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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 17 : R�union�2009-02-11�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 17� TD-PLEN�(2009-02-11)�



P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2009-02-11 au 2009-02-20

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-08-292012-02-202011-08-242011-04-112010-12-082010-04-072009-09-16� [ 2009-02-11 ]�

Resultats:13 documents
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) �[�Source:�ISO/IEC JTC 1�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 172-PLEN ]
LS to ITU-T SG 17 on Biometrics, identity management, privacy ? 5N7100 � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 WG5 Q10/17, Q4/17 2009-02-17
[ 156-PLEN ]
Letter ballot summary, N.4116, combined WD, PDAM registration and PDAM ballot - Amendment 1 to ITU-T X.902 |ISO/IEC 10746-2 information technology - Open distributed processing - Reference model - 7N4204 � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC7 WG19 Q13/17 2009-02-17
[ 155-PLEN ]
Combined disposition report, combined WD, PDAM registration and PDAM ballot - Amendment 1 to ITU-T X.902 |ISO/IEC 10746-2, information technology - Open distributed processing - Reference model - 7N4205 � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC7 WG19 Q13/17 2009-02-17
[ 154-PLEN ]
FPDAM ballot - ITU-T X.902 |ISO/IEC 10746-2 information technology - Open distributed processing - Reference model - 7N4206 � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC7 WG19 Q13/17 2009-02-17
[ 153-PLEN ]
Letter ballot summary, N4117, combined WD, PDAM registration and PDAM ballot - Amendment 1 to ITU-T X.903 |ISO/IEC 10746-3 information technology - Open distributed processing - Reference model - Architecture - 7N4207 � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC7 WG19 Q13/17 2009-02-17
[ 152-PLEN ]
Comments disposition report, N4117, combined WD, PDAM registration and PDAM ballot - Amendment 1 to ITU-T X.903 |ISO/IEC 10746-3 information technology - Open distributed processing - Reference model - Architecture - 7N4208 � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC7 WG19 Q13/17 2009-02-17
[ 151-PLEN ]
FPDAM Ballot - Amendment 1 to ITU-T X.903 |ISO/IEC 10746-3 information technology - Open distributed processing - Reference model - Architecture - 7N4209 � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC7 WG19 Q13/17 2009-02-17
[ 149-PLEN ]
Defect report ITU-T X.906 | ISO/IEC 19793:2009, Use of UML for ODP system specifications - 7N4219 � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC7 WG19 Q13/17 2009-02-16
[ 144-PLEN ]
LS on ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 5 working drafts for review and comments � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 5 Q10/17, Q4/17 2009-02-16
[ 43-PLEN ]
LS on Privacy framework (27N7234, 27N7239) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Q11/17, Q10/17, Q9/17, Q6/17, Q4/17 2009-01-30
[ 21-PLEN ]
Report of the Joint SC 6/WG 9 and SG17 (ASN.1) meeting in Montreux, 3-7 November 2008 (6N13804) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6/WG 9 Coverner Q12/17 2008-12-19
[ 20-PLEN ]
LS to JTC 1/SC 27, JTC 1/SGSN and ITU-T SG17 for collaboration work on sensor networks security (6N13793) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Q6/17 2008-12-19
[ 17-PLEN ]
LS concerning JTC 1/SC 6 resolutions requiring ITU-T SG 17 (6N13807) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Q12/17, Q9/17 2008-12-19
Resultats:13 documents
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