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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 13 : R�union�2009-09-02�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 13� C�(2009-09-02)�


R�seaux futurs, y compris les r�seaux mobiles et les r�seaux de prochaine g�n�ration

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2009-09-02 au 2009-09-12

Lieu : Argentine [Mar del Plata]

Autres r�unions : 2012-06-042012-02-172012-02-062011-10-102011-05-202011-01-172010-09-162010-04-192010-01-292009-05-222009-01-12

Resultats:39 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�ETRI�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 392 ]
Proposed a comparative table for Y.OSE-arch � ETRI Q5/13 2009-08-26
[ 391 ]
Proposal for updating texts on clause 8 in Y.OSE-arch � ETRI Q5/13 2009-08-26
[ 390 ]
Proposal for updating texts on Y.OSE-arch � ETRI Q5/13 2009-08-26
[ 386 ]
Proposal for design principle for ID/Loc separation architecture of Y.FAid-loc-split" � ETRI Q5/13 2009-08-26
[ 385 ]
Proposal for revised draft Recommendation on "Identification and configuration of resources for Multi-Connection (Y.MC-ID)" � ETRI Q9/13 2009-08-26
[ 384 ]
Suggestion of Text for Introduction in Draft Recommendation Y.MM-WAU � ETRI Q8/13 2009-08-26
[ 383 ]
Revised Text for Draft Recommendation Y.MM-WAU (v0.4) � ETRI Q8/13 2009-08-26
[ 374 ]
Proposal for Interworking scenario between IPv4 Node ID and IPv6 Node ID in Y.ipv6split � ETRI Q7/13 2009-08-26
[ 373 ]
Proposed Texts for the section 6 in Y.ipv6split � ETRI Q7/13 2009-08-26
[ 372 ]
Revised draft Recommendation on "Framework of ID/LOC separation in IPv6-based NGN (Y.ipv6split)" � ETRI Q7/13 2009-08-26
[ 371 ]
Proposed Texts for the section 8 in Y.ipv6split � ETRI Q7/13 2009-08-26
[ 370 ]
Proposal for update texts of mapping procedure for ID/LOC separation in NGN of Y.ipv6split � ETRI Q7/13 2009-08-26
[ 369 ]
Revised texts for living list on web service architecture over NGN � ETRI Q12/13 2009-08-26
[ 368 ]
Revised Draft Recommendation Y.UbiNet-hn, Framework of home network using ubiquitous networking � ETRI Q12/13 2009-08-26
[ 367 ]
Revised Draft Recommendation Y.ipv6-object, Framework of object mapping using IPv6 in NGN � ETRI Q7/13 2009-08-26
[ 366 ]
Revised figure on high-level architectural model for ubiquitous networking in Y.NGN-UbiNet � ETRI Q5/13 2009-08-26
[ 365 ]
Responses for France Telecom's comments on Y.NGN-UbiNet � ETRI Q5/13 2009-08-26
[ 364 ]
Revised Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-UbiNet(Overview and principles for ubiquitous networking in NGN) � ETRI Q5/13 2009-08-26
[ 300 ]
A Proposal for update of service and capability requirements of Y.USN-reqts � ETRI Q3/13 2009-08-25
[ 299 ]
A Proposal for update of Clause 1 to 6 Y.USN-reqts � ETRI Q3/13 2009-08-25
[ 298 ]
A Proposal for update of Appendix in 6 Y.USN-reqts � ETRI Q3/13 2009-08-25
[ 287 ]
Proposed change of reference configuration model of a Networked Vehicle for draft Y.NGN-vehicle � ETRI (Rep. of Korea) Q12/13 2009-08-24
[ 286 ]
Proposed NGN functional requirements for draft Y.NGN-vehicle � ETRI (Rep. of Korea Q12/13 2009-08-24
[ 267 ]
Proposed text of Identification of resources in Y.MC-ID � ETRI Q9/13 2009-08-24
[ 266 ]
Proposed updated text of vertical multi-homing scenarios for establishing multiple network connections � ETRI Q7/13 2009-08-24
[ 265 ]
Proposed text of functional architecture of vertical multi-homing � ETRI Q7/13 2009-08-24
[ 264 ]
Proposed text of vertical multi-homing scenarios as an aspect of each layer's multi-homing capabilities � ETRI Q7/13 2009-08-24
[ 263 ]
Proposed scenarios for digital sign service over FMC � ETRI (Rep. of Korea) Q14/13 2009-08-24
[ 262 ]
Proposed supplement for service scenarios over FMC � ETRI (Rep. of Korea) Q14/13 2009-08-24
[ 261 ]
CPE attachment and detachment scenarios for subscription-based QoS � ETRI Q4/13 2009-08-24
[ 260 ]
Proposal for Mobile VPN Framework and Scenarios � ETRI Q8/13 2009-08-24
[ 259 ]
Proposed modification of draft supplement Y.dsnscen "Supplement on DSN scenarios" � ETRI Q19/13 2009-08-24
[ 258 ]
Proposal of additional requirements for Y.dsnreq � ETRI Q19/13 2009-08-24
[ 257 ]
Proposed modification of Y.dsnreq � ETRI Q19/13 2009-08-24
[ 207 ]
New title of Y.hapas � ETRI Q14/13 2009-08-21
[ 206 ]
General description of profile based application adaptation service � ETRI Q14/13 2009-08-21
[ 205 ]
Comments on draft recommendation Y.IPTV-TM � ETRI Q4/13 2009-08-21
[ 198 ]
Proposal of New Work Item on Unified Mobility Control Architecture � ETRI Q8/13 2009-08-21
[ 193 ]
Proposal of draft new recommendation related to "Security risk management in NGN" � ETRI Q16/13 2009-08-20
Resultats:39 documents
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