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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 16 : R�union�2013-01-14�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 16� TD-PLEN�(2013-01-14)�



P�riode d'�tudes 2013

R�union� du 2013-01-14 au 2013-01-25

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2016-05-232015-10-122015-02-092014-06-302014-02-282013-10-28� [ 2013-01-14 ]�

Resultats:47 documents
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) �[�Source:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 85-PLEN ]
Consent: H.626.1 (ex H.VSMarch) "Architecture for mobile visual surveillance" (New) � Editor H.VSMarch Q21/16 2013-01-24
[ 84-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.626.1 (ex H.VSMarch) � Editors H.VSMarch Q21/16 2013-01-24
[ 83-PLEN ]
Approval: H.741.1 Amd.1 "IPTV application event handling: Audience measurement operations for IPTV services: XML schema on audience measurement service discovery" (New) � Editor H.741.1 Amd.1 Q13/16 2013-01-24
[ 81-PLEN ]
Consent: ITU-T F.747.3 (ex F.USN-NRP) "Requirements and functional model for ubiquitous network robot platform to support USN applications and services" (New) � Editor F.USN-NRP Q25/16 2013-01-24
[ 78-PLEN ]
Consent: ITU-T H.751 (ex H.IPTV-RIM) "Metadata for Rights information interoperability in IPTV services" (New) � Editor H.IPTV-RIM Q13/16 2013-01-24
[ 74-PLEN ]
Approval: H.323 System "Implementors' Guide: Packet based multimedia communications systems" � Editor H.323 System Q2/16 2013-01-23
[ 72-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.248.82 (ex H.248.ECN) � Editor H.248.82 Q3/16 2013-01-22
[ 71-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.81 Amd.1 "Gateway control protocol: Guidelines on the use of the IEPS call indicator and priority indicator in ITU-T H.248 profiles: New Appendix II, plus additions and corrections" (New) � Editor H.248.81 Amd.1 Q3/16 2013-01-22
[ 70-PLEN ]
Consent: G.729.1 Amd.8 (ex G.729.1-SWB-Float) "G.729-based embedded variable bit-rate coder: An 8-32 kbit/s scalable wideband coder bitstream interoperable with G.729: New Annex G with an alternative floating-point implementation of the superwideband monaural extension" (New) � Editor G.729.1-SWB-Float Q10/16 2013-01-22
[ 69-PLEN ]
Consent: G.718 Amd.3 (ex G.718-SWB-Float) "Variable bit rate embedded coding of speech signals: New Annex C with an alternative floating-point implementation of the superwideband monaural extension" (New) � Editor G.718-SWB-Float Q10/16 2013-01-22
[ 68-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.82 (ex H.248.ECN) "Gateway control protocol: Explicit congestion notification support" (New) � Editor H.248.82 Q3/16 2013-01-22
[ 67-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.248.85 (ex H.248.LOOPB) � Editor H.248.85 Q3/16 2013-01-22
[ 66-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.85 (ex H.248.LOOPB) "Gateway control protocol: Usage of loopback in H.248" (New) � Editor H.248.85 Q3/16 2013-01-22
[ 65-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.78 "Gateway control protocol: Bearer-level application level gateway" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.78 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 64-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.64 "Gateway control protocol: IP router packages" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.64 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 63-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.61 "Gateway control protocol: Packages for network level H.248 statistics" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.61 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 62-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.57 "Gateway control protocol: RTP control protocol package" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.57 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 61-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.41 "Gateway control protocol: IP domain connection package" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.41 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 60-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.40 "Gateway control protocol: Application data inactivity detection package" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.40 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 59-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.36 "Gateway control protocol: Hanging Termination Detection package" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.36 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 58-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.32 "Gateway control protocol: Detailed congestion reporting package" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.32 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 57-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.29 "Gateway control protocol: International CAS compelled register signalling packages" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.29 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 56-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.26 "Gateway control protocol: Enhanced analogue lines packages" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.26 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 55-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.25 "Gateway control protocol: Basic CAS packages" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.25 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 54-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.23 "Gateway control protocol: Enhanced Alerting packages" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.23 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 53-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.22 "Gateway control protocol: Shared Risk Group package" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.22 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 52-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised H.248.20 � Editor H.248.20 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 51-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.20 "Gateway control protocol: The use of local and remote descriptors with H.221 and H.223 multiplexing" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.20 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 50-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.19 "Gateway control protocol: Decomposed multipoint control unit, audio, video and data conferencing packages" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.19 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 49-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.18 "Gateway control protocol: Package for support of multiple profiles" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.18 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 48-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.17 "Gateway control protocol: Line test packages" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.17 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 47-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.16 "Gateway control protocol: Enhanced digit collection packages and procedures " (Rev.) � Editor H.248.16 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 46-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.15 "Gateway control protocol: SDP H.248 package attribute" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.15 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 45-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.11 "Gateway control protocol: Media gateway overload control package" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.11 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 44-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.8 "Gateway control protocol: Error code and service change reason description" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.8 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 43-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.3 "Gateway control protocol: User interface elements and actions packages" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.3 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 42-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.2 "Gateway control protocol: Facsimile, text conversation and call discrimination packages" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.2 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 41-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.1 (V3) "Gateway control protocol: Version 3" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.1 Q3/16 2013-01-21
[ 40-PLEN ]
Consent: H.460.7 "Digit maps within H.323 systems" (Rev.) � Editor H.460.7 Q2/16 2013-01-21
[ 39-PLEN ]
Consent: H.460.19 "Traversal of H.323 media across network address translators and firewalls" (Rev.) � Editor H.460.19 Q2/16 2013-01-21
[ 38-PLEN ]
Consent: H.460.18 "Traversal of H.323 signalling across network address translators and firewalls" (Rev.) � Editor H.460.18 Q2/16 2013-01-21
[ 37-PLEN ]
Consent: H.460.24 Amd.2 "Point-to-point media through network address translators and firewalls within ITU-T H.323 systems: Support for ITU H.460.19 multiplex media mode for point-to-point media" (New) � Editor H.460.24 Amd.2 Q2/16 2013-01-21
[ 32-PLEN ]
Consent: H.460.6 "Extended Fast Connect feature" (Rev.) � Editor H.460.6 Q2/16 2013-01-21
[ 19-PLEN ]
Consent: H.460.2 "Number Portability interworking between H.323 and SCN networks" (Rev.) � Editor H.460.2 Q2/16 2013-01-21
[ 18-PLEN ]
Consent: H.460.1 "Guidelines for the use of the generic extensible framework" (Rev.) � Editor H.460.1 Q2/16 2013-01-21
[ 17-PLEN ]
Consent: H.323 Amd.1 "Use of FACILITY message to enable call transfer" (New) � Editor H.323 Amd.1 Q2/16 2012-12-17
[ 16-PLEN ]
Consent: H.225.0 Amd.1 "Use of FACILITY message to enable call transfer" (New) � Editor H.225.0 Amd.1 Q2/16 2013-01-21
Resultats:47 documents
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