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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG20 : R�union�2016-01-18�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG20� TD-GEN�(2016-01-18)�


IoT and its applications including smart cities and communities (SC&C)

P�riode d'�tudes 2013

R�union� du 2016-01-18 au 2016-01-26

Lieu : Singapour

Autres r�unions : 2017-03-13� 2016-07-25� [ 2016-01-18 ]� 2015-10-19

Resultats:39 documents
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�Source:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 287-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IoT-GP-Reqts "Requirements for an IoT enabled network to support applications for global processes of the earth" - output of Q.2/13 meeting, Singapore, 18-26 January 2016 � Editor Q2/20 2016-01-25
[ 282-GEN ]
ITU-T Y.smartport, "Requirements of smart management of supply services in smart port" � Editors Q5/20 2016-01-25
[ 281-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IoT-AC-reqts "Requirements for accounting and charging capabilities of the Internet of Things" - output of the Q.2/20 meeting, Singapore, 18-26 January 2016 � Editors Q2/20 2016-01-25
[ 280-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation "Requirements and capabilities of Internet of Things for support of wearable devices and related services" (Y.IoT-WDS-Reqts) - output of SG20 meeting, Singapore, 18-26 January 2016 � Editor Q2/20 2016-01-25
[ 279-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation "Network requirements of the IoT" (Y.IoT-network-reqts) - output of Q.2/20 Singapore meeting, 18-26 January 2016 � Editors Q2/20 2016-01-25
[ 272-GEN ]
Proposed new draft Recommendation Y.IoT-things-description-reqts "Requirements and framework of things description in the Internet of Things" � Rapporteur Q2/20, Editors Q2/20 2016-01-24
[ 270-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation "Architecture of the Internet of Things based on NGNe" (Y.NGNe-IoT-arch) - output of Q3/20 meeting, 18-26 January, 2016, Singapore � Editor Q3/20 2016-01-24
[ 269-GEN ]
A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.TPS-afw "Architectural framework for providing transportation safety service" � Editor Q4/20 2016-01-24
[ 268-GEN ]
Initial draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.TPS-afw "Architectural framework for providing transportation safety service" (New) � Editor Q4/20 2016-01-24
[ 267-GEN ]
Initial version of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.TPS-req "Requirements of transportation safety service including use cases and service scenarios" (New) � Editor Q4/20, Q2/20 2016-01-24
[ 264-GEN ]
Initial draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-ITS-framework "Framework of cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems based on the Internet of Things" (New) � Editor Q2/20 2016-01-24
[ 260-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IoT-BigData-reqts "Specific requirements and capabilities of the IoT for Big Data" - output of Q.2/20 Singapore meeting, 18-26 January 2016 � Editors Q2/20 2016-01-23
[ 254-GEN ]
Y.SC-Residential "Requirements of Smart Residential Communities" (New): Output draft (Singapore, 18 - 26 January 2016) � Editor Q5/20 2016-01-23
[ 251-GEN ]
Initial text of Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SC-infra-TS "Telecommunication systems as infrastructure in Smart Cities and communities" Q6/20 (Singapore, 18-26 January 2016) � Editor Q6/20 2016-01-23
[ 250-GEN ]
Draft output text for Y.IoT-SCE "Reference architecture for IoT network service capability exposure" (Singapore, 18 - 26 January 2016) � Editor Q3/20 2016-01-23
[ 249-GEN ]
F.IoT-DE-RA "Reference architecture for IoT device capabilities exposure": output draft (Singapore, 18 - 26 January 2016) � Editor Q3/20 2016-01-23
[ 248-GEN ]
Supp.IMSC, Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series: Smart Sustainable Cities -Integrated management, for agreement � Editor Q6/20 2016-01-23
[ 247-GEN ]
Supp.framework-arch-SC, Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series: Smart Sustainable Cities - Setting the framework for an ICT architecture, for agreement � Editor Q6/20 2016-01-23
[ 246-GEN ]
Supp.MSinfra, Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series: Smart Sustainable Cities - Multi-service infrastructure in new-development areas, for agreement � Editor Q6/20 2016-01-23
[ 245-GEN ]
Supp.Overview-SC-infra, Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series: Smart Sustainable Cities - Overview of smart sustainable cities infrastructure, for agreement � Editor Q6/20 2016-01-23
[ 244-GEN ]
Supp.SC-buildings, Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series: Smart Sustainable Cities - Intelligent sustainable buildings, for agreement � Editor Q5/20 2016-01-23
[ 243-GEN ]
Supp.SC-guide, Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series: Smart sustainable cities - a guide for city leaders, for agreement � Editor Q5/20 2016-01-23
[ 242-GEN ]
Supp.SC-plan, Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series, Smart Sustainable Cities - Master plan, for agreement � Editor Q5/20 2016-01-23
[ 241-GEN ]
Supp.SC-stakeholders, Draft Supplement to ITU-T Y.4000 series, Smart Sustainable Cities - Setting the stage for stakeholders' engagement, for agreement � Editor Q5/20 2016-01-23
[ 240-GEN ]
Initial text of Y.SC-platform, "Platform Interoperability for Smart Cities and Communities", Q6/20 (Singapore, 18-26 January 2016) � Editors Q6/20 2016-01-23
[ 239-GEN ]
ITU-T Y.infra, "Overview of city infrastructure" � Editors Q6/20 2016-01-23
[ 238-GEN ]
ITU-T Y.frame-scc, "Framework and high-level requirements of smart cities and communities" � Editors Q6/20 2016-01-23
[ 237-GEN ]
ITU-T Y.ISW-SSC, "The Integrated Sensor Web Resource Metadata for Smart Sustainable Cities" � Editors Q6/20 2016-01-23
[ 236-GEN ]
ITU-T Y.ISM-SSC, "A Technical Framework of Integrated Sensing and Management for Smart Sustainable Cities" � Editors Q6/20 2016-01-23
[ 235-GEN ]
Y.SmartMan-IIoT-overview (Overview of smart manufacturing in the context of Industrial Internet of Things) - input to the 23 Jan drafting session � Rapporteur Q2/20, Editor Q2/20 2016-01-23
[ 234-GEN ]
Y.SC-Overview "An overview of smart cities and communities and the role of information and communication technologies" � Editor Q5/20 2016-01-22
[ 233-GEN ]
The output draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-EH-PFE " Performance evaluation frameworks of e-health systems in the IoT � Editors Q4/20 2016-01-22
[ 232-GEN ]
ITU-T Y.del-fw, "Framework of delegation service for the IoT devices": Updated draft (Singapore, 18-26 January 2016) � Editor Q4/20 2016-01-22
[ 231-GEN ]
Y.IoT-ASF "Adaptive software framework for IoT devices" (New): Updated draft (Singapore, 18-26 January 2016) � Editors Q4/20 2016-01-22
[ 226-GEN ]
Y.IoT-SPSN: Proposed text for Consent � Editors Y.IoT-SPSN Q4/20 2016-01-22
[ 225-GEN ]
Y.IoT-son, "Framework of self-organization networking in the IoT environments"; Output draft � Editors Q3/20 2016-01-22
[ 208-GEN ]
Y.IoT-cdn, "Framework of constrained device networking in the IoT environments"; Output draft2 � Editors Q3.20 2016-01-21
[ 195-GEN ]
A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation Y.SCC-Terms "Vocabulary for Smart Cities and Communities" � Editors Q1/20 2016-01-20
[ 190-GEN ]
ITU-T Y.SCC-Terms "Vocabulary for Smart Cities and Communities": Proposed new work item � Editors Q1/20 2016-01-20
Resultats:39 documents
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