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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG05 : WP 3/5�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG05� C�(2010-01-19)�


ICT and climate change

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2010-01-19 au 2010-01-22

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-10-082012-04-112011-09-202011-04-272010-11-232010-10-012010-04-122009-10-122009-05-252008-11-24

Resultats:17 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q18/5�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 100 ]
Proposed Endorsement of "Specification for the reuse of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and used Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE)" in an ITU-T Recommendation �
document withdrawn
UK Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2010-01-15
[ 99 ]
Proposed input to SG5 Recommendations on 'Data Centre Energy Efficiency' � Telecom Italia, BT and UK Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2010-01-15
[ 98 ]
Proposed New Recommendation on 'In-Use and Standby Power Saving Requirements for Broadband Equipment' � Telecom Italia, UK Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2010-01-15
[ 97 ]
Proposed Endorsement of IEEE 1680 environmental performance criteria for electronic products as ITU-T Recommendations � UK Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2010-01-15
[ 94 ]
Simple evaluation models for USN applications and services � ETRI Q18/5 2010-01-11
[ 93 ]
Modular method to assess positive and negative impacts � France Telecom Orange Q18/5 2010-01-11
[ 91 ]
Proposed Outline of L.methodology_ICT Goods and Services Document � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q18/5 2010-01-11
[ 89 ]
Eco-management guidance of ICT equipment � Federal Republic of Germany Q18/5 2010-01-08
[ 88 ]
Proposal for use of "ICT products" instead of "ICT goods and services" for L.methodology_ICT_goods and services � ETRI Q18/5 2010-01-08
[ 87 ]
Proposed Methodology for Evaluating Environmental Load of Network Infrastructure � Japan Q18/5 2010-01-08
[ 85 ]
Clarification for the work scope of L.methodology_ICT_in_organizations � Republic of Korea Q18/5 2010-01-08
[ 84 ]
Proposal for the initial draft Recommendation of L.methodology_ICT_projects, "Methodology for environmental impacts assessment of ICT projects" � Republic of Korea Q18/5 2010-01-08
[ 83 ]
Compliance with existing standards for L.methodology_ICT_projects � Republic of Korea Q18/5 2010-01-08
[ 82 ]
Proposal for the scope of L.methodology_ICT_projects � Republic of Korea Q18/5 2010-01-08
[ 81 ]
Proposal for the coverage of L.methodology_ICT_projects for various environmental issues � Republic of Korea Q18/5 2010-01-08
[ 79 ]
Information and proposal for clarification on the ICT sector � ETRI Q18/5 2010-01-08
[ 78 ]
Proposal for clarification on the ICT sector � ETRI Q18/5 2010-01-08
Resultats:17 documents
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