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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 13 : R�union�2011-10-10�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 13� C�(2011-10-10)�


R�seaux futurs, y compris les r�seaux mobiles et les r�seaux de prochaine g�n�ration

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2011-10-10 au 2011-10-21

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-06-042012-02-172012-02-062011-05-202011-01-172010-09-162010-04-192010-01-292009-09-022009-05-222009-01-12

Resultats:60 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q19/13�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1165 ]
Proposes to add flows of CDF and CDNs communication � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Q19/13 2011-10-03
[ 1164 ]
Proposal for DSN interworking with PLMN CS Domain � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2011-10-03
[ 1160 ]
Recommendation about the trigger mechanism for supplement services in DSN MMTEL � China Q19/13 2011-10-03
[ 1159 ]
Proposed for supplementary services support in DSN � China Q19/13 2011-10-03
[ 1157 ]
Proposes to modify the description of FEs of RLF � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-10-03
[ 1124 ]
Proposal of adding the session cancelling for Y.dsnmmtel � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1123 ]
Proposed text for information flows for Y.dsncdf � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1122 ]
Proposal to merge Appendix I and Appendix II in Y.dsnarch � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1121 ]
Proposal of external interfaces for CDF and CSAF in Y.dsncdf � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1120 ]
Discussion about reference point between EF and RLF in Y.dsnarch � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1119 ]
Flow for personal mobility support for MMTEL in Y.dsnmmtel � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1111 ]
Proposes to modify the information flows for content delivery � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1110 ]
Propose to add the general procedure of C2, C6, D2, A1 � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1109 ]
Proposes to modify the description of C3, C4, C5, D4 � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1108 ]
Proposes to modify the description of CDF and FEs of CDF � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1104 ]
Proposal for Adding EF Inter-Domain Roaming in Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1103 ]
Proposal for adding procedures for advertising insertion in clause 7.5 of Y.dsncdf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1102 ]
Proposal for adding procedures for content node status information report in clause 7.5 of Y.dsncdf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1101 ]
Proposal for adding procedures for content registration in clause 7.5 of Y.dsncdf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1100 ]
Proposal for adding procedures for user generated content in clause 7.5 of Y.dsncdf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1099 ]
Proposal for modifying multi relay path update procedures in Y.dsnrf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1096 ]
Proposal for modifying node join procedures in Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1095 ]
Proposal for modifying node leave procedures in Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1094 ]
Proposal of adding DSN Service Routing scenarios related to service access in Y.dsnsr � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1093 ]
Proposal of adding service interconnection scenarios in Y.dsnsr � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1092 ]
Proposal of adding service routing functional architecture in Y.dsnsr � China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1065 ]
Proposal for adding the function description of node property query service of TOCF � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1064 ]
Proposal for modification to the security threat description of denial of service � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1063 ]
Proposes to delete lack of trust as a security threat � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1062 ]
Proposal for adding Service Data Path Setup for Multicast in Scenario 1 in Y.dsnrf � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1061 ]
Proposal for adding Relay Node Selection for Multicast in Scenario 2 in Y.dsnrf � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1060 ]
Proposal for adding Relay Node Selection for Multicast in Scenario 1 in Y.dsnrf � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1059 ]
Proposal for session establishment with overloaded node in Y.dsnmmtel � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1058 ]
Proposal for node join with overloaded node in Y.dsnmmtel � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1057 ]
Proposal for adding a the Evolution to DSN chapter in Y.dsnmmtel � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1056 ]
Proposes to add descriptions about function entities in DSN content delivery functions � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1055 ]
Proposes to add descriptions about content distribution process in DSN content delivery functions � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1054 ]
Proposes to modify the description of clause DLC(Delivery Control)-FE � China Mobile Communications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1053 ]
Proposes to modify the description of clause 7.1.9 CSAF � China Mobile Communications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1052 ]
Proposes to modify the description of clause 7.1.8 EF � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1051 ]
Proposes to modify the description of clause 7.1.5 TOCF � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1050 ]
Proposes to add descriptions and general information flows of A3 � China Mobile Communications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1030 ]
Propose to Add Content Management Flows to Describe the Content Delivery Function of DSN � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q19/13 2011-09-28
[ 1011 ]
Proposal for description on interworking in Y.dsnmmtel � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-28
[ 1010 ]
Proposal for modification related to Reference points between FEs in Y.dsncdf � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-28
[ 1009 ]
Proposal for clarifying concept of swarm and overlay in Y.dsnarch � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-28
[ 1002 ]
Proposal for modification of Annex A in Y.dsnarch � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q19/13 2011-09-28
[ 1001 ]
Proposed texts for describing interface between NEF and CDF in Y.dsnarch � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q19/13 2011-09-28
[ 1000 ]
Proposed modification of Figure 8-1 and Figure 8-2 for Y.dsnmmtel � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q19/13 2011-09-28
[ 989 ]
Editorial modification proposal for Y.DSNtocf � China Telecommunications Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-27
Resultats:60 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
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