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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG3RG-AO : R�union�2015-09-29�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG3RG-AO� C�(2015-09-29)�


Study Group 3 Regional Group for Asia and Oceania

P�riode d'�tudes 2013

R�union� du 2015-09-29 au 2015-10-01

Lieu : Malaisie [Kuala Lumpur]

Autres r�unions : 2016-09-202014-09-022013-04-08

Resultats:22 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�QALL/3�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 34 ]
National Broadband Policy of Cambodia � Cambodia QALL/3 2015-09-17
[ 33 ]
Support and suggested changes to Draft text for Recommendation the Regulatory principles for market definition and identification of operators with significant market power - SMP � ETRI (Korea, Rep. of) QALL/3 2015-09-16
[ 32 ]
M2M roaming � ETRI (Korea, Rep. of) QALL/3 2015-09-16
[ 31 ]
Draft new Recommendation on establishing and connecting regional IXPs � Iran QALL/3 2015-09-16
[ 30 ]
Draft Action plan of ITU-T SG3 on establishing and connecting regional IXPs � Iran QALL/3 2015-09-16
[ 29 ]
Internet Broadband Services � Samoa QALL/3 2015-09-16
[ 28 ]
Excessive Costs of International Mobile Roaming Costs for Domestic Customers in PNG � Papua New Guinea QALL/3 2015-09-16
[ 27 ]
Proposal on the study of Mobile Financial Services � Korea (Republic of) QALL/3 2015-09-15
[ 26 ]
International Internet Connectivity � Sri Lanka QALL/3 2015-09-15
[ 25 ]
Assessment of Dominance in the Malaysian Communications Market � Malaysia QALL/3 2015-09-15
[ 24 ]
Comments on Draft Recommendation on SMP (SG3/TD245) � Malaysia QALL/3 2015-09-15
[ 23 ]
Case study: Affordable Broadband Packages in Malaysia � Malaysia QALL/3 2015-09-15
[ 22 ]
Information on the consultation paper on OTT issued by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India in March, 2015 � India QALL/3 2015-09-15
[ 21 ]
Information on steps taken by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRA)) with regard to Mobile Banking � India QALL/3 2015-09-15
[ 20 ]
Draft text for recommendations on regulatory principles for market definition and identification of operators with significant market power - SMP � India QALL/3 2015-09-15
[ 19 ]
Draft guidelines on methodological principles for determining mobile digital financial service transaction charges � KAIST QALL/3 2015-09-14
[ 18 ]
International Internet Connectivity and access to broadband services � Mongolia QALL/3 2015-11-09
[ 17 ]
Development Policy Framework on promoting platform as a service in leveraging competitiveness of OTTs � Indonesia QALL/3 2015-11-09
[ 16 ]
Goals, challenges and practices of OTT service supervision � China QALL/3 2015-08-09
[ 15 ]
Proposal new resolution in implementation of Digital Financial Services 2020 and relevant activities � Indonesia QALL/3 2015-09-03
[ 14 ]
Indicative Target Timeline for Implementation of Interoperability of Digital Financial services � Indonesia QALL/3 2015-09-03
[ 13 ]
Current situation of ICT in Afghanistan � Afghanistan QALL/3 2015-09-02
Resultats:22 documents
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