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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 13 : R�union�2012-06-04�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 13� TD�(2012-06-04)�


R�seaux futurs, y compris les r�seaux mobiles et les r�seaux de prochaine g�n�ration

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2012-06-04 au 2012-06-15

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : [ 2012-06-04 ]� 2012-02-172012-02-062011-10-102011-05-202011-01-172010-09-162010-04-192010-01-292009-09-022009-05-222009-01-12

Documents Temporaires �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 303-GEN ]
Report of joint meeting on Cloud Security among Q.26, Q.27, Q.28/13, Q.16/13 and Q.8/17 � Chair of the joint session on cloud security Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13, Q16/13 2012-06-15
[ 302-GEN ]
Proposed agenda for joint meeting between Q26,27,28/13 and Q8/17 � Chairman of WP6 Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13, Q16/13 2012-06-11
[ 301-GEN ]
Presentation on Direct Document Posting (DDP) � TSB QALL/13 2012-06-07
[ 300-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for the Ad-Hoc meeting on the Next Study Period (NSP) � Vice Chairman of SG 13 QALL/13 2012-06-04
[ 299-GEN ]
ITU's conformity assessment program and ITU interop events and their relevance to ITU-T SG13 � TSB QALL/13 2012-06-01
Documents affich�s : 5 sur un total de 29� relatifs � cette r�union (en voir plus...)

Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 320-PLEN ]
WP 2/13 approved liaisons � Chairman, WP 2/13 Q3/13, Q24/13, Q12/13 2012-06-15
[ 319-PLEN ]
Report of Working Party 2/13 (Service requirements, scenarios and evolution aspects) � Chairman, WP 2/13 Q3/13, Q24/13, Q12/13 2012-06-15
[ 318-PLEN ]
Liaisons from WP 5/13 � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2012-06-15
[ 317-PLEN ]
WP3/13 meeting report � WP3/13 chairman Q9/13, Q5/13, Q22/13 2012-06-15
[ 316-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2063 (Y.WoT) - Framework of Web of Things - for consent � Editors Q12/13 2012-06-15
Documents affich�s : 5 sur un total de 56� relatifs � cette r�union (en voir plus...)

Documents Temporaires �(WP1) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 202-WP1 ]
WP 1/13 meeting report � Chairman WP 1/13 Q25/13, Q15/13, Q10/13 2012-06-12
[ 201-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2069 (Y.Terms-IoT) - Terms and definitions for Internet of Things, (ITU-T SG13, 4-15 June 2012) � Editors Q25/13 2012-06-12
[ 200-WP1 ]
Question text of WP1/13 Questions for next study period � WP 1/13 Chairman Q25/13, Q15/13, Q10/13 2012-06-12
[ 199-WP1 ]
Outgoing Liaisons from WP1/13 � WP1 Chairman Q25/13, Q15/13, Q10/13 2012-06-12
[ 198-WP1 ]
LS on IoT terminology � Rapporteur Q25/13 2012-06-12
Documents affich�s : 5 sur un total de 32� relatifs � cette r�union (en voir plus...)

Documents Temporaires �(WP2) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 370-WP2 ]
n/a � n/a N/A 2012-06-14
[ 369-WP2 ]
Reply liaison statement to Q17/5 on draft Recommendation Y.energyMRM "Energy Measurement of Networks � Rapporteur Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 368-WP2 ]
Living list of Q12/13 - Y.sms-woo (Smart Media Service Models and Scenarios using Web of Objects) � Rapporteur Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 367-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.sun-cdf, Functional architecture of content delivery in smart ubiquitous network � Editor Q12/13 2012-06-13
[ 366-WP2 ]
Updated draft of Y.energyMRM � Editor Q12/13 2012-06-13
Documents affich�s : 5 sur un total de 53� relatifs � cette r�union (en voir plus...)

Documents Temporaires �(WP3) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 251-WP3 ]
Output of draft Recommendation Y.MC-URM " � Editors Q9/13 2012-06-14
[ 249-WP3 ]
Living list for NGN-IoT-arch, Proposal for revising NGN functional extensions for support of the Internet of Things � Editors Q5/13 2012-06-14
[ 248-WP3 ]
Output draft Rec. IPTV-IDF � Editors Q5/13 2012-06-14
[ 247-WP3 ]
Output of draft Recommendation Y.MC-eMMTel "Capabilities of multi-connection to support enhanced Multimedia Telephony (eMMTel) services" � Editors Q9/13 2012-06-14
[ 246-WP3 ]
Output of draft Recommendation Y.MC-SELECT " Intelligent Access Selection in Multi-Connection" � Editors Q9/13 2012-06-14
Documents affich�s : 5 sur un total de 33� relatifs � cette r�union (en voir plus...)

Documents Temporaires �(WP4) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 257-WP4 ]
Justification for Y.CDNi-QoS " QoS enablement requirements and mechanisms for interconnected content delivery networks (CDNs)" and Y.rTF, "Requirements for reconfigurable Transport Functions in NGN" � Rapporteur Q4/13 2012-06-14
[ 256-WP4 ]
Recommendation Y.2705 (Y.ETS-Sec), Minimum Security Requirements for Interconnection of Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS) � Editors Q16/13 2012-06-14
[ 255-WP4 ]
Output Draft Supplement: NGN Security Planning and Operations � Editors Q16/13 2012-06-14
[ 252-WP4 ]
Q16/13 living list � Rapporteur Q16/13 2012-06-14
[ 251-WP4 ]
Q16/13 meeting report � Rapporteur Q16/13 2012-06-14
Documents affich�s : 5 sur un total de 32� relatifs � cette r�union (en voir plus...)

Documents Temporaires �(WP5) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 243-WP5 ]
Outgoing LS � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2012-06-14
[ 242-WP5 ]
Updated draft new Recommendation Y.SUN-overview � Editor Q21/13 2012-06-14
[ 241-WP5 ]
Meeting report of Q.21/13 (future networks) � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2012-06-14
[ 240-WP5 ]
Output document - Recommendation Draft: Framework of Data Aware Networking for Future Networks (Y.FNDAN) � Editor Q21/13 2012-06-14
[ 239-WP5 ]
Draft Recommendation of Y.FNsdn " Framework of software-defined networking for carrier networks in Future Networks " � Editors Q21/13 2012-06-14
Documents affich�s : 5 sur un total de 37� relatifs � cette r�union (en voir plus...)

Documents Temporaires �(WP6) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 63-WP6 ]
Outgoing Liaisons from WP6/13 � Chairman WP 6/13 Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-06-13
[ 62-WP6 ]
Report of Working Party 6/13 (Cloud Computing) � Chairman WP 6/13 Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-06-13
[ 61-WP6 ]
Question text of WP6/13 Questions for next study period � WP 6/13 Chairman Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-06-13
[ 60-WP6 ]
Liaison statement for joint work with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38/WG3 � WP6/13 Chair Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-06-13
[ 59-WP6 ]
The revised Question description of Q27 for New Study Period � Rapporteur Q27/13 2012-06-13
Documents affich�s : 5 sur un total de 63� relatifs � cette r�union (en voir plus...)

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