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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG05 : R�union�2011-04-27�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG05� C�(2011-04-27)�


ICT and climate change

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2011-04-27 au 2011-05-05

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-10-082012-04-112011-09-202010-11-232010-10-012010-04-122010-01-192009-10-122009-05-252008-11-24

Resultats:30 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q18/5�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 290 ]
Due Diligence Requirements for Conflict Minerals � RIM , KPN , Telef�nica Q23/5, Q22/5, Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2011-04-16
[ 289 ]
L.methodology ICT Goods, Networks and Services, Comparative assessments � France Telecom Orange Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 288 ]
Draft Recommendation L_methodology_ICT in Countries (Skeleton version updated to fit with L.1400Last Call Text and Comments) � France Telecom Orange Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 287 ]
Life cycle inventory (LCI) � European Union Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 286 ]
Impact categories � European Union Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 285 ]
Contribution to Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.methodology_ICT for organisations � European Union Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 284 ]
Contribution to Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.methodology_ICT goods, networks � European Union Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 283 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.methodology_ICT goods, networks and services � European Union Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 282 ]
Submission to ITU-T meeting on Methodologies for energy consumption and normalisation for mobile networks � GSMA Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 278 ]
Proposal to Merge ITU-T Questions Q17/5 and Q20/5 � UK Q23/5, Q22/5, Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2011-04-16
[ 277 ]
Items for Discussion � Alcatel Lucent , France Telecom Orange Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 276 ]
Draft Recommendation on L.methodology_ICT goods, networks and services: New Text after Split into 2 parts � Alcatel Lucent Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 275 ]
Data Collection : Draft Recommendation on L.methodology_ICT goods, networks and services � Alcatel Lucent Q20/5, Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 274 ]
A5 Agreement with the GHG Protocol Initiative � Alcatel Lucent Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 273 ]
Revised ToC for Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.methodology_ICT goods, networks and services � Alacatel Lucent Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 269 ]
Contribution to the L.1400 series of methodologies � Italy Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 268 ]
L.Methodology Organizations and its relation to ISO 14064-1 � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 267 ]
Considerations on uncertainty and the use of LCA for goods, networks, services and organizations (Input to L.Methodology_Goods, networks and services and L.Methodology_ICT in organizations) � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 261 ]
Proposal for improvement of L.methodology_ICT goods, networks and services � ETRI Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 260 ]
Proposal for some editorial and technical improvements of L.methodology_ICT_projects � ETRI Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 259 ]
Proposal for simplification of GHG reduction- and energy consumption saving-relevant terminologies � ETRI Q18/5 2011-04-16
[ 252 ]
Proposal on the detailed discussion about the description of the methodology � Japan Q18/5 2011-04-15
[ 244 ]
Collaboration and harmonization issue with IEC/TR 62726 of IEC TC 111 � Korea (Rep. of) Q18/5 2011-04-15
[ 243 ]
Collaboration and harmonization issue with IEC/TR 62725 of IEC TC 111 � Korea (Rep. of) Q18/5 2011-04-15
[ 237 ]
Proposal for Clause 10 and 11 of L.methodology_ICT_projects � Korea (Rep. of) Q18/5 2011-04-15
[ 236 ]
Proposal for improvement of L.methodology ICT in organizations � Korea (Rep. of) Q18/5 2011-04-15
[ 235 ]
Gap analysis and an overall map of assessment methodologies � Korea (Rep. of) Q18/5 2011-04-15
[ 234 ]
Proposal for the work scope of L.methodology ICT in countries � Korea (Rep. of) Q18/5 2011-04-15
[ 232 ]
Proposal for update of Clause of L.methodology_ICT in organizations, "Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.methodology_ICT in Organizations" � Korea (Rep. of) Q18/5 2011-04-15
[ 224 ]
Methodology to evaluate the GHG Impact of ICT in Cities- Skeleton Version Draft B � UK Q18/5 2011-04-15
Resultats:30 documents
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