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Internet Protocol Television Global Standards Initiative

P�riode d'�tudes 2013

Resultats:46 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�OKI�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 267 ]
H.702: Proposal to create a corrigendum � OKI , Keio University , Waseda University Q26/16, Q13/16 2016-08-30
[ 266 ]
HSTP.CONF-H702: Proposed modifications � OKI , Keio University , Waseda University Q26/16, Q13/16 2016-08-30
[ 265 ]
H.IPTV-MAFR.13: Proposed modifications � OKI Q13/16 2016-08-30
[ 264 ]
HSTP.IPTV-Guide.1: Proposal of additional text on "Delivery of IP-based broadcasting services over high-speed broadband" � NHK , OKI Q13/16 2016-08-30
[ 253 ]
H.DS-META, H.DS-CASF: Proposed addition of informative text on language type � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2016-08-30
[ 252 ]
H.DS-CASF: Proposal for splitting DS common alerting services specification into separate draft WIs, one on functional framework and another on metadata � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2016-08-30
[ 251 ]
New H.DS-FISP: Proposal for creation of a new work item "Digital signage: Framework for interoperable information services in public places" � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2016-08-30
[ 224 ]
H.DS-CASF: Proposed change on reference points � NEC Corporation , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2016-02-18
[ 223 ]
H.DS-CASF: Proposed addition of text on metadata � NEC Corporation , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2016-02-18
[ 222 ]
H.DS-PISR: Proposed addition of requirements � NEC Corporation , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2016-02-18
[ 221 ]
H.IPTV-UVS: Proposed merger of clauses 10 and 11 � OKI Q13/16 2016-02-18
[ 214 ]
HSTP.DS-WDS: Proposal of adding definition and explanation of web-based digital signage � NTT , Mitsubishi Electric , NEC , OKI Q14/16 2016-02-18
[ 180 ]
H.IPTV-ACCProf: Proposal of modifications � OKI , Waseda University Q26/16, Q13/16 2015-06-02
[ 179 ]
HSTP.DS-Gloss: Proposed addition of terms regarding disaster information services � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2015-06-02
[ 178 ]
New: Proposal for creation of a new work item H.DS-PISR on "Digital signage: Requirements of interoperable information services in public places" � NEC Corporation , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2015-06-02
[ 134 ]
H.IPTV-UVS: Proposed additions to the text of clauses 10 and 11 � OKI Q13/16 2014-09-22
[ 133 ]
H.IPTV-ACC: Proposal to include requirements for the interoperability � OKI , Waseda University Q26/16, Q13/16 2014-09-22
[ 132 ]
H.IPTV-AccProf: Proposal to start work on a new Recommendation on "Interoperability profiles in accessibility for IPTV" � OKI , Waseda University Q26/16, Q13/16 2014-09-22
[ 131 ]
H.DS-ARCH: Consideration to improve document � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2014-09-22
[ 130 ]
H.DS-ARCH: Clarifications of texts on functional entities � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2014-09-22
[ 129 ]
H.DS-ARCH: Proposed modifications of sub-clause 6.1 � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2014-09-22
[ 128 ]
H.DS-ARCH: Proposed modifications of diagrams � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2014-09-22
[ 120 ]
H.IPTV-UVS: Proposed additions of texts of functional requirements � OKI Q13/16 2014-02-12
[ 119 ]
H.721: Proposed modifications on video coding specifications � OKI Q13/16 2014-02-12
[ 83 ]
H.DS-DISR: Proposed modifications on accessibility � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2014-02-11
[ 82 ]
H.DS-DISR: Proposed changes of subjects of requirements � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2014-02-11
[ 81 ]
H.DS-DISR: Proposed resolution for editor's notes � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2014-02-11
[ 80 ]
H.DS-DISR: Proposed editorial modifications on abbreviations � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2014-02-11
[ 79 ]
H.DS-DISR: Proposed modifications of sub-clause 6.4 � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2014-02-11
[ 78 ]
H.DS-DISR: Proposed changes of Appendices � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2014-02-11
[ 77 ]
H.DS-DISR: Proposed additions of new requirements � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2014-02-11
[ 76 ]
H.DS-DISR: Proposed additions of explanatory texts of disaster information � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2014-02-11
[ 70 ]
HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposal to revise use-case descriptions � NTT , Mitsubishi Electric , NEC , OKI Q14/16 2014-02-11
[ 69 ]
HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposal to restructure clause 6 � NTT , Mitsubishi Electric , NEC , OKI Q14/16 2014-02-11
[ 41 ]
HTSP.DS-UCIS: Proposed modifications regarding "multi-touch screen" � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2013-06-24
[ 40 ]
HTSP.DS-UCIS: Proposed addition of a use-case "a smart-phone as a remote controller" � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2013-06-24
[ 39 ]
H.DS-META: Comments on a term "ambient information" � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2013-06-24
[ 38 ]
H.DS-DISR: Proposed additions concerning a categorization of service locations � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2013-06-24
[ 9 ]
Proposal for a new work item on "HTML5 for IPTV services (LIME5)" combining H.IPTV-MAFR.13 (HTML for IPTV services) and draft revised H.762 (LIME) � OKI Q13/16 2013-04-22
[ 8 ]
H.721: Proposal to add support to ITU-T H.265 � OKI Q13/16 2013-04-22
[ 7 ]
H.721: Proposal to add support of DASH streaming protocol � OKI Q13/16 2013-04-22
[ 6 ]
HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposal to change one of the use-case figures � NTT , Mitsubishi Electric , NEC , OKI Q14/16 2013-04-22
[ 5 ]
HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposal to categorize use-cases of the advanced interactive service � NTT , Mitsubishi Electric , NEC , OKI Q14/16 2013-04-22
[ 4 ]
H.DS-DISR: Proposal for additions of definitions � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2013-04-22
[ 3 ]
H.DS-DISR: Proposal for modifications to clause 7 � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2013-04-22
[ 2 ]
H.DS-DISR: Proposal for modifications to clause 6 � NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI Q14/16 2013-04-22
Resultats:46 documents
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