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R�seaux futurs, y compris les r�seaux mobiles et les r�seaux de prochaine g�n�ration

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

Resultats:30 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�KDDI Corporation�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1285 ]
Proposed modification of Y.FNvirtreq on requirements � KDDI Corporation Q21/13 2012-05-22
[ 1202 ]
Proposal of additional requirements for Y.ipev � KDDI Corporation Q12/13 2012-01-25
[ 963 ]
Proposed modifications on use cases of Y.FNvirt � KDDI Corporation Q21/13 2011-09-27
[ 955 ]
Proposal of exchange-based interworking model for Y.ipev � KDDI Corporation Q3/13, Q12/13 2011-09-27
[ 937 ]
Modification of Appendix IX in Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-09-26
[ 936 ]
Modification of the description of the multicast resource release scenario in Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-09-26
[ 935 ]
Editorial modifications on Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-09-26
[ 762 ]
Proposal of initiating study of requirements for functional gateway � KDDI Corporation Q5/13, Q3/13, Q21/13, Q12/13 2011-01-06
[ 716 ]
Discussion on the requirement about general multicast in Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-01-05
[ 715 ]
Discussion on Rh' reference point in Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-01-05
[ 714 ]
Proposal of editorial modifications about Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-01-05
[ 713 ]
Proposal of modification of the description about handover in inter-operator scenario in Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-01-05
[ 712 ]
Proposal of modification of the summary text in Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-01-05
[ 711 ]
Proposal of modifying the scope of Y.VNC � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-01-05
[ 457 ]
Proposal of modification of RACF rev.2 overview text � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2010-04-07
[ 456 ]
Proposal on prioritization of requirements defined in RACF rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2010-04-07
[ 400 ]
Proposal of an Annex of Y.2111 Revision2 relevant to the communication between RACF and MPM � KDDI Corporation (KDDI R&D Laboratories) Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 399 ]
Proposal of an Appendix of Y.2111 Revision2 relevant to the use cases based on the RACF-MPM communications � KDDI Corporation (KDDI R&D Laboratories) Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 398 ]
Proposal of an Appendix of Y.2111 Revision2 relevant to the comparison of specifications of the reference points between Rc and Rm in RACF � KDDI Corporation (KDDI R&D Laboratories) Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 397 ]
Proposal of an Appendix of Y.2111 Revision2 relevant to the performance notification between RACF and MPM based on the communications of multiple MPM functions � KDDI Corporation (KDDI R & D Laboratories) Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 396 ]
Proposal of the revision of the generic resource and admission control functional architecture in Y.2111 Revision2 � KDDI Corporation (KDDI R&D Laboratories) Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 394 ]
Addition of information components exchanged over Rs, Rt and Rp reference points for multicast scenario in Y.RACF Revision 2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 393 ]
Modification of description about resource control scenarios for multicast in Y.RACF Revision 2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 389 ]
Restructuring inter-operator end-to-end resource control scenarios � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 388 ]
Restructuring resource control scenarios for wholesale � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 387 ]
Restructuring resource control scenarios for nomadicity � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2009-08-26
[ 204 ]
Proposed modification of Y.iptvintwrm � KDDI Corporation Q12/13 2009-08-21
[ 203 ]
Proposed modification to NGN Mobility Management Roadmap � KDDI Corporation Q1/13 2009-08-21
[ 20 ]
Proposal for the communications between the RACF and MPM � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2009-01-05
[ 15 ]
Proposal for the description updates of Y.iptvintwkrm � KDDI Corporation Q12/13 2009-01-05
Resultats:30 documents
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