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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 16 : R�union�2015-10-12�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 16� TD-PLEN�(2015-10-12)�



P�riode d'�tudes 2013

R�union� du 2015-10-12 au 2015-10-23

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2016-05-23� [ 2015-10-12 ]� 2015-02-092014-06-302014-02-282013-10-282013-01-14

Resultats:38 documents
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) �[�Source:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 456-PLEN ]
Consent: F.749.1 (ex H.VG-FAM, ex H.VGP-FAM) "Functional requirements for vehicle gateway" (New) � Editor H.VG-FAM Q27/16 2015-10-22
[ 451-PLEN ]
Approval: FSTP.ACC-REMPART "Technical Paper: Guidelines for supporting remote participation in meetings for all" (New) � Editor HSTP.ACC-REMPART Q26/16 2015-10-21
[ 450-PLEN ]
Approval: FSTP-AM "Technical Paper: Guidelines for accessible meetings" (New) � Editor FSTP-AM Q26/16 2015-10-21
[ 449-PLEN ]
Consent: F.791 (ex F.ACC-TERM) "Accessibility terms and definitions" (New) � Editor F.ACC-TERM Q26/16 2015-10-21
[ 448-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised H.810 � Editor H.810 Q28/16 2015-10-21
[ 447-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.830.12 (ex H.EH-WAN-12) � Editors of H.830.12 Q28/16 2015-10-21
[ 446-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.830.11 (ex H.EH-WAN-11) � Editors of H.830.11 Q28/16 2015-10-21
[ 445-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.830.10 (ex H.EH-WAN-10) � Editors of H.830.10 Q28/16 2015-10-21
[ 444-PLEN ]
Consent: H.702 (ex H.IPTV-AccProf) "Accessibility profiles for IPTV systems" (New) � Editor H.IPTV-AccProf Q26/16 2015-10-21
[ 442-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.97 (ex H.248.SCTP) "Gateway control protocol: H.248 support for control of SCTP bearer connections" (New) � Editor H.248.SCTP Q3/16 2015-10-21
[ 438-PLEN ]
Consent F.747.8 (ex F.IoT-ASM) "Requirements and reference architecture for audience-selectable media service framework in the IoT environment" (New) � Editor F.747.8 Q25/16 2015-10-20
[ 437-PLEN ]
Consent: H.622.2 (ex H.VHN) "Service capabilities and framework for virtual home networks" (New) � Editor H.VHN Q21/16 2015-10-20
[ 436-PLEN ]
Consent: F.748.3 (ex F.MS-RM) "Relation management models and descriptions for machine socializations" (New) � Editor F.748.3 Q25/16 2015-10-20
[ 435-PLEN ]
Consent: F.748.2 (ex F.MS-ref ) "Overview and reference model of machine socialization" (New) � Editor F.748.2 Q25/16 2015-10-20
[ 434-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.248.97 (ex H.248.SCTP) � Editor H.248.97 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 433-PLEN ]
Consent: H.623 (ex H.WoT-SA) "Web of things service architecture" (New) � Editor H.WoT-SA Q25/16 2015-10-20
[ 428-PLEN ]
Consent: F.746.3 (ex H.IQAS) "Intelligent question answering service framework" (New) � Editor H.IQAS Q21/16 2015-10-20
[ 427-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.94 (ex H.248.WEBRTC) "Gateway control protocol: Web-based real-time communication services - H.248 protocol support and profile guidelines" (New) � Editor H.248.94 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 426-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.98 (ex H.248.PAURES) "Gateway control protocol: Support of remote media pause and resume" (New) � Editor H.248.98 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 425-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.96 (ex H.248.STGROUP) "Gateway Control Protocol: H.248 Stream grouping and aggregation" (New) � Editor H.248.96 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 424-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.95 (ex H.248.RTPMUX) "Gateway Control Protocol: H.248 support for RTP multiplexing" (New) � Editor H.248.95 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 423-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.78 "Gateway control protocol: Bearer-level message backhauling and application level gateway" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.78 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 422-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.74 (ex H.248.MRCP) "Media resource control enhancement packages" (New) � Editor H.248.74 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 421-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.41 "Gateway control protocol: IP domain connection package" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.41 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 420-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.66 (ex H.248.RTSP) "Packages for RTSP and H.248 interworking" (New) � Editor H.248.66 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 419-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.248.98 (ex H.248.PAURES) � Editor H.248.98 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 418-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.248.96 (ex H.248.STGROUP) � Editor H.248.96 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 417-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.248.95 (ex H.248.RTPMUX) � Editor H.248.95 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 416-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised H.248.78 � Editor H.248.78 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 415-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised H.248.74 (ex H.248.MRCP) � Editor H.248.74 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 414-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised H.248.66 (ex H.248.RTSP) � Editor H.248.66 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 413-PLEN ]
Approval: H-Series Supplement 2: "H.248.x sub-series packages guide - Release 16" (Rev.) � Editor H Sup.2 Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 412-PLEN ]
Approval: H.248 Sub-series Implementors' Guide (New) � Editor H.248 IG Q3/16 2015-10-20
[ 397-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.752 (ex H.IPTV-CPI, ex H.IPTV-CPMD) � Editor H.IPTV-CPI Q13/16 2015-10-20
[ 396-PLEN ]
Approval: H.Sup14 "Gateway control protocol: SDP codepoints for gateway control - Release 2" (Rev.) � Editor H.Sup14 Q3/16 2015-10-19
[ 395-PLEN ]
Approval: H.Sup13 "Gateway control protocol: Common ITU-T H.248 terminology - Release 2" (Rev.) � Editor H.Sup13 Q3/16 2015-10-19
[ 390-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new F.749.1 (ex H.VG-FAM, ex H.VGP-FAM) � Editor H.VG-FAM Q27/16 2015-10-18
[ 386-PLEN ]
Consent: F.748.5 (ex F.M2M-RA) | Y.4011 "Requirements and reference architecture of M2M service layer" (New) � Editors F.M2M-RA Q25/16 2015-10-16
Resultats:38 documents
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