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UIT-T�SG 12� C�


Performance, QoS and QoE

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

Resultats:32 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�AT�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 587 ]
Updates for Annex B: ITU-T Y.1540 Maximum IP-Layer Capacity Measurements � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2021-09-29
[ 586 ]
New tests in clause 9: ITU-T Y-series - Supplement 60 on Interpreting Y.1540 Maximum IP-Layer Capacity Measurements � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2021-09-29
[ 547 ]
Evolved text for the draft Technical Report "Roadmap for QoS and QoE in the ITU-T Study Group 12 context" (TR-RQ) � Ag�ncia Nacional de Telecomunica��es - ANATEL (Brazil) Q2/12 2021-04-22
[ 541 ]
Revised Y.1540 Annex B - Additional search algorithm for IP-based capacity parameters and methods of measurement � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2021-04-21
[ 523 ]
Revised ITU-T Y-series - Supplement 60 on Interpreting Y.1540 Maximum IP-Layer Capacity Measurements � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2021-04-18
[ 508 ]
Updated draft of new Recommendation G.IntAct: Latency measurement and interactivity scoring under real application data traffic patterns � AT&T, Inc. (United States) , Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) Q17/12 2020-08-25
[ 502 ]
Revised ITU-T Y-series - Supplement 60 on Interpreting Y.1540 Maximum IP-Layer Capacity Measurements � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2020-08-24
[ 461 ]
ITU-T Y-series - Supplement on Interpreting Y.1540 Maximum IP-Layer Capacity Measurements � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2020-03-29
[ 442 ]
Methods to evaluate multi-dimensional IP-Layer Performance Measurements � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2019-11-13
[ 418 ]
Recent Testing and Comparison of Methods � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2019-11-13
[ 381 ]
Strategies to mitigate the effects of SIM-boxing on QoS and QoE � National Communications Authority (NCA) (Ghana) , National Telecommunications Commission (NATCOM) (Sierra Leone) , Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) (Gambia) Q12/12 2019-04-24
[ 359 ]
Search Algorithm required for new Annex A of Revised Rec. Y.1540, (For CONSENT) � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2019-04-23
[ 358 ]
New Appendix of Y.1540: Flow-related Parameters based on IETF RFC 8337 (For CONSENT) � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2019-04-23
[ 357 ]
Test Results for Y.1540 Phase 2 Evaluation: IP Capacity and Latency Assessment � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2019-04-23
[ 356 ]
New Material for Summary Y.1540 Appendix on Lab Results and Field Results (For CONSENT) � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2019-04-23
[ 355 ]
Expansion of Y.1540 new Annex A, including Initial Evaluation Plan (For CONSENT) � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2019-04-23
[ 354 ]
Revised Rec. Y.1540, "IP packet transfer and availability performance parameters" for CONSENT � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2019-04-23
[ 351 ]
Brief Survey of Existing ITU work on Spectrum and Frequency Sharing � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q11/12 2019-04-23
[ 275 ]
Updates to TD-627: Contribution on Lab Evaluation Methods and Additional Lab Results � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2018-11-13
[ 274 ]
Comments on Draft E.MTSM, Measurement Scenarios, Advanced Measurement Systems and Sampling Methodologies to Monitor the QoS in Mobile Networks (TD-604) � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q12/12 2018-11-13
[ 273 ]
Draft text of Y.cvms, "Considerations for Realizing Virtual Measurement Systems", for Consent � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q8/12 2018-11-13
[ 174 ]
Proposed Text of Revised Rec Y.1543 (11/07), Measurements in IP networks for inter-domain performance assessment � AT&T, Inc. Q17/12 2018-04-17
[ 171 ]
New Material on Cloud-Native Networking for Y.cvms � AT&T, Inc. Q8/12 2018-04-16
[ 161 ]
New text for Y.1546 (new Annex C, IP-Based Service Availability) � AT&T, Inc. Q17/12 2018-04-16
[ 160 ]
Development of Y.1540 Flow-related Parameters based on IETF RFC 8337 � AT&T, Inc. Q17/12 2018-04-16
[ 102 ]
Annex C, IP-Based Service Availability, for ITU-T Rec. Y.1546 (10/2014) Hand-over performance among multiple access networks � AT&T, Inc. Q17/12, Q12/12 2017-09-04
[ 101 ]
Accuracy in Virtualized Deployment of QoS and QoE Assessment: Further work area development � AT&T, Inc. Q8/12 2017-09-04
[ 100 ]
On-demand Virtualized Deployment of QoS and QoE Assessment: Further work area development � AT&T, Inc. Q8/12 2017-09-04
[ 66 ]
QoS of mobile networks in Afghanistan � Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRA) Q2/12, Q12/12 2016-12-23
[ 60 ]
Proposed revisions for Annex C, "Blackbox Player Measurement and Buffer Model Parameterization" of New Recommendation ITU-T G.1022 � AT&T, Inc. Q17/12 2016-12-22
[ 58 ]
Proposal for IP based Service Availability � AT&T, Inc. Q17/12 2016-12-22
[ 57 ]
Division of work areas for Virtualized Deployment of QoS and QoE Assessment � AT&T, Inc. Q8/12 2016-12-22
Resultats:32 documents
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