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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 12 : R�union�2019-11-26�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 12� TD-GEN�(2019-11-26)�


Performance, QoS and QoE

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

R�union� du 2019-11-26 au 2019-12-05

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2021-10-122021-05-042021-01-062020-09-072020-04-15� [ 2019-11-26 ]� 2019-09-042019-05-072018-11-272018-05-012018-02-152017-09-192017-01-10

Resultats:12 documents
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�Source:�Editors�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1098-GEN ]
Base text G.CQoE - Application Guide for the Concept of QoE � Editors Q2/12 2019-12-04
[ 1093-GEN ]
Draft New Recommendation ITU-T J.q-uhd "Quality measurement methods for UHD services" � Editors J.q-uhd Q18/12 2019-12-03
[ 1086-GEN ]
Draft New Recommendation E.FINAD "Guidelines for Intelligent Network Analytics and Diagnostics" � Editors E.FINAD Q16/12 2019-12-03
[ 1084-GEN ]
Baseline text for G.QoE-AR � Editors G.QoE-AR Q13/12 2019-12-03
[ 1078-GEN ]
New ITU-T Technical Report PSTR-PXNR "No-reference pixel-based video quality estimation algorithm" (for agreement) �
The electronic attachment (115MB) is available at //1f8a81b9b0707b63-19211.webchannel-proxy.scarabresearch.com/ifa/t/2017/sg12/exchange/wp2/q14/201911_Meeting_Geneva/td1078/
Editors PSTR-PXNR Q14/12 2019-12-02
[ 1076-GEN ]
Updates to baseline text for G.IPTV-MP � Editors G.IPTV-MP Q13/12 2019-12-02
[ 1073-GEN ]
Evolved base text on revision of Supplement 9 of E.800 Recommendation Series � Editors E.800 Sup9Rev Q12/12 2019-12-02
[ 1072-GEN ]
Updated baseline of G.QoE-VR � Editors G.QoE-VR Q13/12 2019-12-02
[ 1061-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T P.VQD: Dimension-based Subjective Quality Evaluation for Video Content (for consent) � Editors P.VQD Q7/12, Q19/12 2019-11-29
[ 1019-GEN ]
Draft new Rec. E.CrowdESFB: Crowdsourcing Approach for the Assessment of End-to-end QoS in Fixed Broadband and Mobile Networks � Editors E.CrowdESFB Q12/12 2019-11-13
[ 980-GEN ]
Updated G.CMVTQS Terms of Reference (ToR) for the call for participation � Editors G.CMVTQS Q15/12, Q14/12, Q10/12 2019-10-29
[ 979-GEN ]
Updated G.CMVTQS Subjective test plan for the call for participation � Editors G.CMVTQS Q15/12, Q14/12, Q10/12 2019-10-29
Resultats:12 documents
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