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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 13 : R�union�2011-01-17�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 13� C�(2011-01-17)�


R�seaux futurs, y compris les r�seaux mobiles et les r�seaux de prochaine g�n�ration

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2011-01-17 au 2011-01-28

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-06-042012-02-172012-02-062011-10-102011-05-202010-09-162010-04-192010-01-292009-09-022009-05-222009-01-12

Resultats:58 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q19/13�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 892 ]
Proposal for adding data plane connection procedure for multicast in Y.dsnrf � ZTE Corporation , China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-10
[ 891 ]
Proposal for adding a procedure for node joining in Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation , Nokia Siemens Networks Q19/13 2011-01-10
[ 890 ]
Proposal for adding a procedure for node leaving in Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation , Nokia Siemens Networks Q19/13 2011-01-10
[ 889 ]
Proposal for adding QoS measurement procedure in Y.dsnrf � ZTE Corporation , China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-10
[ 888 ]
Proposal for adding service capability definition in Y.dsnarch � ZTE Corporation , China Unicom Q19/13 2011-01-10
[ 887 ]
Proposal for adding SUDC-related function to SCF in Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-01-10
[ 886 ]
Proposal for changing the structure of clause 8 in Y.dsnrf � ZTE Corporation , China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-10
[ 885 ]
Proposal for including network management studies in Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-01-10
[ 884 ]
Proposal for modifying secure data plane connection procedure in Y.dsnrf � ZTE Corporation , China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-10
[ 883 ]
Proposal for using SUDC to manage user data in DSN network in Y.dsnarch � ZTE Corporation , China Unicom Q19/13 2011-01-10
[ 833 ]
Proposal of new interfaces for SCF for Y.dsnarch for Jan.2011 meeting � ETRI Q19/13 2011-01-07
[ 832 ]
Proposals to resolve editor's notes in the Y.dsnarch for Jan.2011 meeting � ETRI Q19/13 2011-01-07
[ 831 ]
Proposed modification of Figure 7-2 and additional texts for CDF/FEs � ETRI Q19/13 2011-01-07
[ 830 ]
Proposed modification on the behaviour of NEF and flows for Appendix.I.2.4 � ETRI Q19/13 2011-01-07
[ 829 ]
Proposed changes to clause 6 to cover DSN characteristics in Y.dsnarch � ETRI Q19/13 2011-01-07
[ 828 ]
Proposal for modification of Appendix I in Y.dsnarch � ETRI Q19/13 2011-01-07
[ 810 ]
Proposal for adding dynamic network information of T2 in Y.dsntocf � China Telecom Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 809 ]
Proposal for adding procedure C5 in Y.DSNarch � China Telecom Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 806 ]
Proposal for redefining and renaming OPE-FE and OPS-FE in Y.dsntocf � China Telecom Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 805 ]
Proposal for some minor changes in Y.dsntocf � China Telecom Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 804 ]
Proposal for adding external interface description in TOCF � China Telecom Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 785 ]
Proposal for adding a procedure for session termination in Y.dsnmmtel � MIIT, China Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 784 ]
Proposal for adding a procedure for session initiation in Y.dsnmmtel � MIIT, China Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 783 ]
Proposal for adding a basic communication description in Y.dsnmmtel � MIIT, China Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 782 ]
Proposal for adding a architecture description in Y.dsnmmtel � MIIT, China Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 781 ]
Proposal for adding content naming principles in chapter 6 and relative appendix in DSN CDF � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 780 ]
Proposal for adding reference points description of CDF architecture in chapter 7.1 in DSN CDF � MIIT, China Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 779 ]
Proposal for adding detailed description of CDF architecture in chapter 7 in DSN CDF � MIIT, China , China Mobile , China Unicom Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 778 ]
Proposal for adding detailed functional description in chapter 6 in DSN CDF � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 777 ]
Proposal for adding chapter to describe the detailed requirements in DSN CDF � MIIT, China , China Unicom Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 776 ]
Proposal for adding abbreviation in chapter abbreviation and acronyms in DSN CDF � MITT, China Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 752 ]
Proposal for adding Relay Node status information report procedure in Y.dsnrf � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 751 ]
Proposal for adding multi relay path update procedure in Y.dsnrf � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 750 ]
Proposal for modifying the subsection 8.1.2 in Y.dsnrf � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 749 ]
Proposal for adding Relay Node registration procedure in Y.dsnrf � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 748 ]
Proposal for adding Relay Node Selection Procedures in Y.dsnrf � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 747 ]
Proposal for modifying the description of status information reporting of RF in chapter 7.2.3 for Y dsnarch � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 746 ]
Proposal for adding new description of Resource registration in chapter 7.2.2 for Y.dsnarch � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 745 ]
Proposal for modifying the description related to CDF in Y.dsnarch � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 744 ]
Propose to add description to service triggering function of SCF in Annex A for Y.dsnarch � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 743 ]
Proposed description of 'functions'in chapter 6 for Y.dsnarch � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 742 ]
Proposed description of 'content management' and 'content information maintenance' in chapter 7.2.4 for Y.dsnarch � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 741 ]
Proposed description of the report manners of CDF status in chapter 7.2.4 for Y.dsnarch � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 740 ]
Proposed for modify figure 7-5 which is describing RLF in chapter 7.3.3 for Y.dsnarch � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 739 ]
Proposed functions of EF in chapter 7.2.8 for Y.dsnarch � China Mobile Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 738 ]
Propose to add sub-clause to describe the content storage function of DSN CDF � Huawei Technologies Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 737 ]
Propose to add sub-clause to describe the content delivery function of DSN CDF � Huawei Technologies Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 732 ]
Proposal for Re-organizing the content structure of Chapter 8 in Y.dsnmmtel � Nokia Siemens Networks Q19/13 2011-01-05
[ 731 ]
Proposal for adding procedures for node graceful leaving influence on session level communication in Y.dsnmmtel � Nokia Siemens Networks Q19/13 2011-01-05
[ 730 ]
Proposal for adding procedures for node join influence on session level communication in Y.dsnmmtel � Nokia Siemens Networks Q19/13 2011-01-05
Resultats:58 documents
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