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UIT-T�SG 13� C�


R�seaux futurs, y compris les r�seaux mobiles et les r�seaux de prochaine g�n�ration

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

Resultats:16 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q28/13�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1469 ]
Proposal for revision of "Conventions" clause in cloud related documents � TELEKOMUNIKACJA POLSKA S.A. Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-05-28
[ 1449 ]
Structured Approach and Methodology to Organize Cloud Security Work � Applied Communication Sciences Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13, Q16/13 2012-05-28
[ 1382 ]
Venues for ITU-T work on Cloud Computing � United States of America Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-05-22
[ 1381 ]
Issues regarding the proposal for Joint Work with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC38 � United States of America Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-05-22
[ 1295 ]
Proposal for supplement of summary, key words, reference to Y.ccrm � DaTang Telecommunication Technology & Industry Holding Co. Ltd , MII China Q28/13 2012-05-22
[ 1293 ]
Editing proposal for resource control and scheduling in Y.ccrm � DaTang Telecommunication Technology & Industry Holding Co. Ltd , MII China Q28/13 2012-05-22
[ 1292 ]
Proposal for add resource allocation capability in Y.ccrm � DaTang Telecommunication Technology & Industry Holding Co. Ltd , MII China Q28/13 2012-05-22
[ 1261 ]
Proposal for revisions to Y.ccrm text � Microsoft Corporation Q28/13, Q27/13 2012-05-21
[ 1258 ]
Proposals to establish a liaison with OASIS IDCloud � Microsoft Corporation Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13, Q16/13 2012-05-21
[ 1257 ]
Proposal for revising the text of Q.28/13 � Microsoft Corporation Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-05-21
[ 1256 ]
Proposal related to Cloud Security � Microsoft Corporation Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13, Q16/13 2012-05-21
[ 1252 ]
General remark on the Recommendations developement � Microsoft France Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-05-21
[ 1249 ]
Consent of WP 6/13 Recommendations � Canada Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-05-21
[ 1224 ]
Proposal for new work item Cloud Computing Resources Management Requirements and Capabilities � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q28/13 2012-05-21
[ 1223 ]
Proposal for new project for Cloud Service Life Cycle Management � Microsoft Corporation Q28/13 2012-05-19
[ 1222 ]
Clarification of "Role" etc. � Microsoft Corporation , Cisco Systems Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-05-18
Resultats:16 documents
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