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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : TSAG : R�union�2012-01-10�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�TSAG� C�(2012-01-10)�


Groupe Consultatif de la Normalisation des T�l�communications

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2012-01-10 au 2012-01-13

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-07-022011-02-082010-02-082009-04-28

Resultats:34 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�QALL/TSAG�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 88 ]
Proposals for review of Author's Guide for drafting ITU-T Recommendations for the Article 1 "Scope" � Russian Federation QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 87 ]
Proposals to clarify the status of Liaisons in the Recommendation A.1 ITU-T � Russian Federation QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 86 ]
Appointment and maximum term of office of vice-chairmen of the study groups and of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group � Russian Federation QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 85 ]
Formation of JCA Cloud � Canada QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 84 ]
Study Group Activities relating to Cloud Computing � United Kingdom QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 83 ]
TSAG Actions in Response to FG Cloud Deliverables � Canada QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 82 ]
Disposition of Focus Group deliverables relating to protocols developed outside the ITU-T. � Cisco Systems, Inc. QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 80 ]
Deadlines for the submission of Contributions and registration to the ITU-T SG and TSAG meetings � Russian Federation QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 79 ]
Establishment of a Focus Group on "Innovation to Standards in ICT" � Nokia Siemens Networks QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 78 ]
Expression of concern in Recommendations � Industry Canada QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 77 ]
Strengthening ITU-T's role in Developing International Standards � Canada QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 76 ]
Considerations and proposals to TSAG concerning the future of Cloud Computing related activities within ITU-T � ZTE Corporation QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 75 ]
Proposal to introduce a deadline for particular TDs � Germany QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 74 ]
Suggestions relating to the generic procedures for facilitating references to documents of other organizations in ITU-T Recommendations � Germany QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 73 ]
Comments and Proposal to a Revised Recommendation ITU-T A.7 on focus groups � Germany QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 72 ]
Proposal for working methods of correspondence groups � Germany QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 71 ]
Proposal for the establishment of JCA and GSI on Smart Grid � Japan QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 70 ]
Proposal for the establishment of new framework for collaboration and coordination � Japan QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 69 ]
Proposal for the establishment of JCA and GSI on Cloud Computing � Japan QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 68 ]
Accessibility for Persons with Disability Amendments to A7 � G3ict - Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies , International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet (ICDRI) QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 67 ]
A Proposal to Discuss the PP-10 Resolution 178 � Korea (Rep. of) QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 66 ]
Considerations for ITU-T SG Structure � Korea (Rep. of) QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 65 ]
Proposal on maintaining the pre-eminent position of ITU-T � China QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 64 ]
Observation of SG activity and proposal for the SG structure in the next Study Period � Japan QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 63 ]
Proposal for standardization principles for the next Study Period � Japan QALL/TSAG 2011-12-16
[ 62 ]
Transition of work of the Focus Group on Cloud Computing � United States QALL/TSAG 2011-12-15
[ 61 ]
Comments on TSB's RFP for a Business Plan for ITU-T CIT program � United States QALL/TSAG 2011-12-14
[ 60 ]
Proposal to revise Supplement 3 to ITU-T A-series Recommendations, "IETF and ITU-T collaboration guidelines" � United States QALL/TSAG 2011-12-14
[ 59 ]
Comments and Proposal on proposed JCA-CIT Clause on Conformance & Interoperability � United States QALL/TSAG 2011-12-14
[ 58 ]
Template to describe a proposed new ITU-T Recommendation � France QALL/TSAG 2011-12-14
[ 57 ]
Organization of the ITU-T work on cloud computing � France QALL/TSAG 2011-12-14
[ 56 ]
Synchronized appointment of a Registration Authority by ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 � France QALL/TSAG 2011-12-14
[ 55 ]
Revised Recommendation ITU-T A.7 on focus groups � France T�l�com Orange QALL/TSAG 2011-12-13
[ 54 ]
Proposal to create a JCA in support of Plenipotentiary Resolution 178 (Guadalajara, 2010) � United Kingdom QALL/TSAG 2011-12-12
Resultats:34 documents
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