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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG3RG-LAC : R�union�2019-03-25�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG3RG-LAC� TD�(2019-03-25)�


SG3 Regional Group for Latin America and the Caribbean

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

R�union� du 2019-03-25 au 2019-03-29

Lieu : Nicaragua [Managua]

Autres r�unions : 2021-04-122020-07-15� [ 2019-03-25 ]� 2017-03-06

Resultats:42 documents
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 75-PLEN ]
Anticipated Draft Report of SG3RG-LAC meeting held in Managua, Nicaragua, 25-29 March 2019 � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC QALL/3 2019-04-04
[ 74-PLEN ]
SG3RG-LAC Contributions highlights to ITU-T SG3 � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC QALL/3 2019-04-04
[ 73-PLEN ]
Report of SG3RG-LAC meeting held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 6-10 March 2017 � TSB QALL/3 2019-03-26
[ 72-PLEN ]
Proposed new base text for D.ModelTTC � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q13/3 2019-03-26
[ 71-PLEN ]
Proposed new base text for STUDY_TCST � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q13/3 2019-03-26
[ 70-PLEN ]
Communique of the CTO meeting, Durban, South Africa, 9 September 2018 � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 69-PLEN ]
Communique of the CxO meeting, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 7 December 2017 � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 68-PLEN ]
ITU Kaleidoscope 2018 � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 67-PLEN ]
Enabling automatic approval of registration requests for ITU-T statutory events � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 66-PLEN ]
Circular 101: Member State consultation on Determined draft new Recommendations ITU-T D.262, D.198, D.263 � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q9/3, Q2/3, Q12/3 2019-02-20
[ 65-PLEN ]
Draft new ITU-T Series D Recommendation Shared use of spectrum and telecommunication infrastructure as possible methods for enhancing the efficiency of telecommunications � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q3/3 2019-02-20
[ 64-PLEN ]
Technical Report "Digital Financial Services (DFS) - Glossary" � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q12/3 2019-02-20
[ 63-PLEN ]
FG DFS Outputs related to SG3 � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q12/3 2019-02-20
[ 62-PLEN ]
Determined Recommendation ITU-T D.263 (D.MFS), "Costs, Charges and Competition for Mobile Financial Services (MFS)" � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q12/3 2019-02-20
[ 61-PLEN ]
Determined Recommendation ITU-T D.198 (D.Unipricelist), "Principles for unified format of price/tariffs/rates-lists used for exchanging telephone traffic" � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q2/3 2019-02-20
[ 60-PLEN ]
Determined Recommendation ITU-T D.262 (D.OTT), "Collaborative Framework for OTTs" � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q9/3 2019-02-20
[ 59-PLEN ]
Report of SG3RG-AFR meeting held in Antananarivo, Madagascar, 18-22 February 2019 � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 58-PLEN ]
Report of SG3RG-ARB meeting held in Kuwait City, Kuwait, 19-20 December 2018 � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 57-PLEN ]
Report of SG3RG-AO meeting held in Xi'an, China, 28-31 August 2018 � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 56-PLEN ]
Reports of the ITU-T Study Group 3 meeting, Geneva, 9-18 April 2018 � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 55-PLEN ]
WTSA Resolution 89: Promoting the use of information and communication technologies to bridge the financial inclusion gap � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q12/3 2019-02-20
[ 54-PLEN ]
WTSA Resolution 88: International mobile roaming � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q7/3 2019-02-20
[ 53-PLEN ]
WTSA Resolution 84: Studies concerning the protection of users of telecommunication/information and communication technology services � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 52-PLEN ]
WTSA Resolution 65: Calling party number delivery, calling line identification and origin identification � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q8/3 2019-02-20
[ 51-PLEN ]
WTSA Resolution 64: Internet protocol address allocation and facilitating the transition to and deployment of IPv6 � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q6/3 2019-02-20
[ 50-PLEN ]
WTSA Resolution 62: Dispute settlement � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q2/3 2019-02-20
[ 49-PLEN ]
WTSA Resolution 61: Countering and combating misappropriation and misuse of international telecommunication numbering resources � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q8/3 2019-02-20
[ 48-PLEN ]
WTSA Resolution 29: Alternative calling procedures on international telecommunication networks � Chariman, SG3RG-LAC Q8/3 2019-02-20
[ 47-PLEN ]
WTSA-16 and WCIT-12: Significant items of relevance for the work of Study Group 3 � � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 46-PLEN ]
Outcomes of WTSA-16 � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 45-PLEN ]
Guidelines for the preparation of Contributions to ITU-T: Relevant ITU-T A series Recommendation � N/A � 2019-02-21
[ 44-PLEN ]
BSG e-learning courses � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 43-PLEN ]
Bridging the standardization gap and Regional Groups � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 42-PLEN ]
List of ITU-T SG3 Rapporteurs � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 41-PLEN ]
SG3 structure and leadership roles � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 40-PLEN ]
List of work items for Study Group 3 � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 39-PLEN ]
List of Participants � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 38-PLEN ]
Areas of study, points of guidance and lead study group roles for ITU-T SG3: Extract of WTSA-16 Resolution 2 � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 37-PLEN ]
General overview of ITU-T SG3 and its Regional Groups � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 36-PLEN ]
SG3 Mailing Lists � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 35-PLEN ]
List of Available Documents to the 2019 meeting of SG3RG-LAC � TSB QALL/3 2019-02-20
[ 34-PLEN ]
Draft Agenda of SG3RG-LAC meeting held in Managua, Nicaragua, 25-29 March 2019 � Chariman, SG3RG-LAC QALL/3 2019-02-20
Resultats:42 documents
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