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UIT-T�SG 2� C�


Operational aspects

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

Resultats:14 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�QALL/2�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 327 ]
Common Emergency Number for Africa � Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) QALL/2 2021-05-18
[ 294 ]
Proposal of external communication by TSB regarding WGT's trial code assignment � World's Global Telecom (Russian Federation) QALL/2, Q1/2 2020-12-05
[ 292 ]
Proposal for the creation of the Focus Group on "Artificial Intelligence for Natural Disaster Management" (FG-AI4NDM) � Fraunhofer HHI & IIS (Germany) , Monash Data Futures Institute (Australia) , The University of Tokyo (Japan) , TU Berlin (Germany) , UNEP , Universidad Del Pa�s Vasco (Spain) , Universit� de Gen�ve (Switzerland) , WMO QALL/2 2020-12-04
[ 288 ]
Issues associated with assignment of a code for humanitarian purposes � United Kingdom QALL/2 2020-08-25
[ 237 ]
Initial ideas for Study Group structure & mandate (WTSA-20 preparations) � United States QALL/2 2019-11-21
[ 195 ]
Terms of reference and working methods, SG2RG-AMR � Argentina , Trinidad and Tobago , Uruguay QALL/2 2019-11-12
[ 112 ]
Proposed revised Terms of Reference and Working Method for SG2RG-ARB � Egypt , Mauritania , Saudi Arabia , Somalia , Sudan , Tunisia , United Arab Emirates QALL/2 2018-06-20
[ 66 ]
LS/o to SG3 on providing investigation of tariffication mechanisms for alternative calling procedures in telecommunication networks which may be potentially harmful � PJSC �Rostelecom� , Russian Federation QALL/2 2017-11-14
[ 63 ]
Proposal of establishing African Regional Group for ITU-T SG2 � Kenya , Tanzania , Uganda QALL/2 2017-11-14
[ 30 ]
R�gulation des codes USSD et autre � Agence de R�gulation des T�l�communications (ART) , Central African Republic QALL/2 2017-10-20
[ 15 ]
Proposed amendments to the Draft Terms of Reference for SG2RG-AMR � Argentina , Brazil , Costa Rica , Cuba , Haiti , Honduras , Nicaragua , Trinidad and Tobago , Uruguay QALL/2 2017-03-10
[ 13 ]
Implementing Resolution 44 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) - Bridging the Standardization Gap between developing and developed countries � United States QALL/2 2017-03-06
[ 4 ]
Allocation des adresses IP et facilitation et le deploiement d'IPV6 � Central African Rep. QALL/2 2017-02-23
[ 1 ]
D�signation, mandat, fonctions de commission d'�tudes directrice, points de rep�re et Questions pour la Commission d'�tudes 2 de l'UIT-T pour la p�riode d'�tudes 2017-2020 � World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-16) QALL/2 2016-11-23
Resultats:14 documents
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