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Internet Protocol Television Global Standards Initiative

P�riode d'�tudes 2013

Resultats:28 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�China Unicom�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 248 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.5: Proposal to remove the editor notes from the current draft � ZTE Corporation , China Unicom Q13/16 2016-08-29
[ 244 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.6: Proposed new clause 11 on service procedures � China Unicom Q13/16 2016-08-29
[ 243 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.6: Proposal to add clause 8 on supporting services � China Unicom Q13/16 2016-08-29
[ 242 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.5: Proposed new clause 7.4 on multi-device enabler APIs � ZTE Corporation , China Unicom Q13/16 2016-08-29
[ 241 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.5: Proposed update and a new clause I.7 "Mapping between interworking instance and the scenarios" � China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q13/16 2016-08-29
[ 189 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.5: Proposed editorial change in clause 7.4 for functional roles description � China Unicom Q13/16 2016-02-17
[ 188 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.5: Proposed minimum functional roles sets for IPTV terminal devices � China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q13/16 2016-02-17
[ 187 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.6: Proposal to add a new clause, Overview � China Unicom Q13/16 2016-02-17
[ 186 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.6: Proposal to add detailed content in clause 3.2 � China Unicom Q13/16 2016-02-17
[ 171 ]
New: Proposal of a new work item H.IPTV-VM on "IPTV Terminal device: Virtualized model" � China Unicom Q13/16 2015-01-06
[ 170 ]
H.IPTV-TDD: Proposed new cardinality for capability discovery information � China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q13/16 2015-01-06
[ 169 ]
H.IPTV-TDD: Proposed an additional capability discovery request procedures and attributes � China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q13/16 2015-01-06
[ 168 ]
H.IPTV-TDD: Proposed to add detailed content to clauses 3 and 4 � China Unicom Q13/16 2015-01-06
[ 167 ]
H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to update Annex A "Content provisioning metadata schema: Elements and attributes" � China Unicom Q13/16 2015-01-06
[ 166 ]
H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to update clause 10.1 "Data structure of the content declaration" � China Unicom Q13/16 2015-01-06
[ 165 ]
H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to remove clause 9 "Global AV content metadata structure" � China Unicom Q13/16 2015-01-06
[ 164 ]
H.IPTV-CPI -Proposed to update clause 8.5 "Transaction information elements and attributes" � China Unicom Q13/16 2015-01-06
[ 75 ]
H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to supplement information to tables of metadata � China Unicom Q13/16 2014-02-11
[ 74 ]
H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to add reference source of elements and attributes � China Unicom Q13/16 2014-02-11
[ 73 ]
H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to update clause 8.1 "AV content metadata structure" � China Unicom Q13/16 2014-02-11
[ 72 ]
H.IPTV-CPI: Proposal to update clause 8.6 "Data structure for shared AV content elements" � China Unicom Q13/16 2014-02-11
[ 71 ]
H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to add clause 8.9 "payment details metadata" � China Unicom Q13/16 2014-02-11
[ 56 ]
H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to add exchanges for content � China Unicom Q13/16 2013-06-25
[ 55 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.5: Proposed to update clause on terminal devices within home network � China Unicom Q13/16 2013-06-25
[ 54 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.5: Proposed update to clause 7.1.1 on device connection for interworking � China Unicom Q13/16 2013-06-25
[ 52 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.5: Proposal to update clause 7.2.1 on streaming � China Unicom Q13/16 2013-06-25
[ 51 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.5: Proposed to add speech control in clause 7.2.3 � China Unicom Q13/16 2013-06-25
[ 45 ]
Proposal for a new work item on multi-device service discovery mechanism � ZTE Corporation , China Telecom , China Unicom Q13/16 2013-06-24
Resultats:28 documents
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