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Internet Protocol Television Global Standards Initiative

P�riode d'�tudes 2013

Resultats:22 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�China Telecom�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 263 ]
H.IPTV-MAFR10: Proposed updates to the first several clauses and Bibliography � China Telecom Q13/16 2016-08-30
[ 262 ]
H.IPTV-MAFR10: Proposed update to interactivity in two profiles � China Telecom Q13/16 2016-08-30
[ 261 ]
H.IPTV-MAFR10: Proposal on editorial and logical modifications � China Telecom Q13/16 2016-08-30
[ 213 ]
H.IPTV-MAFR10: Proposal on update of attribute description � China Telecom Q13/16 2016-02-18
[ 212 ]
H.IPTV-MAFR10: Proposal on painting text in basic and advanced profile � China Telecom Q13/16 2016-02-18
[ 211 ]
H.IPTV-MAFR10: Proposal on Animation text in basic and advanced profile � China Telecom Q13/16 2016-02-18
[ 177 ]
H.IPTV-MAFR10: Proposal on font element related modification � China Telecom Q13/16 2015-06-02
[ 176 ]
H.IPTV-MAFR10: Proposal on reference restrictions of basic profile and advanced profile � China Telecom Q13/16 2015-06-02
[ 138 ]
HSTP.CONF-H.764: Proposal on updated summary, keywords, scope, references and introduction � China Telecom Q13/16 2014-09-23
[ 137 ]
HSTP.CONF-H.764: Proposal on updated Event Object and XMLHttpRequest Object test assertions of Extended ECMAScript Profile � China Telecom Q13/16 2014-09-23
[ 136 ]
H.IPTV-MAFR10: Proposal on text element of basic profile � China Telecom Q13/16 2014-09-23
[ 135 ]
H.IPTV-MAFR10: Proposal on fonts element of basic profile � China Telecom Q13/16 2014-09-23
[ 65 ]
H.IPTV-TDD: Proposal on introduction � China Telecom Q13/16 2014-02-10
[ 64 ]
H.IPTV-MAFR.10: Proposal on scope and document structure � China Telecom Q13/16 2014-02-10
[ 63 ]
H.IPTV-MAFR10: Proposed modifications to Reference, Introduction and Bibliography clauses � China Telecom Q13/16 2014-02-10
[ 50 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.3: Proposal on physical interfaces � China Telecom Q13/16 2013-06-25
[ 49 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.3: Editorial proposal on TDES.3 � China Telecom Q13/16 2013-06-25
[ 48 ]
F.EHMMF: Proposal on multimedia framework for e-health applications � China Telecom Q28/16 2013-06-25
[ 45 ]
Proposal for a new work item on multi-device service discovery mechanism � ZTE Corporation , China Telecom , China Unicom Q13/16 2013-06-24
[ 12 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.3: Proposal on software architecture � China Telecom Q13/16 2013-04-23
[ 11 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.3: Proposal on functional architecture � China Telecom Q13/16 2013-04-23
[ 10 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.3: Proposal on application framework � China Telecom Q13/16 2013-04-23
Resultats:22 documents
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