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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG09 : R�union�2011-11-21�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG09� TD�(2011-11-21)�


Video transport and quality & Terminals and applications

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2011-11-21 au 2011-11-25

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-04-30� [ 2011-11-21 ]� 2011-03-142010-11-192010-07-19� 2010-03-19� 2009-10-262009-02-02

Resultats:14 documents
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�Source:�ITU-R�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 662-GEN ]
Report on ITU-R WP 6C works � ITU-T SG 9 Liaison Rapporteur to ITU-R WP 6C Q2/9, Q12/9 2011-11-03
[ 659-GEN ]
LS - Requirements for hybrid broadcast applications � ITU-R Working party 6B QALL/9 2011-11-03
[ 658-GEN ]
LS - Guide to ITU-R and ITU-T Recommendations relevant to interactive broadcasting services � ITU-R Working Party 6B QALL/9 2011-11-03
[ 654-GEN ]
LS - Working document towards the revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1534 � ITU-R WP6C QALL/9 2011-11-02
[ 617-GEN ]
LS - Subjective assessment of television picture quality � ITU-R WP 6C Q2/9, Q12/9 2011-06-17
[ 616-GEN ]
LS - Scalable View-Range Representation For FTV (Free Viewpoint TV) � ITU-R WP 6C Q1/9 2011-06-16
[ 615-GEN ]
LS - Call for Contributions: Problems, pitfalls, misuse, and misconceptions with listening tests according to Recommendations ITU-R BS.1116 and ITU-R BS.1534 � ITU-R WP6C QALL/9 2011-06-16
[ 614-GEN ]
LS - Draft New Recommendation ITU-T J.3D - Fatigue -Assessment methods of visual fatigue and safety guidelines for 3D video � ITU-R Working Party 6C Q2/9, Q12/9 2011-06-14
[ 613-GEN ]
LS - Hybrid Broadcast Application Framework � ITU-R Working Party 6B Q4/9 2011-06-10
[ 605-GEN ]
LS - Further work on Power Line Telecommunications - Observations on the concept of EMC Coordination and consideration of an alternative scenario for developing an ITU solution for managing the impact of PLT on the RF spectrum � ITU-R Study Group 6 QALL/9 2011-05-30
[ 604-GEN ]
LS - Further work on Power Line Telecommunications - Coupling of the RF energy used in PLT installations into radiation � ITU-R Study Group 6 QALL/9 2011-05-30
[ 597-GEN ]
LS - ITU-R Recommendations to the attention of ITU-T Study Group 9 - Recommendation ITU-R BT.1122-2 "User requirements for codecs for emission and secondary distribution systems for SDTV and HDTV": � ITU-R Q1/9 2011-05-04
[ 596-GEN ]
ITU-R Recommendations to the attention of ITU-T Study Group 9 - Recommendation ITU-R BT.1889 "Common application environment for interactive digital broadcasting services � ITU-R Q4/9 2011-05-04
[ 595-GEN ]
LS - ITU-T work on possible disturbance between IMP and broadband cable and TV networks � ITU-R Working Party 5D Q14/9 2011-05-02
Resultats:14 documents
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