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UIT-T�SG 12� C�


Performance, QoS and QoE

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

Resultats:15 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�InfoVista SAS�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 564 ]
Infovista proposal for P.VSQMTF.1 and P.565 � InfoVista SAS (France) Q15/12 2021-09-03
[ 540 ]
Findings from P.VSQMTF.1 independent validation � InfoVista SAS (France) Q15/12 2021-04-21
[ 539 ]
An approach for generic testing techniques on real application data traffic patterns within the context of G.IntAct � InfoVista SAS (France) Q17/12 2021-04-21
[ 475 ]
A Predictor of Speech Quality by Machine Learning based on P.565 framework � InfoVista SAS (France) Q15/12 2020-04-01
[ 413 ]
Proposed additions and corrections for ITU-T Rec. P.1401 � Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) (Germany) , InfoVista SAS (France) , Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson (Sweden) Q9/12 2019-11-12
[ 411 ]
Proposed Generic Client for Voice OTT Services � InfoVista SAS (France) Q17/12 2019-11-11
[ 410 ]
Proposed Guidelines for Machine Learning Based Solutions � InfoVista SAS (France) Q9/12, Q15/12, Q14/12 2019-11-11
[ 385 ]
Methods, metrics and procedures for statistical evaluation, qualification and comparison of objective quality prediction models � InfoVista SAS (France) , Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) Q9/12 2019-04-24
[ 377 ]
Minimum Performance Requirements for Machine Learning Based Solutions � InfoVista SAS (France) Q9/12, Q15/12 2019-04-24
[ 313 ]
A Machine Learning Approach in SG12 � InfoVista SAS (France) Q16/12, Q15/12, Q1/12 2018-11-14
[ 256 ]
Draft Text for a New Recommendation "Voice Service Quality Monitoring and Troubleshooting Framework for Intrusive Parametric Voice QoE Prediction, P.VSQMTF" � InfoVista SAS (France) Q15/12 2018-11-12
[ 255 ]
P.VSQMTF Differences vis a vis P.564 � InfoVista SAS (France) Q15/12 2018-11-12
[ 191 ]
Proposed text for P.VSQMTF "Voice service quality monitoring and troubleshooting framework for intrusive parametric voice QoE prediction" � InfoVista SAS Q15/12 2018-04-18
[ 140 ]
Proposed Approach for P.VTQ-M Framework � InfoVista SAS Q15/12 2017-09-06
[ 81 ]
Draft Text for E.NetPerfRank Recommendation � InfoVista SAS Q12/12 2017-08-28
Resultats:15 documents
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