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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : NGN-GSI : R�union�2012-02-06�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�NGN-GSI� TD-GEN�(2012-02-06)�


Initiative "Normes mondiales sur les r�seaux NGN"

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2012-02-06 au 2012-02-17

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� [ 2012-02-06 ]� 2011-10-10� 2011-05-09� 2011-01-17� 2010-09-06� 2010-04-19� 2010-01-18� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

Resultats:99 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�Source:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 949-GEN ]
Updated text for Y.SCN "Application of Sensor Control Networks over NGN" � Editor Q3/13 2012-02-17
[ 947-GEN ]
Living list for NGN-IoT-arch, Proposal for revising NGN functional extensions for support of the Internet of Things � Editors Q5/13 2012-02-17
[ 942-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation Y.MC-ARCH "Functional Architecture of Multi-connection" � Editors Q9/13 2012-02-16
[ 941-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation Y.MC-SELECT "Intelligent Access Selection in Multi-connection" � Editors Q9/13 2012-02-16
[ 940-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation Y.MC-eMMTel "Capabilities of multi-connection to support enhanced Multimedia Telephony (eMMTel) services" � Editors Q9/13 2012-02-16
[ 939-GEN ]
The output document of Y.MC-ID (February 2012) � Editors Q9/13 2012-02-16
[ 935-GEN ]
Initial draft of Y.energyMRM � Editor Q12/13 2012-02-16
[ 934-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.SUN-content, Framework of content awareness for smart ubiquitous networks � Editors Q12/13 2012-02-16
[ 933-GEN ]
Draft recommendation Y.SUN-context, "Framework of context awareness for Smart Ubiquitous Networks" � Editor Q12/13 2012-02-16
[ 932-GEN ]
Draft recommendation Y.energy-hn, "energy saving using smart objects in next generation home network" � Editor Q12/13 2012-02-16
[ 931-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IPTVintwVoD, Framework of interworking for IPTV VoD services � Editor Q12/13 2012-02-16
[ 930-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.ipev, Requirements for interworking between NGN and legacy IP-based networks � Editors Q12/13 2012-02-16
[ 929-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.WoT, Framework of Web of Things, (ITU-T NGN-GSI, 6 Feb. -17 Feb. 2012) � Editor Q12/13 2012-02-16
[ 928-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-Web, Functional Requirements and Architecture of Web Service Component in NGN � Editors Q12/13 2012-02-16
[ 927-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2062 (Y.UbiNet-hn), Framework of object-to-object communication using ubiquitous networking in NGN � Editors Q12/13 2012-02-16
[ 925-GEN ]
Y.MCC-arch: Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN for Multimedia Communication Centre � Editor Q5/13 2012-02-16
[ 919-GEN ]
Output version of Q.M9 � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-16
[ 918-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.M9 � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-16
[ 915-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation of "Resource Control and Management for Virtual Networks for Cloud Services(VNCs)" (version 0.5) � Editors Q28/13 2012-02-16
[ 914-GEN ]
[Q.WebMidcall] - Output of Q.WebMidcall "Signalling Requirements for Web based Mid-call services" � Editors Q2/11 2012-02-16
[ 913-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.3613 � Editors Q2/11 2012-02-16
[ 911-GEN ]
[Q.3613] - output of draft new Recommendation Q.3613 "Signalling requirements for touch screen terminal-based IVR services" � Editor Q2/11 2012-02-16
[ 910-GEN ]
Output Draft Recommendation Y.Terms-IoT � Editors Q25/13 2012-02-16
[ 909-GEN ]
Draft recommendation of Y.ipv6na � Editor Q7/13 2012-02-16
[ 904-GEN ]
Draft Supplement Y.iptv-ipmcast, Guidelines on deployment of IP multicast for IPTV content delivery � Editors Q5/13 2012-02-16
[ 902-GEN ]
Update of draft Recommendation Y.MOC-Reqts "Requirements for support of machine oriented communication applications in the NGN environment", output of the February 2012 Q3/13 meeting � Editors Q3/13 2012-02-17
[ 898-GEN ]
Draft ITU-T Recommendation Support for OAuth in NGN � Editor Q16/13 2012-02-16
[ 897-GEN ]
Draft ITU-T Recommendation Framework for supporting OAuth and OpenID in NGN � Editors Q16/13 2012-02-16
[ 896-GEN ]
Output Draft Recommendation Y.ETS-Sec, Minimum Security Requirements for Interconnection of Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS) � Editor Q16/13 2012-02-16
[ 895-GEN ]
Output Text for Draft Supplement on NGN Security Planning and Operations � Editors Q16/13 2012-02-16
[ 894-GEN ]
Output Text for Draft Supplement: NGN Certificate Management � Editors Q16/13 2012-02-16
[ 893-GEN ]
Draft Supplement Y.miptv-scen, Scenarios and Use cases of mobile IPTV � Editors Q24/13 2012-02-16
[ 892-GEN ]
Output of draft Y.IPTV-BS � Editors Q24/13 2012-02-16
[ 891-GEN ]
The output draft Supplement document of Y.son-ngn � Editors Q24/13 2012-02-16
[ 887-GEN ]
A.5 Justification for draft Recommendation Q.3304.1(ex Q.RcCOPSv2) � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-16
[ 886-GEN ]
Draft Amendment to Q.3307.1 � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-16
[ 884-GEN ]
A.5 Justification for draft Recommendation Q.3308.1(ex Q.Rhv1) � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-16
[ 883-GEN ]
[Q.Rhv1] Output Draft Recommendation Q.3308.1: Protocol at the interface between a Policy Decision Physical Entity (PD-PE) and a CPN Gateway Policy Enforcement Physical Entity (CGPE-PE ) (Rh interface) : COPS alternative [Clean] � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-16
[ 879-GEN ]
New draft Recommendation "Common requirements and capabilities of gateways for IoT applications" � Acting Editors Q3/13 2012-02-16
[ 878-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.miptv-req, Functional requirements of mobile IPTV � Editors Q3/13 2012-02-16
[ 877-GEN ]
Baseline of new draft Recommendation Y.NICE-reqts, "Requirements and capabilities for Network Intelligence Capability Enhancement (NICE)" � Editors Q3/13 2012-02-16
[ 876-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.EHM-reqts, (ITU-T SG 13 meeting, Geneva , 6-17 February, 2012) � Editors Q3/13 2012-02-16
[ 871-GEN ]
A.5 Justification for Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T X.603.1(2010) � Editors Q15/11 2012-02-15
[ 870-GEN ]
Output document of Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T X.603.1 (2010) � Editors Q15/11 2012-02-15
[ 869-GEN ]
Output document of Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T X.603(2004), Relayed multicast protocol: Framework � Editors Q15/11 2012-02-15
[ 866-GEN ]
Output of Draft Q.3301.1 v3: Resource control protocol No. 1, version 3 - Protocol at the Rs interface between service control entities and the policy decision physical entity: Diameter Profile � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-15
[ 864-GEN ]
A.5 Justification for draft Recommendation Q.3324.1(ex Q.RcCOPSv2) � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-15
[ 863-GEN ]
[Q.RwDiameterV2]: Draft Revised Q.3303.3 (Version.3): Resource control protocol no. 3 -Protocol at the interface between a Policy Decision Physical Entity (PD-PE) and a Policy Enforcement Physical Entity (PE-PE): Diameter Profile version 3 � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-15
[ 862-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation Y.IPTV-IDF � Editors Q5/13 2012-02-15
[ 860-GEN ]
Output of Draft Recommendation Q.3912 'monitoring parameters set for streaming services in NGN' � Editor Q9/11 2012-02-15
Resultats:99 documents
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