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UIT-T�SG 3� C�


Principes de tarification et de comptabilit� ainsi que des questions connexes de politique g�n�rale et d'�conomie des t�l�communications

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

Resultats:139 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 139 ]
Termes et d�finitions concernant les Recommandations relatives aux principes de tarification et de comptabilit� � Dem. Rep. of the Congo Q3/3 2012-08-22
[ 138 ]
R�capitulatif des modifications qu'il est recommand� d'apporter � la Recommandation UIT-T D.271 (�tendue) - Principes de taxation et de comptabilit� applicables aux NGN � Korea (Rep. of) Q1/3 2012-08-21
[ 137 ]
Proposition relative aux travaux futurs sur la Recommandation D.98: Tarification du service d'itin�rance mobile internationale � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/3 2012-08-21
[ 136 ]
R�percussions de l'Internet sur le trafic voix et SMS � SG3RG-AFR Q2/3, Q1/3 2012-08-13
[ 135 ]
R�glementation de l'itin�rance mobile internationale - Le cas du Sultanat d'Oman � Oman Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) Q2/3 2012-08-13
[ 134 ]
Projet de Suppl�ment � la Recommandation UIT-T D.50 �
Rev.1 concerns only the Spanish version
SG3RG-AFR Q1/3 2012-07-26
[ 133 ]
Lignes directrices sur la lutte contre la fraude � GSC Group Q2/3 2012-07-19
[ 132 ]
Lignes directrices sur le pr�paiement � GSC Group Q2/3 2012-07-19
[ 131 ]
Lignes directrices relatives � la gestion des d�lais de recouvrement des comptes clients � GSC Group Q2/3 2012-07-19
[ 130 ]
Credit Management Guidelines � GSC Group Q2/3 2012-07-19
[ 129 ]
GSMA press release announcing launch of data roaming transparency initiative � GSM Association Q2/3 2012-06-29
[ 128 ]
GSMA Information Paper: Overview of International Mobile Roaming � GSM Association Q2/3 2012-06-29
[ 127 ]
Report of the Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT) working group on international mobile roaming � SG3RG-AO Q2/3 2012-05-30
[ 126 ]
Report of ITU-T SG3RG-AO ad hoc group on IIC � SG3RG-AO Q1/3 2012-05-30
[ 125 ]
Comments on Recommendation ITU-T D.195 � SG3RG-AFR Q2/3 2012-05-29
[ 124 ]
Rapport du groupe ad hoc du Groupe SG3RG-AO sur les mod�les de co�ts � SG3RG-AO Q2/3 2012-05-29
[ 123 ]
Projet de suppl�ment � la Recommandation UIT-T D.98 � SG3RG-AFR Q2/3 2012-05-22
[ 122 ]
Informe del grupo ad hoc del SG3RG-LAC para el an�lisis de la conectividad internacional por Internet � SG3RG-LAC Q1/3 2012-03-27
[ 121 ]
Informe del grupo ad hoc del SG3RG-LAC sobre modelos de costos � SG3RG-LAC Q2/3, Q1/3 2012-03-27
[ 120 ]
Summary for Recommended Changes and Modifications in the D.271 � Korea (Republic of) Q1/3 2012-03-27
[ 119 ]
Information Paper: Overview of the Global Roaming Market outside of the European Union � GSM Association Q2/3 2012-01-05
[ 118 ]
UNUSED NUMBER � N/A � Q3/3 2012-01-05
[ 117 ]
Document de synth�se de la Chambre de commerce internationale (ICC): "R�seau f�d�rateur Internet et accords d'interconnexion" � AT&T Q1/3 2012-01-04
[ 116 ]
Proposition de mise � jour de la Recommandation D.271 concernant la signalisation fond�e sur l'�tat des flux �
Revision exists only in English
Korea (Republic of) Q1/3 2012-01-03
[ 115 ]
Aper�u des modifications qu'il est recommand� d'apporter � la Recommandation D.271 Aper�u des modifications qu'il est recommand� d'apporter � la Recommandation D.271 �
Revision exists only in English
Korea (Republic of) Q1/3 2012-01-03
[ 114 ]
Param�tres de taxation pour les services lanc�s par le protocole SIP �
Revision exists only in English
Korea (Republic of) Q1/3 2012-01-03
[ 113 ]
Proposition relative � la taxation NSIS �
Revisions 1 and 2 exist only in English
Korea (Republic of) Q1/3 2012-01-03
[ 112 ]
Proposition relative au projet de nouvelle Recommandation D.98 � Korea (Republic of) Q2/3 2012-01-03
[ 111 ]
A propos de la d�finition du terme "fraude" � United States of America Q5/3, Q3/3 2012-01-03
[ 110 ]
Regulation of tariff policies in the Democratic Republic of the Congo � Democratic Republic of the Congo Q3/3 2012-01-03
[ 109 ]
Study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication services � Democratic Republic of the Congo Q3/3 2011-12-20
[ 108 ]
Contribution du Br�sil relative au projet de nouvelle Recommandation D.98: Taxation du service d'itin�rance mobile internationale �
Question has been changed in relation to document
Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q2/3 2011-09-05
[ 107 ]
Strat�gie du Br�sil visant � augmenter le nombre de points d'�change Internet (IXP) � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q1/3 2011-09-05
[ 106 ]
Contribution en vue de l'�laboration annexe B de la Recommandation UIT-T D.156 � SG3RG-AFR Q3/3 2011-06-20
[ 105 ]
Proposition du Groupe SG3RG-AFR concernant la Recommandation D.99 � SG3RG-AFR Q2/3 2011-06-20
[ 104 ]
SG3RG-AFR proposal regarding draft new Recommendation D.98 � SG3RG-AFR Q2/3 2011-06-20
[ 103 ]
Proposition du Groupe SG3RG-AFR concernant la Recommandation D.50 � SG3RG-AFR Q1/3 2011-06-20
[ 102 ]
Connectivit� Internet internationale � SG3RG-AFR Q1/3 2011-06-20
[ 101 ]
International Internet Connectivity � Cameroon (Republic of) Q1/3 2011-06-10
[ 100 ]
D�finition du terme "fraude" � SG3RG-AFR Q5/3 2011-06-10
[ 99 ]
Final report of ITU Workshop on international mobile roaming, Noumea, New Caledonia, 11-14 April 2011 �
Please note that the question indicated on the document is not correct.
Micronesia (Federated States of) , Fiji (Republic of) , Kiribati (Republic of) , Marshall Islands (Republic of the) , Papua New Guinea , Samoa (Independent State of) , Tonga (Kingdom of) , Vanuatu (Republic of) Q2/3 2011-05-06
[ 98 ]
Observations �manant d'un groupe d'Iles du Pacifique sur la Recommandation relative � la taxation du service d'itin�rance mobile internationale � Micronesia (Federated States of) , Fiji (Republic of) , Kiribati (Republic of) , Marshall Islands (Republic of the) , Papua New Guinea , Samoa (Independent State of) , Tonga (Kingdom of) , Vanuatu (Republic of) Q2/3 2011-05-03
[ 97 ]
D�finition du terme "fraude" � Micronesia (Federated States of) , Fiji (Republic of) , Kiribati (Republic of) , Marshall Islands (Republic of the) , Papua New Guinea , Samoa (Independent State of) , Telecom New Zealand , Tonga (Kingdom of) , Tuvalu , Vanuatu (Republic of) , Vodafone Q5/3 2011-05-03
[ 96 ]
Scope of consideration of cybersecurity within the review of the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs) � United States of America Q3/3 2011-03-18
[ 95 ]
Proposed revisions to the International Telecommunications Regulations (ITRs) � United States of America Q3/3 2011-03-16
[ 94 ]
Partage des r�seaux et des investissements pour r�duire les co�ts de la connectivit� Internet internationale � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q1/3 2011-03-15
[ 93 ]
Proposal to improve the transition to IPv6 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q3/3 2011-03-15
[ 92 ]
Consid�rations relatives aux m�thodes de mesure de la connectivit� Internet internationale et des flux de trafic sur Internet � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q1/3 2011-03-15
[ 91 ]
Consid�rations relatives � l'Amendement 1 de la Recommandation D.156 et propositions d'ordre m�thodologique � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q3/3 2011-03-15
[ 90 ]
Comments on COM 3-C 77 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q3/3 2011-03-15
Resultats:139 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Suivant Next
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