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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : REVCOM : R�union�2014-01-16�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�REVCOM� TD�(2014-01-16)�


Review Committee

P�riode d'�tudes 2013

R�union� du 2014-01-16 au 2014-01-17

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2016-07-152016-01-282015-05-292015-01-192014-06-16� [ 2014-01-16 ]� 2013-06-03

Resultats:40 documents
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 77-GEN ]
Final list of participants � TSB N/A 2014-01-17
[ 76-GEN ]
Draft Report of the RevCom meeting held in Geneva, 16-17 January 2014 � Chairman, ITU-T RevCom 2014-02-04
[ 75-GEN ]
Opening address at the ITU-T Review Committee meeting, 16 January 2014 � Director, TSB N/A 2014-01-17
[ 74-GEN ]
Terms of Reference of a Review Committee Rapporteur Group on the Restructure of the ITU-T (Geneva, 17 January 2014) � Convener, RG ITU-T Restructure N/A 2014-01-17
[ 73-GEN ]
Questionnaire � Vice-Chairman, ITU-T RevCom N/A 2014-01-17
[ 72-GEN ]
Summary record, TSAG Rapporteur Group meeting, 14-15 January 2014 � Chairman, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" N/A 2014-01-15
[ 71-GEN ]
Agreed resolution process between IEC and ITU-T � Director, TSB N/A 2014-01-15
[ 70-GEN ]
Announced list of participants � TSB N/A 2014-01-15
[ 69-GEN ]
RevCom meeting facilities and information � TSB N/A 2014-01-14
[ 68-GEN ]
Summary of progress reports of ITU-T Groups � Chairman, ITU-T RevCom N/A 2014-01-14
[ 67-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 13 chairman's view on issues impacting effective and efficient standards development in ITU-T and collaboration within and outside ITU � Chairman, ITU-T SG13 N/A 2014-01-14
[ 66-GEN ]
Progress report on Lead Study Group activities of SG9 � Chairman, ITU-T SG9 N/A 2014-01-13
[ 65-GEN ]
ITU-T SG12 report on issues impacting effective and efficient standards development in ITU-T and collaboration within and outside ITU � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 N/A 2014-01-13
[ 64-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 5 chairman's report on issues impacting effective and efficient standards development in ITU-T and collaboration within and outside ITU � Chairman, ITU-T SG5 N/A 2014-01-13
[ 63-GEN ]
Progress report on Lead Study Group activities of ITU-T SG11 � Vice-Chairman, ITU-T SG11 N/A 2014-01-13
[ 62-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 15 Chairman's report to RevCom � Chairman, ITU-T SG15 N/A 2014-01-13
[ 61-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 2 chairman's report on issues impacting effective and efficient standards development in ITU-T and collaboration within and outside ITU � Chairman, ITU-T SG2 N/A 2014-01-13
[ 60-GEN ]
Summary of Meeting Contributions � Chairman, ITU-T RevCom N/A 2014-01-10
[ 59-GEN ]
Newcomer welcome pack � TSB N/A 2014-01-09
[ 58-GEN ]
RevCom Remote Participation - Adobe Connect Guide � TSB N/A 2014-01-09
[ 57-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 3 chairman's report on issues impacting effective and efficient standards development in ITU-T and collaboration within and outside ITU � Chairman, ITU-T SG3 N/A 2014-01-07
[ 56-GEN ]
Resolutions adopted at the 28th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1, 4-9 November 2013 � ISO/IEC JTC 1 liaison officer to ITU-T N/A 2014-01-07
[ 55-GEN ]
Statistics of SG activities per ITU-T study group since January 2009 � Chairman, ITU-T RevCom N/A 2014-01-07
[ 54-GEN ]
Statistics of SG activity analysis � Chairman, ITU-T RevCom N/A 2014-01-07
[ 53-GEN ]
Questionnaire on the review of ITU-T activities to be sent to ISO, IEC, Forums and Consortiums � Convener, Questionnaire CG N/A 2014-01-06
[ 52-GEN ]
Questionnaire on the review of ITU-T activities to be sent to the ITU-T Membership � Convener, Questionnaire CG N/A 2014-01-06
[ 51-GEN ]
ITU-T SG16 report on issues impacting effective and efficient standards development in ITU-T and collaboration within and outside ITU � Chairman, ITU-T SG16 N/A 2014-01-06
[ 50-GEN ]
Proposal of revised draft Questionnaire to ITU-T members � Convener, Questionnaire Correspondence Group N/A 2013-12-24
[ 49-GEN ]
Questionnaire to ISO, IEC and their TCs (First Draft) � Convener, Questionnaire Correspondence Group N/A 2013-12-24
[ 48-GEN ]
Questionnaire to Forums (First Draft) � Convener, Questionnaire Correspondence Group N/A 2013-12-24
[ 47-GEN ]
Overview of Technology Watch activities � TSB N/A 2013-12-20
[ 46-GEN ]
RevCom Chairman Report of the 2013 CTO Meeting � Chairman, ITU-T RevCom N/A 2013-12-20
[ 45-GEN ]
Action Plan for the Review Committee � Chair, Correspondence Group on RevCom Action Plan N/A 2013-12-20
[ 44-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 17 chairman's report to the Review Committee on Action 7 � Chairman, ITU-T SG17 N/A 2013-12-19
[ 43-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 17 chairman's report to the Review Committee on Action 6 � Chairman, ITU-T SG17 N/A 2013-12-19
[ 42-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 17 chairman's report to the Review Committee on Action 5 � Chairman, ITU-T SG17 N/A 2013-12-19
[ 41-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 17 chairman's report to the Review Committee on SG17 as the lead study group on identity management (IdM) � Chairman, ITU-T SG17 N/A 2013-12-19
[ 40-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 17 chairman's report to the Review Committee on SG17 as the lead study group on languages and description techniques � Chairman, ITU-T SG17 N/A 2013-12-19
[ 39-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 17 chairman's report to the Review Committee on SG17 as the lead study group on security � Chairman, ITU-T SG17 N/A 2013-12-19
[ 38-GEN ]
Agenda for the meeting of the Review Committee (Geneva, 16-17 January 2014) � Chairman, ITU-T RevCom 2013-10-30
Resultats:40 documents
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