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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 11 : R�union�2014-07-09�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 11� TD-GEN�(2014-07-09)�


Protocols and test specifications

P�riode d'�tudes 2013

R�union� du 2014-07-09 au 2014-07-16

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2016-06-272016-04-292016-03-242015-12-022015-04-222014-11-21� [ 2014-07-09 ]� 2014-02-212013-11-142013-11-072013-06-212013-02-25

Resultats:44 documents
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�Source:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 553-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-pamp "Managed P2P: Peer Activity Management Protocol (PAMP)" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 9-16 July 2014) � Editors Q9/11 2014-07-15
[ 552-GEN ]
Output - Initial Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-orcp "Managed P2P: Overlay Resource Control Protocol (ORCP)" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 9-16 July 2014) � Editors Q9/11 2014-07-15
[ 551-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-arch "Managed P2P: Functional architecture" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 9-16 July 2014) � Editors Q9/11 2014-07-15
[ 549-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.SBNG "Signalling requirements for flexible network service combination on BNG (Broadband Network Gateway)" � Editor Q5/11 2014-07-15
[ 545-GEN ]
Approval - Draft Q.Supp-CCI "Cloud computing interoperability activities" � Editors Q14/11 2014-07-15
[ 543-GEN ]
Output - Draft Q.FW-Cloud-iop "The framework and overview of Cloud Computing interoperability testing" � Editors Q14/11 2014-07-15
[ 542-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation "Signalling requirements for BNG (Broadband Network Gateway) pool" � Editor Q5/11 2014-07-15
[ 541-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation Q.IPv6proMM: "Signalling requirements for NGN real-time multimedia services supporting IPv6 transition" � Editor Q6/11 2014-07-15
[ 540-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation Q.IPv6UIP "Scenarios and signalling requirements of unified intelligent programmable interface for IPv6" � Editor Q6/11 2014-07-15
[ 533-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.CSO "Interface and Signalling Requirements and Specification for Cross Stratum Optimization" � Editors Q4/11 2014-07-15
[ 532-GEN ]
Output - Draft Supplement Q.Supplement-SDN "Framework of signalling for SDN" � Editors Q4/11 2014-07-15
[ 531-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.Int_speed_test "Unified methodology of Internet speed quality measurement usable by end-users on the fixed and mobile networks" � Editor Q15/11 2014-07-14
[ 529-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation of Q.ProGeoSMS "Protocol for GeoSMS" � Editor Q2/11 2014-07-14
[ 528-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3913 (Q.monitor_d) 'Set of parameters of devices for monitoring � Editor Q13/11 2014-07-14
[ 526-GEN ]
Output - Draft new ITU-T Q.3931.4 "Performance benchmark for the PSTN/ISDN emulation subsystem of an IP multimedia system - Part 4: Reference Load network quality parameters" � Editor Q10/11 2014-07-14
[ 525-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation Q.QMS "The Framework of the QoS/QoE Monitoring System" � Editor Q10/11 2014-07-14
[ 524-GEN ]
Output - Draft of ITU-T Q.3932.1 "IMS/NGN Performance Benchmark Part 1: Core Concept" � Editor Q10/11 2014-07-14
[ 522-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation Q.nacp.M2 "Protocol at the M2 interface between TLM-PE and HDC-PE" � Editor Q.nacp.M2 Q7/11 2014-07-14
[ 521-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Q.3932.2 "IMS/NGN Performance Benchmark Part 2: Subsystem Configurations and Benchmarks" � Editor Q10/11 2014-07-14
[ 519-GEN ]
Output - Draft Q.IP-FAX-testing � Editor Q10/11 2014-07-14
[ 518-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.ProGeoSMS � Editor Q2/11 2014-07-15
[ 517-GEN ]
Output - The initial baseline document of "Set of parameters of cloud computing for monitoring" � Editors Q13/11 2014-07-14
[ 515-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3946-3: " IETF SIP RFC3261 Conformance Tests Specification; Part 3: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma" � Editor Q11/11 2014-07-14
[ 514-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3946-1 "IETF SIP RFC3261 Conformance Tests Specification; Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma" � Editor Q11/11 2014-07-14
[ 513-GEN ]
Output - Draft Q.CDIV "Communications Diversion (CDIV) protocol specification as NGN Supplementary Service" � Editors Q2/11 2014-07-14
[ 512-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.3946.3 (ex Q.39xx-3) � Editor Q11/11 2014-07-14
[ 511-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.3946.1 (ex Q.39xx-1) � Editor Q11/11 2014-07-14
[ 502-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation Q.nacp.Ne "Signalling Requirements and Protocol at the Ne interface between TLM-PE and NAC-PE" � Editor Q7/11 2014-07-11
[ 501-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.3232 (formerly Q.nacp.Nc) � Editor Q7/11 2014-07-11
[ 500-GEN ]
Consent - Draft Recommendation Q.3232 (formerly Q.nacp.Nc), "Signalling Requirements and Protocol at the Nc interface between the transport location management physical entity and the transport authentication and authorization physical entity" � Editor Q7/11 2014-07-11
[ 499-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.Arc-IPSMS "Signalling architecture and requirements for IP based short message service over ITU-T defined NGN" � Editor Q1/11 2014-07-11
[ 497-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.DSNSA "Signalling Architecture for the Control Plane of Distributed Service Networking" � Editors Q1/11 2014-07-11
[ 496-GEN ]
Output - Draft Q.M2M_pro_overview � Editor Q1/11 2014-07-11
[ 458-GEN ]
Output - Draft Technical Report on Counterfeited and Substandard ICT Equipment � Editor Q8/11 2014-06-30
[ 445-GEN ]
Output - Draft Q.Supp-CCI "Cloud computing interoperability activities" � Editors Q14/11 2014-06-12
[ 442-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-pamp "Managed P2P: Peer Activity Management Protocol (PAMP)" (New): Output draft (e-meeting, 22-24 April 2014) � Editors Q9/11 2014-06-10
[ 441-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-arch "Managed P2P: Functional architecture" (New): Output draft (e-meeting, 22-24 April 2014) � Editor Q9/11 2014-06-10
[ 432-GEN ]
Output - Draft Supplement Q.Supplement-SDN "Framework of signalling for SDN" � Editors Q6/11 2014-05-29
[ 431-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation Q.IPv6UIP "Scenarios and signalling requirements of unified intelligent programmable interface for IPv6" � Editor Q6/11 2014-05-29
[ 430-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation Q.IPv6proMM: "Signalling requirements for NGN real-time multimedia services supporting IPv6 transition" � Editor Q6/11 2014-05-29
[ 429-GEN ]
Output of Draft Recommendation Q.SBAN "Scenarios and signalling requirements for software-defined BAN (SBAN)" � Editors Q4/11 2014-05-29
[ 428-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.CSO "Interface and Signalling Requirements and Specification for Cross Stratum Optimization" � Editors Q4/11 2014-05-27
[ 365-GEN ]
Output - Draft Q.Supp-CCI "Cloud computing interoperability activities" � Editors Q14/11 2014-03-07
[ 364-GEN ]
Output - Draft Q.FW-Cloud-iop "The framework and overview of Cloud Computing interoperability testing" � Editors Q14/11 2014-03-07
Resultats:44 documents
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