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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 13 : R�union�2021-11-29�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 13� TD-WP3�(2021-11-29)�


Future networks

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

R�union� du 2021-11-29 au 2021-12-10

Lieu : E-Meeting

Autres r�unions : [ 2021-11-29 ]� 2021-07-162021-03-012020-12-172020-12-072020-07-202020-03-132019-10-142019-06-282019-03-042018-11-022018-07-162018-04-182017-11-062017-07-142017-02-06

Resultats:15 documents
Documents Temporaires �(WP3) �[�AI/Question:�2/13�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 700-WP3 ]
LS/o/r on the activities about Distributed ledger technologies in Q2/13 (reply to SG17-LS318) � Rapporteur Q2/13 2021-12-08
[ 699-WP3 ]
LS/o on the new work item on "Requirements and framework of Service Function Orchestration based on SFC (Y.SFO)" � Rapporteur Q2/13 2021-12-08
[ 698-WP3 ]
Implementors' Guide for recommendation Y.110 � Rapporteur Q2/13 2021-12-08
[ 697-WP3 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.SFO: "Requirements and framework of Service Function Orchestration based on Service Function Chain" � Rapporteur Q2/13 2021-12-08
[ 696-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.NGNe-IBN-arch: "Functional architecture of NGN evolution by adoption of Intent-Based Network" � Editors Q2/13 2021-12-08
[ 695-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.NGNe-O-CPN-reqts: "Requirements and framework of NGNe orchestration enhancements for supporting computing power network" � Editors Q2/13 2021-12-08
[ 694-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IBN-reqts: "Scenarios and requirements of Intent-Based Network for network evolution" � Editors Q2/13 2021-12-08
[ 693-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.NRS-DLT-reqts " Scenarios and requirements of network resource sharing based on distributed ledger technology" � Editors Q2/13 2021-12-08
[ 692-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.NGNe-MC-reqts: "Requirements of NGN evolution to support multi-connection for network and cloud interworking" � Editors Q2/13 2021-12-08
[ 691-WP3 ]
Meeting report of Q2/13 Virtual, 29 November - 10 December 2021 � Rapporteur Q2/13 2021-12-08
[ 664-WP3 ]
Draft agenda of Q2 (Virtual, 29 November - 10 December 2021) � Rapporteur Q2/13 2021-12-01
[ 662-WP3 ]
Agenda of WP3/13 Closing Plenary meeting (Virtual, 29 November - 10 December 2021) � WP3/13 Co-Chairmen Q5/13, Q2/13, Q16/13, Q1/13 2021-11-26
[ 659-WP3 ]
LS/i/r on feedback on new work item ITU-T Y.NRS-DLT-arch "Functional architecture of network resource sharing based on distributed ledger technology" (reply SG13-LS222) [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 Q2/13 2021-11-25
[ 658-WP3 ]
LS/i/r on the new work item ITU-T Y.ASA-CPN: "Computing power network authentication scheduling architecture" (reply to SG13-LS219) [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 Q2/13 2021-11-25
[ 634-WP3 ]
LS/i/r on the ITU-T Y.2086 (formerly Y.DNI-fr) "Framework and Requirements of Decentralized Trustworthy Network Infrastructure" (reply to SG13-LS220) [from IETF] � IETF Q2/13 2021-09-13
Resultats:15 documents
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