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UIT-T�SG20� C�


IoT and its applications including smart cities and communities (SC&C)

P�riode d'�tudes 2013

Resultats:34 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q3/20�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 298 ]
Proposal of initiating a new work item :framework and functional architecture of IoT device identity service platform � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , China Unicom , Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co. KG Q3/20 2016-07-12
[ 241 ]
ITU-T Y.IoT-son: Updated text of draft Recommendation on July 2016 meeting � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q3/20 2016-07-12
[ 240 ]
Proposal for modifying clause 6 in Y.NGNe-IoT-arch � Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Q3/20 2016-07-12
[ 239 ]
Proposal for capability enhancement for support of the IoT � Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Q3/20 2016-07-12
[ 238 ]
Proposal for components extension for support of the IoT � Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Q3/20 2016-07-12
[ 221 ]
Y.IoT-SCE: Proposal for updating text about architecture � China Unicom Q3/20 2016-07-11
[ 220 ]
Y.IoT-SCE: Proposal for updating text about requirements � China Unicom Q3/20 2016-07-11
[ 219 ]
Y.IoT-SCE: Proposal for adding new clause for working models of NCE � China Unicom Q3/20 2016-07-11
[ 218 ]
Y.IoT-SCE: Proposal for updating text of about characteristics � China Unicom Q3/20 2016-07-11
[ 217 ]
Y.IoT-SCE: Proposal for updating text of the summary and introduction � China Unicom Q3/20 2016-07-11
[ 216 ]
Y.IoT-DE-RA: Proposal for updating text about security consideration � China Unicom Q3/20 2016-07-11
[ 215 ]
Y.IoT-DE-RA: Proposal for updating text about procedures � China Unicom Q3/20 2016-07-11
[ 214 ]
Y.IoT-DE-RA: Proposal for updating text about architecture � China Unicom Q3/20 2016-07-11
[ 213 ]
Y.IoT-DE-RA: Proposal for updating text of clauses 1 thru 8 � China Unicom Q3/20 2016-07-11
[ 200 ]
Gap Analysis of service interface for service level interoperability in the IoT environments � Korea (Rep. of) Q3/20 2016-07-08
[ 196 ]
Proposal for a new work item - Framework of service interface for service level interoperability in the IoT environments � Korea (Rep. of) Q3/20 2016-07-08
[ 192 ]
ITU-T Y.IoT-cdn: a proposal for modification for Consent � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q3/20 2016-06-30
[ 151 ]
ITU-T Y.IoT-son: Updated text of draft Recommendation on January 2016 meeting � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q3/20 2016-01-05
[ 147 ]
Proposal for use-cases of Y.NGNe-IoT-arch � Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Q3/20 2016-01-05
[ 146 ]
Proposal for the IoT service control functions in Y.NGNe-IoT-arch � Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Q3/20 2016-01-05
[ 145 ]
Proposal for the IoT data management functions in Y.NGNe-IoT-arch � Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Q3/20 2016-01-05
[ 144 ]
Proposal for the IoT transport control functions in Y.NGNe-IoT-arch � Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Q3/20 2016-01-05
[ 143 ]
Proposal for the end-point functions in Y.NGNe-IoT-arch � Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Q3/20 2016-01-05
[ 127 ]
Generalized Architecture for M2M / IoT and service delivery models. � Ministry of Communications & Information Technology , Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Q3/20 2016-01-04
[ 125 ]
ITU-T Y.IoT-cdn: a proposal for modification � Korea (Rep. of) Q3/20 2016-01-04
[ 110 ]
Proposal for updating concept and use cases in Y.IoT-SCE � China Unicom Q3/20 2015-12-31
[ 109 ]
Proposal for updating introduction and adding two use cases in Y.IoT-DE-RA � China Unicom Q3/20 2015-12-31
[ 95 ]
Update about the activities of the Alliance for IoT Innovation (AIOTI), with focus on AIOTI WG3 (the IoT standardization working group of AIOTI) � NEC Corporation Q4/20, Q3/20, Q2/20 2015-10-07
[ 83 ]
Generalized architecture for M2M / IoT and service delivery models � Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, India Q3/20 2015-10-06
[ 78 ]
Information on IEEE P2413T, "IEEE Standard for an Architectural Framework for the Internet of Things (IoT)" � Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Q3/20 2015-10-06
[ 75 ]
ITU-T Y.IoT-son: Proposed text of clause 8, Self-organization networking architecture � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q3/20 2015-10-06
[ 65 ]
ITU-T Y.IoT-cdn: a proposal for modification of architectures in clause 8 � Korea (Rep. of) Q3/20 2015-10-06
[ 64 ]
ITU-T Y.IoT-cdn: a proposal for modification of functional requirements in clause 9 and clause 10 � Korea (Rep. of) Q3/20 2015-10-06
[ 6 ]
Proposal for a new work item on "Reference architecture for IoT service capability exposure" � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , FiberHome Technologies Group Q3/20 2015-09-18
Resultats:34 documents
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