G.9806 Q2/15 2021-03-23
[ 696-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation G.8273.4/Y.1368.4 (for Consent) � Editor, G.8273.4/Y.1368.4 Q13/15 2021-03-22
[ 695-PLEN ]
Revised Recommendation L.201/L.13 (for consent) � Editor L.201/L.13 Q16/15 2021-03-22
[ 694-PLEN ]
Draft Revision to Recommendation G.8271.2 (for consent) � Editor G.8271.2 Q13/15 2021-03-17
[ 660-PLEN ]
Draft G.8331- MTN linear protection (for consent) � Editor Q11/15 2021-03-09
[ 659-PLEN ]
Draft G.703 Amd. 1- high accuracy interface annex (for consent) � Editor Q13/15, Q11/15 2021-03-09
[ 658-PLEN ]
New Recommendation G.8052.2 (for consent) � Editor G.8052.2 Q14/15 2021-02-26
[ 657-PLEN ]
Draft of revision to G.7719 "Management information model for MC components and functions" (for consent) � Editor G.7719 Q14/15 2021-02-26
[ 656-PLEN ]
Editor draft of Amendment 1 to G.7714.1/Y.1705.1 "Protocol for automatic discovery in transport networks" (for Consent) � Editor G.7714.1 Q14/15 2021-02-26
[ 655-PLEN ]
Draft new ITU-T Supplement G.Suppl.media-im-ex: "Modeling consideration for optical media network" (for agreement) � Editor G.Suppl.media-im-ex Q14/15 2021-02-26
[ 654-PLEN ]
Draft new Recommendation G.876 "Management Requirement and Information Model for the optical media network" (for consent) � Editor G.876 Q14/15 2021-02-26
[ 652-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation G.7703 (ex. G.8080) (for consent) � Editor Q12/15 2021-02-22
[ 651-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 3 to Recommendation ITU-T G.8010/Y.1306 (for consent) � Editor G.8010 Q12/15 2021-02-22
Resultats:48 documents
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