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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 13 : R�union�2011-01-17�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 13� C�(2011-01-17)�


R�seaux futurs, y compris les r�seaux mobiles et les r�seaux de prochaine g�n�ration

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2011-01-17 au 2011-01-28

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-06-042012-02-172012-02-062011-10-102011-05-202010-09-162010-04-192010-01-292009-09-022009-05-222009-01-12

Resultats:23 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�MIIT, China�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 798 ]
Proposal for enriching the description of shortest path routing model in Y.PTDN_routing � CATR , MIIT, China Q20/13 2011-01-06
[ 797 ]
Proposal for enriching the description of alternative routing model in Y.PTDN_routing � CATR , MIIT, China Q20/13 2011-01-06
[ 796 ]
Clarifying the QoS guarantee of dual routing model in Y.PTDN_reliability � CATR , MIIT, China Q20/13 2011-01-06
[ 795 ]
Proposal for baseline text of draft recommendation for Y.PTDN_T_interface � CATR , MIIT, China Q20/13 2011-01-06
[ 794 ]
Proposal for baseline text of draft recommendation for Y.PTDN_M_interface � CATR , MIIT, China Q20/13 2011-01-06
[ 793 ]
Update the description of trail protection in Y.PTDN_reliability � CATR , MIIT, China Q20/13 2011-01-06
[ 792 ]
Update description of the shortest path routing model in Y.PTDN_reliability � CATR , MIIT, China Q20/13 2011-01-06
[ 791 ]
Proposal to initiate a work item to study Streaming Service capability over Multi-connection � MIIT, China Q9/13 2011-01-06
[ 790 ]
Proposal for adding description of Multi-connection service control functional entity in Y.MC-ARCH � MIIT, China Q9/13 2011-01-06
[ 789 ]
Proposal for Adding Description of Multi-connection Application Support Functional Entity in Y.MC-ARCH � MIIT, China Q9/13 2011-01-06
[ 788 ]
Proposal for UE Initiated Multi-connection Service Decomposition After Call Established � MIIT, China Q9/13 2011-01-06
[ 787 ]
Proposal for Network Initiated Multi-connection Service Decomposition After Call Established � MIIT, China Q9/13 2011-01-06
[ 786 ]
Proposal for Modification of Multi-connection Service Decomposition � MIIT, China Q9/13 2011-01-06
[ 785 ]
Proposal for adding a procedure for session termination in Y.dsnmmtel � MIIT, China Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 784 ]
Proposal for adding a procedure for session initiation in Y.dsnmmtel � MIIT, China Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 783 ]
Proposal for adding a basic communication description in Y.dsnmmtel � MIIT, China Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 782 ]
Proposal for adding a architecture description in Y.dsnmmtel � MIIT, China Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 780 ]
Proposal for adding reference points description of CDF architecture in chapter 7.1 in DSN CDF � MIIT, China Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 779 ]
Proposal for adding detailed description of CDF architecture in chapter 7 in DSN CDF � MIIT, China , China Mobile , China Unicom Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 777 ]
Proposal for adding chapter to describe the detailed requirements in DSN CDF � MIIT, China , China Unicom Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 775 ]
Proposal for a new Recommendation on Terminology of the Internet of Things � MIIT, China Q5/13, Q3/13, Q2/13 2011-01-06
[ 774 ]
Draft Y.dpireq -Proposal for editor's notes:27,35 � MIIT, China Q17/13 2011-01-06
[ 773 ]
Proposal for editor's notes:10,11,12,18,19 � MIIT, China Q17/13 2011-01-06
Resultats:23 documents
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