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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 5 : R�union�2021-05-11�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 5� TD-GEN�(2021-05-11)�


Environment, climate change and circular economy

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

R�union� du 2021-05-11 au 2021-05-20

Lieu : E-Meeting

Autres r�unions : 2021-11-30� [ 2021-05-11 ]� 2020-10-192020-05-112019-09-162019-05-132018-09-112018-05-212018-03-052017-11-132017-05-15

Resultats:33 documents
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�Source:�Associate Rapporteur�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1891-GEN ]
Updated document for draft recommendation L.ENV-KPI-5G-ARCH "Environmental KPIs/metrics for 5G architectures" � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-18
[ 1890-GEN ]
A.1 justification for draft new Recommendation ITU-T L.TIME"Q-factor: fundamental metric expressing Integrated Circuit energy-efficiency" � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-18
[ 1889-GEN ]
Baseline text for draft new Recommendation ITU-T L.TIME"Q-factor: fundamental metric expressing Integrated Circuit energy-efficiency" � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-18
[ 1885-GEN ]
A.1 justification for new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T L.SDT "Definition of sustainable digital transformation" � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-18
[ 1883-GEN ]
Baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T L.gee_bc on Guidelines on Energy Efficient Blockchain Systems � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-18
[ 1874-GEN ]
Revision of A.1 justification for new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T L.TWS: "Method for Evaluation of the Environmental and Safety Performance of True Wireless Stereo Headphones" � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-17
[ 1866-GEN ]
A.13 justification for Supplement ITU T L.Suppl.ses5Gbs "Smart energy saving of 5G base station: Based on AI and other emerging technologies to forecast and optimize the management of 5G wireless network energy consumption" � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-17
[ 1865-GEN ]
Baseline text for ITU-T L.Suppl.ses5Gbs "Smart energy saving of 5G base station: Based on AI and other emerging technologies to forecast and optimize the management of 5G wireless network energy consumption" � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-17
[ 1860-GEN ]
A.13 justification for Supplement ITU T L.Suppl.ee_ml_scm "Guidelines on the Environmental Efficiency of Machine Learning Processes in Supply Chain Management" � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-17
[ 1859-GEN ]
Baseline text for ITU-T L.Suppl.ee_ml_scm "Guidelines on the Environmental Efficiency of Machine Learning Processes in Supply Chain Management" � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-17
[ 1850-GEN ]
A.1 justification for draft Recommendation ITU T ITU-T L.gee_bs "Guidelines on Energy Efficient Blockchain Systems" � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-16
[ 1849-GEN ]
A.1 justification for proposed new work item on L.BBU "Requirements and use cases of liquid cooling solutions and high energy efficiency solutions for 5G BBU in C-RAN mode" � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-16
[ 1839-GEN ]
A.13 justification for Supplement ITU T L.Suppl.ee_aibd "Requirements on energy efficiency measurement models and the role of AI and big data" � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-16
[ 1838-GEN ]
Baseline text for ITU-T L.Suppl.ee_aibd "Requirements on energy efficiency measurement models and the role of AI and big data" � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-16
[ 1821-GEN ]
Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.139 "Reliability requirements for telecommunication systems affected by particle radiation" � Associate Rapporteur Q1/5 Q1/5 2021-05-14
[ 1820-GEN ]
Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.138 "Quality estimation methods and application guidelines for mitigation measures based on particle radiation tests" � Associate Rapporteur Q1/5 Q1/5 2021-05-14
[ 1819-GEN ]
Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.131 "Design methodologies for telecommunication systems applying soft error measures" � Associate Rapporteur Q1/5 Q1/5 2021-05-14
[ 1818-GEN ]
Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.130 "Neutron irradiation test methods for telecommunication equipment" � Associate Rapporteur Q1/5 Q1/5 2021-05-14
[ 1817-GEN ]
Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.124 "Overview of particle radiation effects on telecommunication systems" � Associate Rapporteur Q1/5 Q1/5 2021-05-14
[ 1797-GEN ]
Baseline text draft Recommendation ITU-T L.methodology_arch: "Methodology to identify key equipment in order to assess the environmental impact and e-waste generation of different network architectures" � Associate Rapporteurs Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-12
[ 1785-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q7/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 5 May 2021 � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-10
[ 1784-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q7/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 21 April 2021 � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-10
[ 1765-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q9/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 12 March 2021 � Associate Rapporteur Q9/5 Q9/5 2021-05-07
[ 1759-GEN ]
Considerations on Recommendation ITU-T L.1331 on Assessment of mobile network energy efficiency � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-05
[ 1757-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new L.1304 (ex L.Proc_DC) � Associate Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2021-05-04
[ 1751-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q7/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 13 April 2021 � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-03
[ 1750-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T L.methodology_arch: "Methodology to assess the environmental impact and e-waste generation of different network architectures" - Output of Q7/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 21 April 2021 � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-03
[ 1683-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q7/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 30 March 2021 � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-04-09
[ 1679-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q9/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 12 February 2021 � Associate Rapporteur Q9/5 Q9/5 2021-03-25
[ 1670-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q9/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 15 January 2021 � Associate Rapporteur Q9/5 Q9/5 2021-02-19
[ 1659-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q9/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 27 November 2020 � Associate Rapporteur Q9/5 Q9/5 2021-01-28
[ 1653-GEN ]
Report of Q7/5 e-meeting held on 20 November 2020 � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2020-12-22
[ 1651-GEN ]
Report of Q7/5 e-meeting held on 27 October 2020 � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2020-12-22
Resultats:33 documents
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